Fifty years of...

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Fifty years of...

Post by Cody »

... the lava lamp and the compact cassette.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Fifty years of...

Post by Smivs »

How depressing to learn that I am older than things which have been firstly the most novel of revelations, then ubiquitous, then so out of fashion that most people have probably forgotten them.
Mind you the lava lamp seems to be having a bit of a comeback at the moment, and I'm still here of course :)
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Fifty years of...

Post by Yah-Ta-Hey »

Ah! Yes! Going down memory lane:
My first computer: Radio Shack TRS-80 MK 1 with 2K memory and a cassette player
My first hand held calculator was manually run by hand and a little wand that moved slotted bars up and down
while you did the mental arithmetic.
My favorite geek tool: the slide rule.... who was the coolest kid in class... the one with the slide rule.
My first cellular: The BRICK! fashioned off the walkie talkie of military fame.
unfortunately, like me. outmoded and no longer in demand..... But what great memories!

I completely forgot: The abacus.. we were even taught in school how to use it along with how to use the fountain pen properly.. being left handed.. I always smeared and got rulered across the hand for it as there were no lefthanded people officially in school. Now my handwriting is horrible hen scratching but I am ambidextrious.
Bartle tester says while I am drinking evil juice, I am: 80% killer/ 80 % achiever/ 33% explorer and 0% socializer.
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