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Ship recomendations.

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Diziet Sma
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Diziet Sma »

maaarcooose wrote:
I really like the PitViper.
Funnily enough I had in mind something along the lines of this for a ship design, just less symmetrical. 3 is my lucky number.
Not sure I like the cross-hair on the hud though. A bit too busy for my liking, but I'm persevering.
I've never played with the included HUD.. I'm too fond of the Numeric HUD.
maaarcooose wrote:
Nice tough little ship with the military armour upgrade and the enhanced shields. Even when something sapped my front shields to nothing I didn't really feel like I was in any danger.

Now I'm out looking for trouble.

I hear you on that "didn't really feel like I was in any danger" bit.. It took me a while to get over the feeling that I was almost indestructible when flying it. Far from the truth of course, but it really does give the feeling that you're aboard a space-borne Main Battle Tank. :mrgreen: :twisted:
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Diziet Sma »

GGShinobi wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
:shock: How come I ain't got this oxp yet??!
Probably because Captain Beatnik hasn't yet added it to the Wiki. :wink:
GGShinobi wrote:
*grabbing fast*

Oh, and Diziet Sma, thanks for the info!! :D
You're most welcome! Have fun! :twisted:

Be sure to check out the entire thread for the two optional extras available. :wink:

You can tell how much I love mine, by the fact that it now features as my avatar. :lol:
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Solonar »

Fer de Lance 3G+, the Cadillac of assassin specialist vessels. :)

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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Diziet Sma wrote:
A Pitviper S.E. 'Beast' :twisted:

Excellent bounty-hunter's/assassin's ship, not much good for anything else, in fact. (of a civilian nature, anyway) To quote Captain Beatnik, "What the Boa II is to the trader, the Pitviper is to the bounty-hunter."
maaarcooose wrote:
I want to start a fresh Jameson and then trade my ship in for a ship that's good for assassination and bounty hunter missions.
No cargo running, just fast, tough and armed to the teeth. I'd prefer to go for a core ship if possible, oxp if necessary but nothing too uber.
That pretty much describes the Pitviper to a 'T'.. Fast, responsive, handles like a natural-born killer, only has two laser mounts, but mounts 9 pylons and has 9 TC of storage space for scooping escape pods. (or carrying raw materials for a Missile Machine) And tough as nails.. even ramming is an option, if you're careful. Those three sharp, forcefield-reinforced hulls make wicked can-openers.. :wink:

The shape makes them almost as hard to hit as an Imperial Courier, from the front or rear. Lots of gaps between the nacelles for shots to pass through.

If you take one for a test-drive, you just may become hooked.. I did. Before then, nothing tempted me away from my Cobby.. A Pitviper is damn-near the perfect killing-machine. :twisted: :twisted:

(best enjoyed with a joystick :mrgreen: )
Many thanks to our highly valued customer Diziet Sma for the kind review on the pitviper. We ask permission to include this review into the next issue of the magazine What Spaceship?.

With best regards from the Riredi system

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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Zieman »

maaarcooose wrote:
I want to start a fresh Jameson and then trade my ship in for a ship that's good for assassination and bounty hunter missions.
No cargo running, just fast, tough and armed to the teeth. I'd prefer to go for a core ship if possible, oxp if necessary but nothing too uber.
The Sunracer should fit perfectly.
Not too über, and with some luck you can change ships right @ Lave when starting a fresh Jameson.
And then upgrade it to the rebuffed ex-Naval version a bit later.
How come I didn't suggest this earlier? :roll:
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Gimbal Locke »

What about ShipBuilder's GalTech Escort Fighter?

2 tonnes cargo, 2 lasers and 2 missiles, speed 0.355 and 4 energy banks. Not "über" at all, the police version has slightly better stats.

The Bounty Hunter version of that ship looks awesome, I like the detail of showing off with the pirate skulls and the Thargoid ship on the side:
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by GGShinobi »

Diziet Sma wrote:
GGShinobi wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
:shock: How come I ain't got this oxp yet??!
Probably because Captain Beatnik hasn't yet added it to the Wiki. :wink:
I added it to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki] in the wiki... better than nothing! :D
Diziet Sma wrote:
Be sure to check out the entire thread for the two optional extras available. :wink:
Ohh, I didn't see these, indeed! Thanks again!!!! What would I do without you? :lol:
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Diziet Sma »

Captain Beatnik wrote:
Many thanks to our highly valued customer Diziet Sma for the kind review on the pitviper. We ask permission to include this review into the next issue of the magazine What Spaceship?.

With best regards from the Riredi system

Archemu Troggisian
key account manager
Coluber Works and Shipyards LTD.
Permission cheerfully granted! 8)
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Bogatyr »

Smivs wrote:
<shameless plug>
My Contractor is a dedicated bounty-hunter ship and is well worth a look, although it is rather expensive. Even if you decide not to fly the ship yourself the OXP also comes with an NPC hunter who is very good at what he does, and a rare pirate version who will give you some good sport.
</shameless plug>
Hey that's a nice looking ship! I'll definitley keep that one in mind once I've accumulated more credits than I could possibly need and retire to a life of bounty hunting, Thargoid bashing, and furball parties! And the specs don't seem too far out of line with the core ships to be unbalancing.
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Commander Uzi »

Ok - a couple of weeks in 80+ kills & a well equipped Cobra. Been doing effective milk runs & collecting bounty but to trade in I have enough to buy.....a Cobra Mk3 :shock:

How on earth do you get enough credits to buy another ship without using cheats?
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by cim »

Commander Uzi wrote:
Ok - a couple of weeks in 80+ kills & a well equipped Cobra. Been doing effective milk runs & collecting bounty but to trade in I have enough to buy.....a Cobra Mk3 :shock:

How on earth do you get enough credits to buy another ship without using cheats?
A few ways:
  • Persistence: you're some way off Elite rank yet, and the money will add up over time
  • Actual bounty hunting: jump to an Anarchy system with an empty hold, blow up pirate pythons, and scoop up the wreckage. Some of the containers will contain gold/platinum/gems worth a few hundred credits, plus the bounty, plus some of the other containers can be pretty good. (Similarly, piracy: don't get the bounty for the kills, but probably get better trade goods)
  • Search and rescue: you can get a few hundred credits a time for rescuing escape pods.
  • In-system trades: Rock hermits have different prices to the main station, and you can usually make a decent profit by exploiting the differences. Of course, you have to find them first.
  • Taxi: Long-distance passenger runs are pretty profitable, if you fit four or five cabins.
That's just in the core game. OXPs provide more ways to make money, some of which are sufficiently easy that you might well regard them as cheating.

Oh, and while it won't make a huge difference, get a maintenance overhaul for your ship before trying to trade it.
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Diziet Sma »

cim wrote:
  • Search and rescue: you can get a few hundred credits a time for rescuing escape pods.
In fact, when there's a furball going on outside a Main Station, I often ignore all the combat and just focus on scooping up escape pods.. unless they have a big price on their heads, it's more profitable than shooting up the combatants for their bounties.. :D
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Ship recomendations.

Post by Commander Wilmot »

Cobra Rapier might be a good mid step between (edit: cobra III) and the asp or pitviper, but it sounds like you are already there. Cmdr. Uzi might like it, it costs around price of cobra mk. III but it is faster, thiner, but with a bit less cargo and missiles.
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