How do you force a miss-jump?

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Post by LittleBear »

PS: On the question of sucide Thargoids, I don't think that it is so much that they are suicidal, but that the poor things are being exterminated by a fleet of human battleships, before the player gets a chance to engage!

The game-code is faithfull to orginal elite by generating a small force of Thargoids in witch-space. But as Behomth.OXP is also putting a fleet of Human Cruisers in which space, the odds need to be evened up on the bug's side for a massive space battle!

Love the addition of the fleet, but would be even better if the enemy got a massive fleet too![/quote]
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Post by Odo987 »

LittleBear wrote:
The game-code is faithfull to orginal elite by generating a small force of Thargoids in witch-space. But as Behomth.OXP is also putting a fleet of Human Cruisers in which space, the odds need to be evened up on the bug's side for a massive space battle!
I must be missing something then. Whenever I'm in witch space and a Behemoth is present, it's just sitting there like a beached whale. Much like the Thargoids. I've seen the odd fighter and Thargoid trade pot-shots, but I can't recall either side actually losing a ship to each other. The Behemoth does tend to run over a lot of its own fighters, and the Thargoids (as previously mentioned) are often self-terminating when launching, but neither side seems to be interested in inflicting similar damage on the other. Is there a 'start' button I should be pressing? I've got v1.64.
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Post by Rxke »

No, it's a known bug in the AIs, fixed in the experimental .65 updates (but 65-2 has another -potentially crashing- bug.)

65.1 is quite stable though, you may consider trying it (make a backup of your existing setup if you're not too sure about it)

Oops not sure what OS you're running, my comment was re: OSX
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Post by Draco_Caeles »

I just wondered if it would be worthwhile putting in a Thargoid cruiser/carrier. After all, the Navy has the Behemoth, and Thargoids/Thargons can be taken out by a normal ship with a decent laser...

How about a Thargoid cruiser/carrier to even things up? Or is that straying too far from the path?

*offers to model one* *blush*
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Post by LittleBear »

Definatley should upgrade to 1.65 and the updated Behomoth.OXP. There are usually 5 or 6 Cruisers, which launch Navy Asps & Vipers. However there are usually only 3/4 Thargoid Warships. The Vipers and Asps tend to make short work of them.
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Post by LittleBear »

PS: Very much like the idea of a Thargoid Cruiser. I think it is in keeping with Elite. The manual mentions huge ships - space dredgers etc although not actually in the game. Besides if we have Cruisers then the Thargoids should have somthing similar if not more powerfull since they are meant to be a deadly threat to mankind!

As Behomoth OXPs A/I is adding the Mititary Ships to witch space, could a quick tweek of the A/I add say 10 Warships for every Behomoth it spwans work to even things up. At the moment the Military ships don't have much to do. Feeling like a civilian caught in a massive war zone would be pretty cool!
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Post by Draco_Caeles »

Well, I don't want to tread on anybody's toes... Those OXPs aren't mine to do such with... it's up to the authors, of course :D
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Post by Cmdr. Wombat »

Draco_Caeles wrote:
Well, I don't want to tread on anybody's toes... Those OXPs aren't mine to do such with... it's up to the authors, of course :D
Making an own oxp with a script that automatically adds several additional Thargoids if a Behemoth is present in witchspace wouldn't be treading on anyone's toes. Oxp's are optional after all. The script.plist would be quite simple. Only real issue is that currently there is no way of checking for oxp dependencies (although I believe that might be coming). In this case the behemoth.oxp would have to be installed.
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