BlackJacks bullion mission addon

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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by Tricky »

richard.a.p.smith wrote:
Cool - someone has asked me to go somewhere and organise a "retirement party" for someone else. In Oolite, just to be clear. Thanks! Rich.
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Okay, another glitch. I appreciate that you who have commented (Wildeblood, Eric Walch, Commander McLane, Thargoid) have Real Lives (trademark SandJ) but in case you're still up for debugging . . . I really would if I could but I haven't a clue where to start.

In the mission I've "retired" the first one and been asked to go to another system to pick up some weapons. I dock there and get a mission screen saying "got what I need go to xxx" but the only key I can press (it wants space) is 1 to launch. I dock again and get the same mission screen but again can't press space or return, just 1. The mission objective on launching is still to go and pick up the weapons not do the next thing, it's not been updated. The log has a ton of the following which is possibly holding down space for a period of time so gets repeated:

07:45:26.908 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (Blackjacks 1.2.7): TypeError: player.ship.awardCargo is not a function
07:45:26.908 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ../AddOns/galaxy 2, Blackjack's Bullion 1.2.7.oxp/Scripts/blackjacks.js, line 21.

Ta, Rich.
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by Wildeblood »

My mistake; I should have spotted that awardCargo the same time I changed the other one. Re-download in half an hour or so.

Eric's mistake; he should have spotted that awardCargo the same time he spotted the other one. You can re-download now.

Congratulations, Richard, you're a mission test pilot. If it isn't obvious already, make sure you have some spare cargo space when you arrive at that station.
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Next one . . .

V cvpxrq hc gur svernezf be jungrire vg jnf naq jrag gb jurerire vg jnf sbe gur onax wbo. Gura V guvax V fbyq rirelguvat va gur ubyq (qrsnhyg bcgvba, V jnf ba nhgbcvybg). Arj zvffvba bowrpgvir, gb syl gb Rqngre gb xvyy n jvgarff juvpu V cebzcgyl qvq bs pbhefr. V qvqa'g trg nal zvffvba hcqngrf va syvtug naq ba qbpxvat gur fperra fgvyy fnlf V unir gb xvyy gur jvgarff. V ynhapurq naq gur jvgarff unqa'g ernccrnerq va gur flfgrz. V qbpxrq ntnva naq cnvq 5000 nf ng guvf cbvag V unq tbar sebz Bssraqre onpx gb Shtvgvir ntnva. Nsgre qbpxvat ntnva gur zvffvba fperra fgvyy fnlf gung V unir gb xvyy gur jvgarff, gubhtu. Fb, purpxvat svyrf . . . gurer ner ab ybt reebef. Gur fnir tnzr nccrnef gb unir ertvfgrerq gur xvyy - gurer'f fbzr grkg va gurer fnlvat V arrq gb syrr gb Rfqv fb znlor vg whfg qvqa'g hcqngr gur zvffvba grkg. Gur fnir tnzr grkg bs eryrinapr (nf sne nf V pna gryy gurfr ner gur bayl ragevrf gb qb jvgu guvf BKC)

<fgevat>Renqvpngr jvgarff ng Rqngre</fgevat>

<fgevat>Syrr gb Rfqv</fgevat>

I'll do the next thing anyway and see what happens. Rich.
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Tbg n zvffvba raq fperra ng Rfqv fb vg jbexrq bxnl, V guvax. Zvffvba ragel unf tbar sebz s5s5.

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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by Wildeblood »

My fault. I changed the main script name from blackjacks to Blackjacks, not realizing there were references to it in the ship scripts. :oops:
Fixed now.
I've just had a look in the shipdata; the target you have to assassinate is only armed with a pulse laser; that's not much of a challenge. I'd call this mission easy money (if it plays out without any hitches like the ones Richard just had).
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by DANNYALTON72 »

Hi - I'm very new to the world of oolite, loving it loads though! got to Galaxy 2 and downloaded this mission, had the message to start it, flew off to the right system but then got a little lost with what I was sposed to do... Can anyone give me a littel walkthrough?


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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by Smivs »

Hi Dan, and welcome to the Friendliest Board this side of Riedquat :)
I can't help with the mission I'm afraid, as I have not done it, but somebody who can help will be along soon I expect.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by DANNYALTON72 »

Thanks! Here's hoping :)

I'll keep cruising around the galaxy and try a couple of other missions in the meantime!

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Re: BlackJacks bullion mission addon

Post by Cholmondely »

Rustybolts wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:13 am
Removed tickle...
The current version is 1.2.9

Currently working my way through this mission.

2 points at this stage of the game:

1) the mission screen overlays are not showing (probably due to being trumped by XenonUI? BGS?)
2) there are no opportunities to refuse the mission - which is clearly illegal.

As Wildeblood pointed out above (from the "blackjacks.js"): = "Blackjacks" = "Rustybolts"
this.copyright = "Do with as you wish"
this.description = "Starts in Galaxy 2 at Telace.";
this.version = "1.2.9"

If somebody could point me towards fixing these two points, I'll "happily" upload it to the Expansions Manager!
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