“Switch your deflectors on. Double front” – Shields in Elite: Dangerous
Sandro Sammarco wrote:“Switch your deflectors on. Double front” – Shields in Elite: Dangerous
No one likes being shot at, even less getting hit. But that’s OK because this is the future and we have shields! Exactly how do they work though? Here’s what we are exploring at the moment:
Current Plan
Depending on ship size there will be one or more emitters, each emitter projects a shield zone around a section of the ship (which in the case of small vessels, may be the entire ship)
Each emitter requires power from a shield generator to create its area of shield
You can add shield generators that supply power to all emitters at the same time
You can add shield generators that give all their power to a single emitter
There is a maximum amount of generators that can be fitted in a ship, based on:
Space available and size of generator
Combined power draw of all components fitted in the ship
Shield zones have a maximum health from which damage is subtracted from before being applied to the hull of the ship
Shield zone maximum health is derived from the combined effect of all shield generators powering that zone
Global shield generators apply a proportional amount of their power depending on how many zones they are assigned to
If powered, a shield zone regenerates its health up to maximum at a set rate, based on the properties from all of the shield generators assigned to it
When a shield generator stops adding power to a shield zone (because it’s damaged or turned off) the zone’s maximum health slowly depletes to a new value based on remaining active generators
Shield zones have a resistance value which is the amount of damage they’re capable of ignoring when hit before damage is applied to its health value
The resistance value is derived from the aggregate of all connected shield generators
Damage occurring within a small enough time window is cumulative, allowing combined attacks to overcome resistance
So this is our initial take on shields, but there are a number of elements we still need to chew over:
We are going to have a number of different damage types in Elite: Dangerous, including thermal (lasers), kinetic (bullets) and explosives (and possibly more). How should shields interact with these damage types?
In addition, should there be weapons or equipment that is able to disrupt or disable shields directly, and if so, are there any interesting risk/reward mechanics we could employ?
We have the concept of shields and hull integrity, so when shields are down, death does not necessarily occur a heartbeat later. However, what does the shield health to hull integrity ratio look like in your minds? Should flying without any shields be a viable option, or do they form an integral part of every ships defence?
Finally, how should the shields look/what effects could we employ to show when they are powered, shot at, recharging, disabled, broken through etc?
Whatever systems we use, we will attempt to ensure that the rules and game play are legible and promote interesting player choices. This being said, do you think that what we have is too simple/about right, or just too darned complex?
We look forward to seeing which comments get through to us!
Useful headings when replying:
Damage Type
Shield Disruption
Shield/Hull Ratio
Shield Effects
DDF Proposals (up to post #264):
Damage Type
Allow shields to be modified to deal better with certain types of damage, depending on a player’s requirement.
Shields have 4 stats: Armour, Absorption, Health, Deflection. These stats change their effectiveness against different weapons, as well as their general quality.
Kinetic weapons are expensive but effective, to justify their continuing use in the future. Laser weapons are less effective but don’t have the constraint of requiring ammo.
Weapons add heat to objects they are attacking, which if allowed to get too high can cause system disruptions.
Kinetic weapon damage to shields and hulls is partially dependent on the range it is fired from.
Some weapons have a probability of ignoring shields or being completely stopped by shields
As opposed to preventing damage, shields simply reduce it.
Shields defend against all weapon types differently
Shield Disruption
There should only be a single shield generator, which then allocates its power to several emitters (these can be targeted, whereas the generator cannot).
There should be a certain type of weapon designed to disable shields (such as EMP bombs/missiles). This weapon should have little (if any) affect on the hull so you will need to switch weapons once the shields are down.
Types of weapons/missiles that can bypass shields entirely
The only way to disrupt a shield would be to put another shield generator within its sphere of influence.
Cosmic phenomena, like nebulas and space dust can disrupt shields.
Shield/Hull Ratio
Hulls should have better integrity than shields, to compensate for weapon types that ignore shields (such as kinetic weapons, potentially)
Shields most effective against lasers and least effective against kinetic damage (shield and hull are both equally effective against explosive damage)
Players can risk flying without shields (or with them down), for a perk such as being able to reallocate that power to other ship functions.
Explosives a more effective against the hull than shields and require the shield to be sufficiently diminished before having a chance of reaching the hull.
Ratio of 2:1, with shields being your primary defence.
Hulls should be resilient in their own right, only able to be ‘ripped open’ by balistics
Different class ships have different ratios of shield to hull. So merchant ships, for example, would have a more solid hull to reflect the nature of their industry.
Shield is primary defence 3:1
Hull primary defence 1:2
Shield Effects
A ‘slightly deformed’ bubble, which remains an equal distance from the ship hull all around the ship.
Laser blasts ‘scatter’ off of the shield, the weaker the shield, the less scattering.
Shields should be invisible when not taking damage, only lighting up momentarily when hit.
The shield damage effect is visibly more concentrated for hits near the emitter
As the shields takes damage they could vibrate. At first only a gentle shimmer as weapons hit, but becoming a chaotic wobble as the emitter's health is compromised.
When the emitter is very nearly gone, the shields could flicker in and out
Environmental items that collide with the ship should trigger the shield effect, if it has a large enough mass.
Shields increase your visibility/ heat signature to other players, depending on how strong they are (so having your shields off/low is better for stealth)
Colour of shield indicates how much it has been weakened
‘Equalise shields’ button that reallocates shield power over all existing shield emitters equally.
Powered or charging shields should be ‘faintly visible’ at all times