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Post by quatermass »

Something for your amusement or not.

Lying in his bunk, Kris thought back to how he got here. Growing up as the son of one of the rulers of a multi government world in sector eight he had an easy life of priveledge. His parents had indulged his interest in space flight with the best instructors money could buy, and he had great fun buzzing the lanes in the family Fer De Lance, but that came to an end with the coup that took the lives of most of the standing government.
Roba had saved him dragging him from the bed of a dancer and bundling him into an old Moray, they had got out just in time and two weeks later they were in sector one at Lave. It had been quite surreal, Roba had many contacts who had helped and the biggest surprise came when they reached the Academy.
By now thanks to the hold full of precious metals and gemstones they had escaped with Roba had changed ships a couple of times and was now flying an Asp. Taking Kris to one side he pointed to a Cobra three sitting on the ramp. "There's your ship you have a new I.D. a clean licence a few credits and a hold full of food. Go to Zaonce and start trading, as far as anyone is concerned your just another graduate fresh out of the nursery you've had better training than most and you have the skills, get this ship equipped and we will meet up when you are ready and get even with your familys executioner". "Ready now" was Kris' reply. "That will be my decision, for now you need experience and I have some hunting of my own to catch up on" came from Roba. So the last Kris saw was Roba's back climbing into the Asp prior to going who knows where.
By trading between the safe worlds of Tionisla and Isinor his ship, the Planet Caravan had been equipped with beam lasers and energy units but there was still a long way to go. At this point he had 14 kills to his credit and considered these. The first was in Isinor proving nowhere is safe in space, a couple of sidewinders had attacked angling to come at both flanks together, a missile was launched at the hostile that broke right leaving Kris to take the ship to his left, both ships rolled and spun for what felt like hours but was only moments, when the Sidewinder blew,Kris turned to face the second ship with his laser in the red to see that it was already flaring, the missile had done a lot of damage, two shots from his rear laser and Kris was two kills on the way to Elite.
Kris felt it strange that this was still fresh in his memory but more recent kills were already just a blur.
With over 4,000 credits to his name Kris realized he was better of than a lot of traders, but that would be just pocket money when he was still at home. He was considering the equipment he wanted to fit to his ship and came to the conclusion that just trading would take a long time to get the funds for an iron ass. What other options did he have? Although he had fitted a mining laser to his port mount, chasing asteroids was to much of a chore. The Gal Navy reservists seemed to spend more money on repairs than the bounty's they received. RRS were always looking for contractors so that may be a possible. However the best money was rumoured to come from bounty hunting, if he could get to a space bar and pick up a contract.
Kris decided to bypass Ararus thinking it was close enough to Lave to attract to many noobs. Besides he had been told that his combat rating would mean the contracts would not be forthcoming.
Lobbys Can Can Lounge at Anarlaqu. Kris wondered if there would be anything on the bulletin board worth persuing. So far he had had to take out fourty pirates that attacked him first, now he was considering deliberatly hunting another sentient being. He was he admitted to himself feeling a little uneasy, but it was a way to get the credits he required to get back to the eighth sector in order to kill his fathers murderer.
Captain Baker flying an Adder mkII at Beti. This was the first contract Kris decided to undertake. He did consider a couple of better paying jobs but somehow Roba's voice came in to his head saying walk before you run. The route to his target was going to take a bit of time so back to trading until in system. Kris had already learnt to take every opportunity to load up with precious metals and gems whenever they where cheap, and held them for the best price or emergencies, this meant he had boosted his shields and fitted a mil laser to the front mount. Confident that Planet Caravan was better equipped than most he felt that this encounter would be staightforward.
In system two hours patrolling route one and Kris was wondering if Baker was in space or docked somewhere. Almost ready to head for the station he got a contact on the scanner that was identified as an Adder mkII, his mark. Kris angled his ship for an intercept course and at fifteen clicks opened fire, the first burst of three all hit before the Adder broke right, cutting speed he tried to turn inside the target but overshot and Planet Caravan took two hits to the shields. His rear laser put another hit on the adder as it passed behind and baker hit the speed. Kris turned to face his target again to see a whitchspace tunnel forming. Without thinking kris followed Baker through and came out into normal space. Reaquiring a lock on bakers ship he lined up and started firing. In desperation Baker accelerated toward him on a jousting run but one on one the result was inevitable, although Kris took three hits to his fore shield his laser never missed and Baker vanished in a cloud of hot gas and metal.
Now that it was over Kris took stock, checking the nav comp he found he was in Raleen. After docking and receiving payment he sold what cargo made a profit and restocked his ship. Then he took a shuttle to the casino where he found the need for comfort in the quarters of one of the many prostitutes who worked there.
This then was his new life,trading in profitable systems and visiting seedy space bars in anarchy's to get contracts. Other traders ignored him when at stations and pirates glared, neither really trusting hunters, although the former were always happy for help when attacked.
Thats where it all went wrong, the credits where rolling in Planet Caravan was as well equipped as it could be and Kris was considering moving on to sector two when he picked up a distress call from a trader under attack. It turned out to be one of those furballs where ships where wheeling and turning on all points of his scanner. He took out a couple of pirates before the Vipers arrived. They got stuck in and things got even more confusing, he launched a missile at one of the hostiles as he turned to take another pirate. This was when one of the Viper pilots got creative and tried to take the pirate targetted by Kris' missile. Kris was horrified to see the Viper slam into the missile and start to break up, he just had time to see the crew eject when the other Vipers turned their attack on him. Trying to avoid their attacks his ship taking damage Kris triggered his witchspace motors,and jumped to Inera.
Looking at his options Kris weighed up the possibility of making it to the main station with a fugitve tag, or trying to dock at the much closer Constore. Although repairing Planet Caravan would cost more at the Constore he decided on this occasion it would be worth it so flew that way. Of course he was refused permision to dock, so could not use his docking computer and took the ship in on manual. Once the ship was secure he popped the hatch to be confronted by a dozen of Galcop's finest pointing weapons at him who roughly threw him into a holding cell.
Ninety days, he supposed he was lucky in a way, the judge was a former spacer who understood the stresses of combat. His previous clean record and assistance in removing pirates was also taken into consideration. But a custodial sentence was the minimum for shooting down a police ship even accidentally. However his ship would not be impounded and the court could not seize his bank account, so on release once he cleared the storage fees he would be free to go, although he would still have an offender tag to clear.
The door opened and a voice called "Detainee d33357812c Quatermass time for release report to the main office." with a sigh Kris rose and walked out as he looked out of the window he smiled at an advertising buoy "Donovan's Intergalactic laxative" he read and chuckling headed along the corridor.
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Re: Quatermass

Post by Cody »

quatermass wrote:
... "Donovan's Intergalactic laxative"
Ah... now that is a good old song. Nice tale, btw.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Quatermass

Post by quatermass »

Thanks EV, nice touch putting a link to that track
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Re: Quatermass

Post by Cody »

Music runs through everything, I reckon. Hmm... Planet Caravan, eh? That brings to mind some superbly-titled albums!
<heads for the hi-fi>
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Quatermass

Post by quatermass »

try Black Sabbath
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Re: Quatermass

Post by Cody »

Nah... I went for If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You, by Caravan. Same year, though (I think)... heh.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Quatermass

Post by quatermass »

prefer the Last Unicorn myself, but nothing wrong with your choice either.
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