Vanishing HUD

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Re: Vanishing HUD

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Wildeblood wrote:
On arrival in a new system you should always be at condition green or yellow, depending on whether there are other ships nearby. So, my next question is have you ever seen the green HUD? It looks the same as the yellow one, except the scanner is green. If the answer is no, then the file mihudgreen.plist is corrupted. If the answer is yes then something strange is going on.
Yes, I normally see the green HUD. I play for a bit (one or more sessions), it's okay, then all of a sudden the problem appears at apparently some random point the HUD vanishes like that. It reappears when someone shoots at me/whatever but the disappearing act happens again if I use target tracker. It's weird because it has patches/periods of time/game sessions where it's perfectly okay, I fly, use target tracker, shoot the crap out of whatever in full-on cheating mode, then it has a patch where it just goes. Weird.
Wildeblood wrote:
It might be, actually. Had you seen this problem before you first installed Galactic Hyperdrive OXP?
I can't answer that - just don't know; longish story but I installed 1.76 afresh recently and put in a ton of OXPs, fairly sure both were in there at that point. I rarely use the g-jump planner and the majority of these problems occur without me going anywhere near it - which is why I didn't think it could be related - but that oxp is there.
Wildeblood wrote:
Do you recall whether you were actually looking at the chart screens, or the flight view, during the jump countdown? That script can store a reference to your normal docked HUD (milhudblank) sometimes (you would have to follow a particular sequence of screen changes), so if you were actually on the short-range chart screen, at the moment of the jump that might do it.
Um . . . what do I normally do . . . hard to say. For the most recent one, I launched, waited for the shield capacitor to finish counting, then N to get the g-drive planner and n to choose whatever it was called, then g but is was the normal front view when the g-jump occurred, I think; it was a normal view not a short-range chart or whatever at the jump point but I might well have gone f6-f6 or 6-6 a couple of times. For other events that are longer ago it's harder to say but at the point of jumping it's almost always front view, I'd say it's rare that I leave it on f6 at the point of the jump although I have not recorded exactly what I do. I do not have a particular sequence of screens or other activity. I do frequently use the short-range and long-range charts just after launching but that's part of the weirdness, I'd see the problem a lot more, I think, if that were the cause because I do that sort of thing so often. Anyway, I see your point although I don't quite follow the code you posted. What keystrokes from 1 (for launch) take you to that point? Ta, Rich.
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Re: Vanishing HUD

Post by Wildeblood »

Wildeblood wrote:
It might be, actually. Had you seen this problem before you first installed Galactic Hyperdrive OXP?
I can't answer that - just don't know; longish story but I installed 1.76 afresh recently and put in a ton of OXPs, fairly sure both were in there at that point. I rarely use the g-jump planner and the majority of these problems occur without me going anywhere near it - which is why I didn't think it could be related - but that oxp is there.
Wildeblood wrote:
Do you recall whether you were actually looking at the chart screens, or the flight view, during the jump countdown? That script can store a reference to your normal docked HUD (milhudblank) sometimes (you would have to follow a particular sequence of screen changes), so if you were actually on the short-range chart screen, at the moment of the jump that might do it.
Um . . . what do I normally do . . . hard to say. For the most recent one, I launched, waited for the shield capacitor to finish counting, then N to get the g-drive planner and n to choose whatever it was called, then g but is was the normal front view when the g-jump occurred, I think; it was a normal view not a short-range chart or whatever at the jump point but I might well have gone f6-f6 or 6-6 a couple of times. For other events that are longer ago it's harder to say but at the point of jumping it's almost always front view, I'd say it's rare that I leave it on f6 at the point of the jump although I have not recorded exactly what I do. I do not have a particular sequence of screens or other activity. I do frequently use the short-range and long-range charts just after launching but that's part of the weirdness, I'd see the problem a lot more, I think, if that were the cause because I do that sort of thing so often. Anyway, I see your point although I don't quite follow the code you posted. What keystrokes from 1 (for launch) take you to that point? Ta, Rich.
I've just confirmed this bug, which I knew hypothetically but hadn't actually seen before. But it can only happen as you leave the short range chart (F6) screen. If you're in flight, go to F6, and at the moment you leave that screen, the HUD changes to the docked HUD (milhudblank, with only the missiles and clock) my script has caused it. If it changes at some other time, I deny any knowledge of it. :?

1. While docked, press F6, F6, F6 to see the image of the next galaxy.
2. Go directly to a different screen (not F6 again for the galactic chart), or launch. (Press F6 again to return to the galactic chart screen, and you'll be safe.)
3. While in flight, press F6 to view the short-range chart.
4. As you leave that screen, the HUD will change from your in-flight HUD to your docked HUD.

Expect Galactic Hyperdrive OXP version 1.1.2 any minute now.
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