[UPDATE RELEASE] Xeptatl's Sword OXP

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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Smivs »

Phew, that's a log and a half ain't it? :P
Firstly I can't see anything directly relating to your problem there. The debug console is a diagnostic tool for OXP authors, and is not included in the main game, so logs will often fail to connect...it's nothing to worry about.
You seem to have at least one OXP wih problems...
22:44:12.448 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: GW-constore, GW-factory, GW-prison, GW-slapu
22:44:33.483 [shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "GW-radars" specifies non-existent model "td-radars.dat".
but it's not one I'm familiar with. I'm sure someone else here will know which is the offender.
Also I am puzzled by several entries which seem to suggest you have one OXP nested within another?!
../AddOns/AsteroidStorm 4.0.oxp/Kestrel&Falcon.oxp
../AddOns/BlackMonks.oxp/Fuel Tank v2.2.oxp
../AddOns/cobraClipper 1.1.1.oxp/kirin.oxp
../AddOns/Fuel Station 1.33.oxp/Generation Ships.oxp
../AddOns/Naval Torpedo.oxp/Naval Torpedo.oxp
and there are still duplicates present.
Xeptatl's Sword was very thoroughly tested before release and I'm sure a problem like a freeze would have been picked up during this process if it was a problem with this OXP. And it seems your computer is normally quite happy with Oolite.
So I think for now we must assume that something else is causing this problem, perhaps a reaction between one or more of the other OXPs with each other and with Xeptatl's Sword.
My first suggestion would be to resolve the known problems such as identifying and removing the OXP giving the 'GW-***' log errors, and checking for and removing duplicates and checking for and correcting nested OXPs.
As I hinted before, it is a good idea to keep things as 'clean' as possible, so removing any OXPs you aren't currently using would be advisable. Although Oolite can in theory handle any number of OXPs, the more you have, the greater the chance of unexpected clashes, and of course if we need to cure this problem using a 'process of illimination', the less there is to illiminate the better.

Edit:- slightly Ninja'd by McLane :)
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Cody »

As has been said, possibly too many OXPs... but you should definitely remove the griff_shipset_dizzy's_all_in_1.oxp.
It's a very old version, and your gfx card doesn't support shaders anyway.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Mauiby de Fug »

The oxps that he probably wouldn't be using are BlakJack's Bullion, Tianve, Lave and Diso, the first of which is an early mission and if I recall correctly doesn't add anything else to the game. The other 3 are all ambience oxps for the obvious systems.

The other mission oxps I can see are TCAT and Aquatics, both of which add Thargoids to the game and Thargoid scripted it so that anything unnecessary is turned off once the mission is completed.

He does have System Redux and Deep Horizon Systems installed. I can't remember how they play together, but I doubt it'll be related to his problem.

I don't recognise some of the missile oxps (I'm a laser squirrel myself), or WPB1.1. The rest I've mostly used, or at the very least heard of, and I can't see anything that obviously won't run ok together... (My oxp list has been much bigger than this one in the past!)

The GW things seem to be from Resistance Commander. I saw that it was like-shipping slapu and prison, which are from commies, and knowing that Ramirez has used commies as a dependency before in Trident Down, I downloaded it and has a look, and sure enough, there are the GW scripts. From its readme:
so far, Resistance Commander only makes optional use of assets from the Commies OXP; I intend to expand this where possible to include things like Your Ad Here and other OXPs
Except it isn't listed as a dependency.

Also, the latest version is 1.3, rather than the 1.1 shown in the log file.

I'm not sure that this actually helps with the crashing issue though...
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Ramirez »

Was just looking around for any Resistance Commander chatter on the forums interest and found this.

I've fixed the dependencies in v1.3 now so that should stop the problem with the like_ship references. Also I forgot to include a td-radars.dat model in the package so I've fixed that as well.

However, other than those tidy ups I can't help with your particular freezing problem.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by onno256 »

Well, I've played Xeptatl's Sword, and it has been a pleasure!
It is a very long mission with plenty to do, and sometimes stiff opposition.

One word off advice though, follow the instructions in the mission screens closely, or you'll get stuck. Also, have a big bankaccount before you start!

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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

So far so good - nice mission! I do, however, have a bit of a problem. After 35 or so updates in the mission update list I get to a point where I need to be at Inbe then do a g-jump to get to . . . er, Edmainer - every time. The proper destination still has a cross on it. Actually I did manage it once - the first time - but seemed to run into a problem caused by having no spare pylons for the thing that you need. So I reloaded but every time after that I get to Edmainer when g-jumping from Inbe. I even did a force-misjump to get halfway to the planet "SW" of Inbe then a g-jump but again ended up at Edmainer. Why can't I get to where I'm supposed to get? Am I being thick (not unlikely)? Help! Ta, Richard.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Wildeblood »

richard.a.p.smith wrote:
So far so good - nice mission! I do, however, have a bit of a problem. After 35 or so updates in the mission update list I get to a point where I need to be at Inbe then do a g-jump to get to . . . er, Edmainer - every time. The proper destination still has a cross on it.
You don't actually say where you're trying to jump to? If it's a galactic jump to an isolated system, may I recommend this excellent piece of equipment:-

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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

I did get there. In typical computer fashion, though, after I complained it worked perfectly. Who says computers aren't intelligent? I tried about ten times and went from Inbe to Edmainer then all of a sudden - after having complained - it worked out. Ta. Richard.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Hello again. This was a good OXP - thanks! One quick query about the end of this mission, now that I've read the xeptatl's sword web page and realised I didn't quite do what was suggested in the help page. I found the Annihilator and went to it. I am not sure that it destroyed the Thunder Child, though, before I fired the X missile, which did something so I then closed in and went to find the spikes. Shot for ages at it (a few lots of front, right, back, left military laser from zero to overheating) but nothing happened. I got a bit frustrated so used an energy bomb. It worked, I think, but made me a fugitive. Regardless of that, I went and docked (after jumping away and back to get to offender) and got some kind of end-of-mission screen. Now I don't get the F6 list of mission screens but still have a red cross at Estebiin. I get no messages at the main station or the Xeptatl station. I presume the red X is not a big problem but thought I'd check in case a problem might occur. One other minor comment - along the way across the galaxy following the Annihilator there were several points where the target system moved but there was no message about it - is that correct behaviour? Thanks again! Richard.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Smivs »

Sounds like you've sorted-out this problem for yourself Richard :) I suspect you are doing quite well and hope you enjoy the rest of the mission.
However some general points and advice that might help others doing this mission.
From what you said I think the problem was caused by not having a GalDrivePod mounted on an active pylon at the time of making the jump. The GalDrivePod is essential to this mission as much of it takes place in the 'Lost Worlds', which is why the GalDrivePod OXP (which is also available seperately) is bundled with Xeptatl's Sword.
The GalDrivePod is the piece of equipment that allows jumps to 'inaccessible' systems, so without one you will always jump to the nearest 'safe' system in the next galaxy. The back-story is that to protect spacers from getting stuck in these isolated systems, GalCop install jump supressors in the 'departure system' (Inbe in this case). The supressor prevents jumps to the 'Lost Worlds' and instead forces a jump to the nearest 'safe' system. The GalDrivePod has supressor-override circuitry which bypasses the supressor thus allowing the jump to the Lost World. N.B. If using ships like the Vortex with 'virtual' missile pylons, the GalDrivePod must be mounted on an active pylon.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Smivs »

richard.a.p.smith wrote:
Hello again. This was a good OXP - thanks! One quick query about the end of this mission, now that I've read the xeptatl's sword web page and realised I didn't quite do what was suggested in the help page. I found the Annihilator and went to it. I am not sure that it destroyed the Thunder Child, though, before I fired the X missile, which did something so I then closed in and went to find the spikes.
The X-missile should not hit Annihilator until after ThunderChild is destroyed, but as this happens very soon after you launch this is unlikely to to be a problem unless you are very, very quick! The X-missile strike should cripple the Annihilator so you can get close.
richard.a.p.smith wrote:
Shot for ages at it (a few lots of front, right, back, left military laser from zero to overheating) but nothing happened. I got a bit frustrated so used an energy bomb. It worked, I think, but made me a fugitive.
The target is not the spikes, but the tiny red heat exchanger at the base of the front spike. If you destroy this the Annihilator goes dead and something happens (sorry-no spoilers here :) ) If you fail to destroy the heat exchanger, other events occur. You should not (and indeed should not be able to) completely destroy the Annihilator. I might need to look at this as the Energy Bomb should not have been able to destroy it. :(
richard.a.p.smith wrote:
Regardless of that, I went and docked (after jumping away and back to get to offender) and got some kind of end-of-mission screen. Now I don't get the F6 list of mission screens but still have a red cross at Estebiin. I get no messages at the main station or the Xeptatl station. I presume the red X is not a big problem but thought I'd check in case a problem might occur.
I suspect things had got quite broken by this point. :( However it sounds like you got one of the two alternative mission screens to end the mission, so in a sense you have completed it, but the target system mark (the red cross) has not been cancelled. If you still have a save at Inbe, I'd suggest re-doing the final part of the mission as you have missed out on a couple of things.

Edit:- Ignore this!
If you haven't got an Inbe save, or just don't want to repeat this part, to get rid of the red cross, open your save file in a text editor (not notepad!) and look for the part

Code: Select all

and remove the line '<integer>55</integer>' so it reads

Code: Select all

This should remove it.
If you want to re-do the end, but do not have a save at Inbe, PM me and I'll try to talk you through what to do.
richard.a.p.smith wrote:
One other minor comment - along the way across the galaxy following the Annihilator there were several points where the target system moved but there was no message about it - is that correct behaviour? Thanks again! Richard.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. You should have been prompted all through the Chase with each stop pointing you to the next one, although as with much of this mission you do need to pay attention to what is said. It doesn't seem to have been a problem anyway, so hopefully no harm done.
Thanks for the feedback and comments...these are always useful, not just to us OXP authors, but also to others doing the missions. And over all it sounds like you enjoyed it, and that is the important thing. :)
Last edited by Smivs on Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Commander McLane »

Smivs wrote:

Code: Select all

and remove the line '<integer>55</integer>' so it reads

Code: Select all

This should remove it.
Probably not. It may even make the save-file unusable.

In XML the proper syntax for empty structures is a single tag with the forward slash behind the keyword. Like this:

Code: Select all

Other examples of this sort of syntax are the empty dictionary and the booleans:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Smivs »

Commander McLane wrote:
Smivs wrote:

Code: Select all

and remove the line '<integer>55</integer>' so it reads

Code: Select all

This should remove it.
Probably not. It may even make the save-file unusable.

In XML the proper syntax for empty structures is a single tag with the forward slash behind the keyword. Like this:

Code: Select all

Other examples of this sort of syntax are the empty dictionary and the booleans:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

OK, don't do that Richard - I'm sure McLane's right. I actually copied the 'corrected' version from a save file I had with no mission destination set, so I don't know what's going on there.
As this is in galaxy 6 and you will need to jump to galaxy seven anyway it probably won't be a problem unless you ever go back to galaxy 6, so it might be best just to ignore it.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Eric Walch »

Smivs wrote:
The target is not the spikes, but the tiny red heat exchanger at the base of the front spike.
But you must admit that its an extremely difficult target. :P And it needs several blows that hit it correct within a certain time before the ships becomes active again. Even than you can still place some hits at the moving ship.

I must say that I cheated on this one. With the console, I selected the subentitie to be hit and opened a target inspector# for it. That window showed me the real-time energy level of that small target. And I must say that most shots that seemed on target were in reality too high or too low. Only one out of every 5 blows hit its target and did damage. Getting feedback of the correct hits helped finishing it off sooner. Still, it took me several tries, so be prepared to do that part of the mission at least a dozen of times. :twisted:

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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Post by Cody »

Eric Walch wrote:
Still, it took me several tries, so be prepared to do that part of the mission at least a dozen of times.
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