Causes the ship to explode. Works on all ships, including the main station and the player except when docked.
So, being a bit of a rebel, I thought I'd see it it worked by using the player.ship.dockedStation.explode() line of code in a script. The station did in fact explode, with me inside, and my ship was catapulted right across the system at quite some speed, and I was unable to control my ship...
I managed to escape this by jumping to a nearby system, but I was thinking afterwards that perhaps, in reality, my ship should have been destroyed. At least damaged. But there wasn't any! Also, as the wiki says this doesn't work when the player is docked, maybe it should just not work if you are in fact docked with a station that is about to explode!
maybe it should just not work if you are in fact docked with a station that is about to explode! :)
It doesn’t work on the player ship while docked because the player ship doesn’t really exist in the in-game universe at that point. This is a necessary limitation, not a desirable feature.
maybe it should just not work if you are in fact docked with a station that is about to explode!
It doesn’t work on the player ship while docked because the player ship doesn’t really exist in the in-game universe at that point. This is a necessary limitation, not a desirable feature.
What he said.
And—if you absolutely want to kill the player as well—nothing prevents you from exploding his ship as soon as it's launched.
The usual warning applies, though: killing the player "just for fun", without giving him any possibility to prevent it, does not make for good and enjoyable game play.
As the wiki says this doesn't work when the player is docked, maybe it should just not work if you are in fact docked with a station that is about to explode!
You've just misread the wiki.
Works on all ships, including the main station and the player except when docked.
Works on all ships, including the main station.
Works on all ships, including the player, except when docked.
There's nothing to stop you exploding other ships while the player is docked, as you've discovered.
Causes the ship to explode. Works on all ships, including the main station and the player except when docked.
So, being a bit of a rebel, I thought I'd see it it worked by using the player.ship.dockedStation.explode() line of code in a script. The station did in fact explode, with me inside, and my ship was catapulted right across the system at quite some speed, and I was unable to control my ship...
Upon entering normal space, spawn an invisible dummy station and force-dock the player and immediately blow up the station and start a comms message "Wormhole malfunction!!!".
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.