Fun in the Asteroid Belt.

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Fun in the Asteroid Belt.

Post by Odo987 »

Three bugs in one:

I encountered an asteroid field and saw a Worm leaving the Rock Hermit. It turned and blew apart an Asteroid, then blew apart a bolder. Being rude, I ran over and started scooping 'his' splinters. The first two scooped fine. The second two I could lock onto, but I couldn't scoop. In fact I could fly right through them as though they were holograms. This has happened to me in two different galaxies, so it's not a one-off bug.

When docking with the rock hermit, the docking computer guided me in perfectly, then stopped short with the four blinking lights filling my screen. Sat there for a couple of minutes, before I disengaged and moved forward those last two centimeters manually. This has only happened once.

The previous time I docked with a Rock Hermit I used the computer to line up, then ran the final approach manually (for speed). But I passed right through the Rock Hermit and exited the other side. Circled round, and this time docked fine. This has only happened once.

Mac, Dual G4 1.25MHz, Oolite 1.64, Tori.oxp.
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Post by aegidian »

This collision problem is known in the latest builds and something I'm working on.
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Post by JensAyton »

Last week I had a case where a non-responsive ship also didn’t turn up on the FancyTargetter. Maybe I should have tried ramming him, although he did blow up when I shot him. I’m wondering whether these bugs could be related cases of flags being set incorrectly and/or entities ending up in the wrong lists.
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