at least that's how i felt when i first tryed to do so with my first (crappy) shipset...
i will give you some tips for design that will help you to make coherently designed ships so you could save some time and develop more skill in the art of shipbuilding, some time, rookie ship builders jump in to any of the programs used to model ships without knowing some of this basic things ill post... i will start the first half of the cake right now... take seat and try to enjoy this and in advace i apologize for my grammar
NOTE: you can or can not take this guide in mind if you want but i reccomend to do so if you want to make your way up in this
1.- take a look of real life existing technology, that will give you a coherent aproach of how a ship should be constituded
the main ship parts and facilities are
aditionally you need
-crew space/living areas
-cargo doors, fuel scoops and if possible tractor beam site
-laser hardpoints, missile outlets(if inside mounted if outside you need more)
2.- here's my point, with the amount of faces you got in spheres, nossles and undetailed and almost fractalic surfaces you could get some detail in the ship actually
3.- think really good and visualize in your head what you wan't to do don't sit in front of the viewport before you don't know what to do, it helps to search inspiration from deviantart artist's who make some hallofa good starships... search on Hhello's profile favorites favourites and see..
ok you understand now that a ship is constituded of several compartments even a fighter does so what is different from a fighter to a ship is the fact that pilot doesn't move from his station and is limited to a short range area due to refuel and limited food supplies wich happens to be like that to make a compact and cheap ship for scorting and assault operations (main use of FIGHTER type ships) i will now proceed to talk about ship types... but before i will tell you how to do a design sheet, that's how all start... you can make it on paint or something simillar but is better for you to have a A4 paper in front of you and a pencil this paper sheet will have al the base information for your ship's build, like Class, Basic Shape, Purpose, Number of crew and that kind of things... so back to the point, the craft classes...
Fighter: a Fighter class craft is a ultra lightweight craft with enough capacity to sustain a good amount to of fire into a target it is designed for scorting, and assault so his main atribute is or should be agility and his weakness should be little to no hull, little to no cargo space and little pylon mounting, we can see examples of Fighters on the F-16
Interceptor: an interceptor craft is designed well... for intercept.. .they are brutally fast and where the reason of the invention of the afterburner they are bigger, badder and heavyer than a fighter, they play mainly defensive roles but on an offensive situation they usually carry on long missions (for a light craft) behind enemy lines attacking using his powerfull engines and vast speed to surprise the enemy and return, they should have good enough armor and sightly more pylon capacity than a fighter, but they should be more clunk in their jabbing
NOTE: fighters and interceptors can have multirole capacities but usually they sacrifice some features to do so Fighter Bombers or Fighter Interceptor crafts are the examples, search them on internet and compare them to a "pure role" fighter and you will see, that doesn't diminish their utility but take care not to overpower a craft just because is a multirole
NOTE 2: fighters and inteceptors rely their strenght in their NUMBER, so yeah fighters should be blew up pretty easly so i repeat DON'T OVER POWER THEM if you wan't to play with a fighter you should know that you need to join a faction that reinforce's you with NUMBERS
Bomber: those marduks are designed to deliver hell to enemy placements they should be necesary to face on big capships they should have some tonnage because some weapon OXP's require it they should have well enough pylon capacity depending on their weight and type as they can be heavy, light or the nearly fighter kind Dive bomber wich is esentially a fighter fitted with bombs that "dives in" the hail of gunfire of the capship and deposit a mortal blow on it
Destroyer : a destroyer.. well.. it destroys... XD it is the lighter of the capital ships with simillar tonnage as a light freighter they are designed to siege down enemy positions and be agile enough to have "hit and run" in their tactics they should be very usefull to destroy pirate squads and for guarding cargo convoys you should start to add turrets in this class and not before
Cruiser: heavyer than the destroyer and it excells it in any aspect unless manheuverability it is a heavyer craft capable of deep space operations and military hauling their main purpose is to guard battleships, many idiots like to call his craft a cruiser and doesn't have a clue of what a cruiser is a cruiser CRUISE so is necesary that it has enough space to accomodate damage control devices and should have very powerfull armor to withstand Destroyer class craft attacks also it should have very good "anti fighter" artillery as fast turrets they are the "multirole" of capships because they are in middle of the path between artillery and anti personel works
BATTLESHIPS: (my favorites) this crafts are designed to cast powerfull hits on the enemy and with powerfull i mean POWERFULL a battleship alone should be able to handle any kind of task and even be able to destroy a space station they are very slow but they carry the heavyer artillery, because of oolite limitations naval grade artillery is impossible to make, so fill up this beast with any ammount of pylons, turrets and armor depending on the tier
Carriers: depending on his tier they have a Cruiser or a Battleship hull equipped with special facilities to carry fighters on them... VE BERY CAREFULL with the measures of this ones as real life carriers can take between 20 and 55 craft inside or more (see the Nimitz class supercarrier) they have good anti fighter turrets but no artillery at the point of whriting this i dont know if there's a way to make a fully operable player carrier
NOTE: as light craft does, capships can be multi role we have examples of that in real life with the EDEM class light cruiser who was specially fitted to be an anti aircraft ship also the so called Battlecruiser class ships who are a mix between a battleship and a battle cruiser because calling "light" to a battleship is simply stupid
NOTE2: as a recomendation i suggest to put fuel scoops in the front of the hull or proe because of the low maneuverablilty of this crafts
to make a coherent civilian craft you should first have in mind the word CIVILIAN their first option facing a beligerant menace is to RUN and they should be equipped to do so...
Freighters/Haulers: they have a sole purpose.. to move cargo from a place to annother... the ammount of it determines his speed and maneuverability, they should have good enough shields to withstand damage while they run and they should have enough pylons to accomodate extra fuel tanks and different counter measures
Liners: liners transport people, and that's all they do, they should be fast enough to run off in pirates precense and should have enoug pylons to accomodate two or three distress call devices, this crafts are not designed even to defend themselves they just carry people, some of them do it with luxury so appareance is an importan thing on this ones, on the other hand they can be efficient and fast like a bullet train or cheap and smelly taxis to haul a Dr.Nobody from Lave to Rietquat that's up to you and the tier of the ship
you now know what are the difference between ships take this in SERIOUS consideration while designing your craft because it will determine his role, skills and limitations
this is the biggest problem new shipbuilders have they see ships but they don't know what the fuck is inside the hull and what gives them that shape... i will do my best to explain the shape of the parts of a ship and you as designer will have to play with that to make the basic shape of the ship...
an engine is constituded of 3 basic things... a fuel tank, an ignition chamber and an exhaust... NO ENGINE DIFFERS FROM THIS if not it will be violating phisics the following picture depicts a basical ship engine

we are on space and engines makes also the controlling system for the ship so the allocation of them is very important too in the case of light ships you can (and more probable HAVE) to make a vector thrust nozzle that is a reconfigurable directional thrust exaust that changes the direction of the propultion and with that changes the direction of the craft... with heavy crafts that would be imposible due the size of the engines, so multiple engines are necesary changing the trottle of the engines will change the direction of the ship for example if you have 4 engines; 2 lowers and 2 uppers lowering the power of the upper ones will lift the nose of the craft... and vice versa thats how things work
a cockpit (or bridge on bigger ships) is the command centre of the ship here is where the pilot and crew make their work the living areas are where the crew rests and sleep, usually a big ship has 2 crews that shift turns but if your ship is a small 5 persons craft it works differently but they both have the same priciples... and they work as depicted next

as you can see they need a way to access the quarters and back, also when designing a bridge you should take in count that it needs several things, a place where the pilot's control the ship, a comunication station and a engineering station cap ships thend to separate that in different rooms and in adition they have a fire control room cargo ships have a cargo bay wich is usually connected to the quarters some of them like the anaconda has devices in it for loading and unloading cargo
All those elements are now in your head what you need to do now is to sketch a side and front view of your ship designing his hull to put all those elements in the most efficient way possible, much of those elements can not be on sight but you will note a boost in the coolness of your ship after you concieve it this way
this is very important and should be mentioned afore but i will do so here anyways no ship pop out of nothing, to build a ship you need a purpose a fabrication method and that kind of things take that in mind now that you know what does a ship have to need to be born
some ships can be capable of being airborne, that is because of they returning to the atmosphere, that can explain some aerodinamism on ships and things like flaps and other atmospheric maneuvering devices
also the antigravitatory technology is available on the Ooniverce so it can lift up airborne some ships but that requires extra space inside the hull, take that in mind...