Factions OXP does not show up

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Factions OXP does not show up

Post by Faulkman »

I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place (it SEEMS to be the right place to me). I considered posting it in the Factions OXP thread, but it was a bit old and I see there are other OXP bugs here. So, here's my problem:
When I am in multi-government systems, I cannot find any of the factions ships at all. I've travelled from the main station to the witchpoint beacon and back, and tried to go to the sides of the main beacon but only got tangled with a bunch of pirates - no sign of factions or the Gal-Cop that move from the beacon towards the center, which is supposed to happen if I understood things correctly. Here's a link to the Factions thread: https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9926
I am running Oolite v1.76.1 (latest version)
I have the relevant OXPs installed:
Anarchies v2.5, Commies v2.11, Dictators v1.5, The Feudal States v1.13, Galactic navy v5.4.3, and Behemoth v2.6
Cabal Common Library v1.5.2
If you look on linked thread, you'll see that the latest version the author mentions is 1.11, and that version 1.12 is
Supporting version 1.6+ of Cabal_Common_Library, no other changes
(taken from the Wiki) which is confusing since the latest version I can find is 1.5.2.
Oh, and I almost forgot perhaps the most important part. The entire game log is quite large so I'll just post the relevant clip, unless you want to see the entire log.
12:06:47.581 [script.javaScript.exception.notConstructor]: ../AddOns/Factions-1.12.oxp/Scripts/faction.js, line 15.
12:06:47.582 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script ../AddOns/Factions-1.12.oxp/Scripts/faction.js -- could not run script
12:06:47.582 [script.javaScript.exception.notConstructor]: ***** JavaScript exception (Factions 1.12): TypeError: worldScripts.Cabal_Common_Functions.Cabal_Common is not a constructor
(this is repeated about twenty or thirty times...)
Thank you!
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Re: Factions OXP does not show up

Post by Svengali »

There was a bigger change in [wiki]Cabal_Common_Library[/wiki] which required new versions for a few OXPs. Older versions have cluttered the global namespace, so I've moved it. I wanted this available in v1.76.x as it is a stable release.

Factions v1.12 is already the updated version, so please grab Cabal_Common 1.6 from the WIKI page or direct -> https://www.box.com/shared/lx7uf825e1 (1 MB).

Hey - and welcome onboard .-)
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Re: Factions OXP does not show up

Post by Faulkman »

Thank you Svengali! I installed the new Cabal version and waited around in a Tech level 11 system but nothing happened so I moved to a level 6 multi-government and it works! I'm so happy, I've been trying to get this OXP working for months!

Now to figure out how to survive.

Thanks, this seems like a nice and active forum and Oolite is the most actively modded game I've played yet.
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Re: Factions OXP does not show up

Post by Smivs »

Faulkman wrote:
Thanks, this seems like a nice and active forum...
Hi Faulkman, and welcome. We pride ourselves on being 'The friendliest board this side of Riedquat', so feel free to ask if you have a problem or query, or just join in the banter :)
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Factions OXP does not show up

Post by Commander McLane »

Hi and welcome, Faulkman! :D
Faulkman wrote:
I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place (it SEEMS to be the right place to me).
Just for clarification, any of the Factions threads (or even starting a new thread over in the Expansion Pack forum) would indeed have been the better place. Strictly speaking, the Testing and Bug reports forum is meant for bugs in Oolite itself (the game, not OXPs).

However, having said that, this shouldn't stop you from posting where your common sense sees fit. If you should happen to be wildly off, chances are that a friendly moderator will move your thread to the appropriate forum. :)
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