Probably. Although the globestation uses the new declaration (at least v2.x)
Doesn't matter, unfortunately - the new declaration turns off the *dock* magic, but not the *station* magic. You'd have to set is_carrier=false explicitly in 1.77 or earlier
Commander McLane wrote:
I think that's not an intended side-effect of a subentity ship script.
Well, not as such, no. All subentities have ship scripts: the default value is "oolite-default-ship-script.js".
If you explicitly add this to the ship script does it make a difference?
Yes, Thargoids as defense ships get launched then. However, the carrier launches too many of them. The carrier's script should launch only 5 at a time (to be precise, it should perform only 5 launchShipWithRole("thargoid")), yet during a small attack of mine 12 accepted launching requests were logged, and about 8 Thargoids were launched before I bit the dust.
Yes, Thargoids as defense ships get launched then. However, the carrier launches too many of them. The carrier's script should launch only 5 at a time (to be precise, it should perform only 5 launchShipWithRole("thargoid")), yet during a small attack of mine 12 accepted launching requests were logged, and about 8 Thargoids were launched before I bit the dust.
I can't duplicate this - adding a (functionally blank) shipscript to the dock didn't stop it launching defense ships, or cause it to launch too many. Could you send me the code to have a closer look at, please?