Well, here is the balloon. I'm only releasing this because some seemed to have an interest. I won't say what others thought of it. What ever, it looks ridiculous, BUT.....it really IS a trading cargo hauler. No kidding. If you look at the sides of the silly thing, you will notice two huge cargo doors for massive amounts of material to be transferred in and out of it's cargo bay, which is most of the middle bulk of the ship. I gave it a max cargo capability of 900 tons, but I bet it could be a lot more. It also has exterior mounted anti-gravity units (the glowing white beachballs), so this ship can be taken into a planet's atmosphere for trading, hovering several feet off the ground while it is loaded, and unloaded. It has a max speed of 250, max energy of 500, and the energy recharge rate is 3.0. A battleship it is not, but it is capable of handling military lasers on the front, and back, and has a missile tube, carrying a max missile payload of 10 missiles of your choice. This blob goes for a whopping 500,000 samolies. Here is the download link, and some pics.
I have broken the two sizes of Blimpy into different oxps, but basically the same ship. The first, was the first, and is BigBlimpy. Link below.
The second, and smaller version, is called SmallBlimpy (it took me a while to come up with that one

). Link below.
They are both dockable. In fact, the bigger one is fairly easy to dock manually, if you use the Space Station Buoy to help you aim up straight before sailing in. Docking computers are still better, and advised for newer players.