RX Software has previously provided a shipset here:http://oolite.aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic ... rxsoftware
but by the time the technical level of our personel wheren't too high, and now RX and Dangeru.net has retaken the task now more experienced our modeller has provided with a overhaul to all the basic ships on the game featuring all exclusive artwork for some from our main artist Izaya Shirow and the old shipset has fallen out of our support
so now RX Software and Dangeru.net is proud to announce our new shipset ! it features a complete redesign for the basic ships only excluding the stations, transporter, worm and orbital shuttle ships it follows design lines very influenced by anime and akiba culture and original art and surprises
THIS and every other Oolite related work of rx-software is released under GNUstep public license you cannot sell or distribute this material recieving any kind of profit Rx-software claims autor rights over the models made on this OXP PLUS all the names and the oolite title, names and code belong to gilles wiliams and colaborators
ESTE y todo material relacionado con Oolite por Rx-Software es liberado bajo una lisencia publica GNUstep usted no esta autorizado a vender o distribuir este material en cambio de alguna remuneracion Rx-Software clama derechos de autor por los modelos hechos en este OXP ADEMAS todos los nombres y el titulo, nombres y codigos de Oolite pertenecen a gilles williams y sus colaboradores
HOWEVER you can modify and use this work if you give credit to the rightfull owners
Download link:
Screenshots are provided in the New Ships Under Design post also found on this friendly boards
our artists Deviantart pages:
http://izaya-shirow.deviantart.com-art director
our main page