Ahhhh...! I was really bemused by the reference to a 'slipstick', but this last post made me realise that you were referring to a version of what I knew as a slide-rule'.Diziet Sma wrote:Heh.. I wish I still had the slipsticks from my final year of high school.. I had 3.. a really nice 15 inch high-precision unit, a kinda strange looking but very useful 3-sided 12 inch one, and a 6 inch circular disc that I could tuck into a textbook...Cody wrote:...only a slipstick.
I still have my 'scientific' slide rule, that I used at college when I did Applied Physics. I had a triangular sectional rule also, but I can't remember where that went. Electronic calculators were just coming onto the market, but were rare and horribly expensive. Most were Texas Instruments machines, I seem to remember.
I also have a beautiful Edwardian calculator, cylindrical in design, with exquisite markings, and in perfect working condition, which belonged to my grandfather. A treasured possession!
I have never owned an electronic calculator, I was always too prideful of my ability to add and multiply numbers in my head as fast as most people could operate a calculator! I'm not quite so quick any more, however, and frequently resort to the desktop calculator!