Shaders and stuff oh my

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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Kaks »

In windows, look inside - there should be a file called .GNUstepDefaults - if you delete it when Oolite isn't running, the next time Oolite starts it will start with a clean slate... Still, your problem could be that you also modified minimum_shader_level, which will prevent oolite from going lower than full shaders.

The reason full shaders weren't enabled with your graphic card is precisely the kind of graphic problems you're experiencing. Ideally a newer driver could possibly fix those issues, but it doesn't look like a new driver is forthcoming... sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :(
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by ioannis »

Kaks wrote:
In windows, look inside - there should be a file called .GNUstepDefaults - if you delete it when Oolite isn't running, the next time Oolite starts it will start with a clean slate... Still, your problem could be that you also modified minimum_shader_level, which will prevent oolite from going lower than full shaders.

The reason full shaders weren't enabled with your graphic card is precisely the kind of graphic problems you're experiencing. Ideally a newer driver could possibly fix those issues, but it doesn't look like a new driver is forthcoming... sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :(
heh, no problem for the bad news, I actually went ahead and updated the drivers anyway (it seems I had somewhat older drivers), but no luck. I noticed that the problem is concentrated on the coriolis station, which is completely black, and at least 4 ships, the Cobra Mk 1, the Cobra Mk 3, the viper and the Moray medical boat, which come out black too (Cobra mk 3 is black in its "normal" version, not the "hunter" version). The rest seem to be normal. Therefore the problem seems to be concentrated.
I replaced Griff shipset replace and Griff shipset resources with fresh oxps in the add on folder, but nothing changed.
I also deleted the GNUstep defaults, but the problem persisted.
If it is ok, I could post all the contents of the gpu-setting file.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by ioannis »

The craziest thing just happened. It turned out that Deepspace texture file pngs were missing (how and why is beyond me) and therefore no textures appeared (go figure). Installing the Deepspace oxp solved the issue, however now I have a different font for some reason. :?

Here is a part of the log:
03:58:59.655 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff-boa-pitbull, griff-boa2-rottweiler

03:59:18.093 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.093 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:18.109 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.109 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:18.593 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.593 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:18.609 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.609 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:29.063 [debugTCP.disconnect]: No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

' (outStream status: 7, inStream status: 7)."
and in the end:
03:59:59.345 [Check]: Shield Cycler requirement not matched : OXPConfig min. version 2.0.7 not installed.
03:59:59.345 [Shield Cycler]: Shield Cycler - configuration disabled : -> OXPConfig is to old or not present
04:00:15.128 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.128 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:15.143 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.143 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:15.190 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.190 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:15.206 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.206 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:16.268 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.268 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:16.284 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.284 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:16.440 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.440 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:16.456 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.456 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Capt. Murphy »

Sounds like some mis-installed OXP problems to me.

I don't recognise the griff-boa-pitbull or rottweiler variants mentioned, but whatever OXP they are from is dependent on another made by Griff (either the ship-set, or more likely Griff's Boa).

The Neolite shader files referred should be inside Neolite_Core_Resources_A_1.1.oxp.

The ShieldCycler error at the top is telling you you need to install OXPConfig (another OXP) which ShieldCycler is dependent on.

Post your whole latest.log and we can see if we can spot anything else going wrong.
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Win 7 64bit, Intel Core i5 with HD3000 (driver rev. - March 2012), Oolite 1.76.1
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Gimi »

Capt. Murphy wrote:
I don't recognise the griff-boa-pitbull or rottweiler variants mentioned, but whatever OXP they are from is dependent on another made by Griff (either the ship-set, or more likely Griff's Boa).
They are from Smivs' [wiki]ToughGuys[/wiki]. Available in three versions, one that needs Griffs stuff, another that uses Smivs ship-set and one standalone.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Smivs »

Gimi is right :)
The Boa Pitbull and Rottweiller are from my ToughGuys 2 OXP and the 'Griff' version is intended for the Griff all-in-one package. These will not work without this OXP installed or if the individual Griff downloads are used.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Kaks »

And the new font should indeed be part of the deepspace oxp - look for a file called oolite-font.png (should be inside Textures). Removing that file(or better still, renaming it .backup), then starting Oolite while pressing shift should bring back the original font... :)
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by ioannis »

Thanks, here it is (latest, after the black station issue is fixed):
03:58:50.764 [log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.76 (x86-32 test release) under Windows at 2012-04-18 03:58:50 +0300.
1 processor detected.
Build options: spoken messages, mass/fuel pricing, JavaScript console support, OXP verifier, localization tools, debug GraphViz support, JavaScript profiling.

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

03:58:51.076 [display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1280 x 960
03:58:52.561 [joystick.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
03:58:54.592 [dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
03:58:54.623 [searchPaths.dumpAll]: Unrestricted mode - resource paths:
../AddOns/Aquatics 2.27.oxp
../AddOns/behemoth 2.6.oxp
../AddOns/BigShips 1.02.oxp
../AddOns/BlOomberg Markets v2.5.oxp
../AddOns/Copperhead Yari.oxp
../AddOns/DeepSpacePirates 1.3.oxp
../AddOns/Dictators v1.5.oxp
../AddOns/Dredgers 2.4.6.oxp
../AddOns/Fuel Tank v2.2.oxp
../AddOns/Hired Guns 1.26.oxp
../AddOns/IronHide 2.00.oxp
../AddOns/Missiles and Bombs v2.5.oxp
../AddOns/Ore_processor 1.59.oxp
../AddOns/Pirate_coves 1.3.2.oxp
../AddOns/PlanetFall 1.41.oxp
../AddOns/RepairBots 2.04.oxp
../AddOns/Saleza v2.3.oxp
../AddOns/ShieldCycler 0.30.2.oxp
../AddOns/TG2forSmivs' Apocalypse.oxp
../AddOns/Thargorn_Threat 1.5.oxp
../AddOns/ToughGuys Apocalypse.oxp
../AddOns/Tracker 1.00.oxp
03:58:54.623 [rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 3.3.11566 ("3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context"). Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc.". Renderer: "ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series".
03:58:54.623 [rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (198):
GL_ARB_draw_instanced, GL_NV_float_buffer, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_ARB_texture_storage, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_sync, GL_ARB_texture_multisample, GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_blend_func_extended, GL_NV_explicit_multisample, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage, GL_EXT_texture_snorm, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_ARB_timer_query, GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ATI_texture_float, GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend, GL_AMD_sample_positions, GL_ARB_viewport_array, GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters, GL_NV_primitive_restart, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, GL_ARB_conservative_depth, GL_ARB_get_program_binary, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_NV_half_float, GL_NV_copy_image, GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture, GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_AMD_pinned_memory, GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_EXT_texture_swizzle, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_ARB_sample_shading, GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map, GL_WIN_swap_hint, GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack, GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate, GL_EXT_copy_buffer, GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export, GL_AMD_name_gen_delete, GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, GL_EXT_direct_state_access, GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store, GL_EXT_texture_storage, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_ARB_texture_float, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, GL_EXT_bindable_uniform, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_draw_instanced, GL_ARB_occlusion_query2, GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend, GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, WGL_EXT_swap_control, GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_AMD_debug_output, GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_AMD_conservative_depth, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra, GL_EXT_texture_integer, GL_EXT_texture_array, GL_ARB_base_instance, GL_EXT_histogram, GL_ARB_shading_language_packing, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object, GL_ARB_texture_snorm, GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_copy_buffer, GL_ARB_shadow_ambient, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_ARB_transform_feedback2, GL_ARB_transform_feedback3, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_EXT_packed_float, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_ARB_internalformat_query, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility, GL_ARB_texture_query_lod, GL_AMD_texture_cube_map_array, GL_AMDX_vertex_shader_tessellator, GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions, GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export, GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap, GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc, GL_EXT_texgen_reflection, GL_ATI_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_texture_gather, GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32, GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_ATI_meminfo, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_ATI_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_AMD_texture_texture4, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array, GL_ARB_sampler_objects, GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_AMDX_debug_output, GL_ARB_shader_precision, GL_ARB_depth_clamp, GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object, GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced, GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc, GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding, GL_EXT_timer_query, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod, GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_texture_lod, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment, GL_EXT_copy_texture, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_point_parameters, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_EXT_subtexture, GL_AMD_performance_monitor, GL_NV_texture_barrier
03:58:54.780 []: Shaders are supported.
03:58:54.780 [speech.synthesis]: Spoken messages are off.
03:58:57.827 [shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data.
03:58:59.655 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff-boa-pitbull, griff-boa2-rottweiler
03:59:10.890 []: Loaded 61 world scripts:
Anarchies 2.6
aquatics_equipment 1.1
aquatics_populator 2.24
behemoth 2.6
BGS-M 1.4
bigShips_populator 1.0.2
Breakable_HUD_IFF_Scanner 1.1
Breakable_Shield_Generators 1.0
Breakable_WitchDrive 1.1
Cabal_Common_Briefing 1.5
Cabal_Common_Comms 1.5
Cabal_Common_Functions 1.5
Cabal_Common_Keyboard 1.5
Cabal_Common_Music 1.5
Cabal_Common_OXPStrength 1.5
Cabal_Common_SpecialMarkets 1.5
Caduceus Damage Control Node 2.0
CargoTypeExtension 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Auctions 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Base 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Dynamic 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Scavenger 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-TraderNet 0.4.0
communist_population 2.11
deep_space_dredger 2.4.6
deep_space_pirates 1.3
dictators.js 1.0
ExtraPirates3 1.0.1
feudal-challenge.js 8.0
feudal-mission.js 9.0
feudal-planetfall.js 3.0
feudal-promotion.js 5.0
feudal-ranks.js 4.0
feudal-tournament.js 9.0
hiredGuns_system 1.0
illegal_goods_missions 1.6
illegal_goods_tweak 1.6
IronHide Armour Script 2.00
Missiles & Bombs 1.0
NPC-shields 1.1
oolite-cloaking-device 1.76
oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.76
oolite-nova 1.76
oolite-thargoid-plans 1.76
oolite-trumbles 1.76
oreProcessor 1.59
Pirate_Coves 1.3.2
PlanetFall 1.40
railgun 1.3
Random_Hits 1.4.11
Repair system 2.04
saleza.js 1.0
SE-main-script 2.5
sell_equipment 1.4
Shield Cycler 0.30.2
Shield Cycler External Events 0.30.2
shieldequalizercapacitors 1.3
snoopers 2.2.1
Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle 1.5
tracker_worldScript.js 1.00
03:59:18.093 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.093 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:18.109 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.109 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:18.593 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.593 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:18.609 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:18.609 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:29.063 [debugTCP.disconnect]: No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

' (outStream status: 7, inStream status: 7)."
03:59:29.063 [debugTCP.disconnect]: No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'unknown error.' (outStream status: 0, inStream status: 0)."
03:59:29.063 [debugTCP.connect.failed]: Failed to connect to debug console at address
03:59:29.063 [CargoTypeExtension]: No serialised data, starting afresh
03:59:29.094 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Jewellery from 246 to 92 by 2084008
03:59:29.094 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_1
03:59:29.110 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Shark Skin from 220 to 12 by 2084013
03:59:29.156 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_2
03:59:29.172 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Higgs Bosons from 13 to 180 by 2084004
03:59:29.172 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_3
03:59:29.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Spirits from 63 to 55 by 2084032
03:59:29.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_4
03:59:29.235 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Thermaplate from 147 to 244 by 2084010
03:59:29.250 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_5
03:59:29.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Mining Explosives from 87 to 82 by 2084057
03:59:29.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_6
03:59:29.281 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Jewellery from 128 to 195 by 2084023
03:59:29.281 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_7
03:59:29.297 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Ore processors from 205 to 214 by 2084067
03:59:29.297 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_8
03:59:29.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Whisky from 218 to 127 by 2084036
03:59:29.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_9
03:59:29.344 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo High-temperature Ceramics from 70 to 15 by 2084020
03:59:29.344 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_10
03:59:29.360 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Cell Disruptors from 186 to 233 by 2084008
03:59:29.360 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_11
03:59:29.375 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Ultraglass from 153 to 16 by 2084016
03:59:29.375 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_12
03:59:29.391 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Entangled Particles from 129 to 211 by 2084017
03:59:29.406 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_13
03:59:29.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Mining Explosives from 166 to 223 by 2084054
03:59:29.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_14
03:59:29.485 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Perfumes from 109 to 100 by 2084023
03:59:29.500 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_15
03:59:29.594 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Sphalerite Ores from 67 to 92 by 2084057
03:59:29.594 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_16
03:59:29.750 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Cutlets from 214 to 157 by 2084035
03:59:29.750 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_17
03:59:30.000 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Syndreamer from 188 to 112 by 2084026
03:59:30.000 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_18
03:59:30.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Coffee from 109 to 83 by 2084018
03:59:30.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_19
03:59:30.407 [CargoTypeExtension]: Defined dynamic cargo Military Robots from 149 to 107 by 2084036
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_20
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registering CargoTypeExtension-Auctions extension
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A1
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A2
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A3
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A4
03:59:30.422 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A5
03:59:30.438 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C1
03:59:30.438 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C2
03:59:30.438 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C3
03:59:30.438 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C4
03:59:30.453 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C5
03:59:30.453 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F1
03:59:30.453 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F2
03:59:30.453 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F3
03:59:30.453 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F5
03:59:30.469 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F6
03:59:30.469 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F7
03:59:30.891 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F8
03:59:30.891 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F9
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F10
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F11
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U1
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U2
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U3
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U4
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U5
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U6
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L1
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L2
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L3
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L4
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L5
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X1
03:59:30.907 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X2
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X3
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X4
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X5
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X6
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X7
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X8
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X9
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X10
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X11
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M1
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M2
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M3
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M4
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M5
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M6
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M7
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R1
03:59:30.922 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R2
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R3
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R4
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R5
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R6
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R7
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R8
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O1
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O2
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O3
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O4
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T1
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T2
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T3
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T4
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T5
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T6
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T7
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T8
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF1
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF2
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF3
03:59:30.938 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF4
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF5
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_FI1
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_FI2
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_OI1
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS1
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS2
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS3
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS4
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS5
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS6
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS7
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS8
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN1
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN2
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN3
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN4
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN5
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN6
03:59:30.953 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN7
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registering CargoTypeExtension-Scavenger extension
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_F1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_T1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_O1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IS1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_L1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_X1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IN1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_C1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_M1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_A1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IF1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_U1
03:59:31.219 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_R1
03:59:32.282 [Check]: Shield Cycler requirement not matched : OXPConfig min. version 2.0.7 not installed.
03:59:32.282 [Shield Cycler]: Shield Cycler - configuration disabled : -> OXPConfig is to old or not present
03:59:32.782 [loading.complete]: ========== Loading complete. ==========
03:59:34.672 [shader.uniform.unpermittedMethod]: Did not bind uniform "alertlevel" to property -[ShipEntity alertCondition] - unpermitted method.
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_1 to 28 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_2 to 46 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_3 to 25 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_4 to 8 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_5 to 35 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_6 to 110 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_7 to 46 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_8 to 49 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_9 to 7 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_10 to 20 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_11 to 79 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_12 to 12 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_13 to 15 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.266 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_14 to 95 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_15 to 43 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_16 to 11 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_17 to 1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_18 to 228.32000000000002 with 2 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_19 to 113 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTD_20 to 27 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_A1 to 33 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_A2 to 8 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Buy: 380 * 1.729998779296875
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_A3 to 65.7 with 62 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_A4 to 41 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_A5 to 8 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_C1 to 62 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_C2 to 107 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Buy: 900 * 1.7888168334960939
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_C3 to 160.9 with 24 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_C4 to 80 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_C5 to 24 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F1 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F2 to 4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F3 to 1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F5 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F6 to 3 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F7 to 1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F8 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Buy: 30 * 1.9076431274414063
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F9 to 5.7 with 20 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F10 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_F11 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U1 to 14 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U2 to 40 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U3 to 14 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U4 to 153.01999999999998 with 1 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U5 to 62 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_U6 to 17 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_L1 to 18 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_L2 to 29 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_L3 to 8 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_L4 to 23 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_L5 to 6 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 153
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 153
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 940 * (1.8343048095703125(1,-0.1656951904296875) + 2.8253686523437507) = 4.659673461914063 => 4380.093054199219 ?5100
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X1 to 443 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.282 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 46
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 46
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 950 * (1.853912353515625(1,-0.146087646484375) + 0.445316162109375) = 2.299228515625 => 2184.26708984375 ?5200
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X2 to 223.4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X3 to 25 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 137
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 137
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 950 * (1.89312744140625(1,-0.10687255859375) + 1.7293212890624998) = 3.62244873046875 => 3441.3262939453125 ?5400
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X4 to 349.1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.298 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 115
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 115
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 940 * (1.9127349853515625(1,-0.0872650146484375) + 2.629920654296875) = 4.542655639648437 => 4270.096301269531 ?5500
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X5 to 432 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X6 to 42 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Buy: 950 * 1.842938232421875
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X7 to 175 with 13 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X8 to 19 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X9 to 47 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X10 to 86 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_X11 to 23 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M1 to 41 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M2 to 64 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M3 to 24 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M4 to 51 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M5 to 14 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M6 to 34 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_M7 to 142.51999999999998 with 1 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 55
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 55
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 110 * (2.1852874755859375(1,0.1852874755859375) + 0.2654022216796875) = 2.450689697265625 => 269.57586669921875 ?6900
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R1 to 31.9 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.313 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 55
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 55
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 120 * (2.20684814453125(1,0.20684814453125) + 0.179285888671875) = 2.386134033203125 => 286.33608398437497 ?7000
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R2 to 33.6 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R3 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R4 to 6 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 55
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 55
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 110 * (1.7656784057617188(1,-0.23432159423828125) + 0.2315203857421875) = 1.9971987915039062 => 219.69186706542968 ?7300
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R5 to 26.9 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.329 [CargoTypeExtension]: Route from 53
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Calculated 53
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Sale: 120 * (1.7852859497070312(1,-0.21471405029296875) + 1.5691937255859374) = 3.3544796752929686 => 402.5375610351562 ?7400
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R6 to 45.2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R7 to 7 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_R8 to 13 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_O1 to 9 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_O2 to 20 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_O3 to 5 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_O4 to 12 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T1 to 6 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T2 to 1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T3 to 4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T4 to 6 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T5 to 2 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T6 to 5 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T7 to 1 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_T8 to 3 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IF1 to 77 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IF2 to 22 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IF3 to 56 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IF4 to 18 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IF5 to 36 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_FI1 to 3 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_FI2 to 0 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_OI1 to 13 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS1 to 20 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS2 to 3 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS3 to 11 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS4 to 4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS5 to 4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS6 to 12 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS7 to 4 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IS8 to 5 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN1 to 101 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN2 to 39 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN3 to 88 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN4 to 25 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN5 to 48 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN6 to 45 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTS_IN7 to 14 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_F1 to 15 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_T1 to 10 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_O1 to 68 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_IS1 to 89 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_L1 to 50 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_X1 to 462 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_IN1 to 683 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_C1 to 247 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_M1 to 382 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_A1 to 72 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_IF1 to 315 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_U1 to 422 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Set price for CTE_CTA_R1 to 19 with 0 TC available
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Auctioneer 1
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Auctioneer 2
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Auctioneer 3
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Auctioneer 4
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Auctioneer 5
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: CargoTypeExtension-Auctions
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: CargoTypeExtension-Auctions
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: CargoTypeExtension-Auctions
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: CargoTypeExtension-Auctions
03:59:40.345 [CargoTypeExtension]: CargoTypeExtension-Auctions
03:59:40.360 [CargoTypeExtension]: Initialised Local Auctioneer
03:59:50.220 []: Loaded 61 world scripts:
Anarchies 2.6
aquatics_equipment 1.1
aquatics_populator 2.24
behemoth 2.6
BGS-M 1.4
bigShips_populator 1.0.2
Breakable_HUD_IFF_Scanner 1.1
Breakable_Shield_Generators 1.0
Breakable_WitchDrive 1.1
Cabal_Common_Briefing 1.5
Cabal_Common_Comms 1.5
Cabal_Common_Functions 1.5
Cabal_Common_Keyboard 1.5
Cabal_Common_Music 1.5
Cabal_Common_OXPStrength 1.5
Cabal_Common_SpecialMarkets 1.5
Caduceus Damage Control Node 2.0
CargoTypeExtension 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Auctions 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Base 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Dynamic 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-Scavenger 0.4.0
CargoTypeExtension-TraderNet 0.4.0
communist_population 2.11
deep_space_dredger 2.4.6
deep_space_pirates 1.3
dictators.js 1.0
ExtraPirates3 1.0.1
feudal-challenge.js 8.0
feudal-mission.js 9.0
feudal-planetfall.js 3.0
feudal-promotion.js 5.0
feudal-ranks.js 4.0
feudal-tournament.js 9.0
hiredGuns_system 1.0
illegal_goods_missions 1.6
illegal_goods_tweak 1.6
IronHide Armour Script 2.00
Missiles & Bombs 1.0
NPC-shields 1.1
oolite-cloaking-device 1.76
oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.76
oolite-nova 1.76
oolite-thargoid-plans 1.76
oolite-trumbles 1.76
oreProcessor 1.59
Pirate_Coves 1.3.2
PlanetFall 1.40
railgun 1.3
Random_Hits 1.4.11
Repair system 2.04
saleza.js 1.0
SE-main-script 2.5
sell_equipment 1.4
Shield Cycler 0.30.2
Shield Cycler External Events 0.30.2
shieldequalizercapacitors 1.3
snoopers 2.2.1
Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle 1.5
tracker_worldScript.js 1.00
03:59:55.064 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:55.064 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:55.080 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:55.080 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:56.127 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:56.127 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:56.158 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:56.158 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:56.298 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:56.298 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
03:59:56.314 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
03:59:56.314 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_1
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_1 (okay)
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_2
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_2 (okay)
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_3
03:59:58.767 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_3 (okay)
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_4
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_4 (okay)
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_5
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_5 (old)
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_6
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_6 (okay)
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_7
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_7 (okay)
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_8
03:59:58.783 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_8 (okay)
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_9
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_9 (okay)
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_10
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_10 (okay)
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_11
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_11 (okay)
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_12
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_12 (okay)
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_13
03:59:58.799 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_13 (okay)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_14
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_14 (old)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_15
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_15 (okay)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_16
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_16 (okay)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_17
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_17 (okay)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_18
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_18 (okay)
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_19
03:59:58.814 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_19 (okay)
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTD_20
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Reregistering CTE_CTD_20 (okay)
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registering CargoTypeExtension-Auctions extension
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A1
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A2
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A3
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A4
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_A5
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C1
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C2
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C3
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C4
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_C5
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F1
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F2
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F3
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F5
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F6
03:59:58.830 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F7
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F8
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F9
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F10
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_F11
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U1
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U2
03:59:58.845 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U3
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U4
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U5
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_U6
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L1
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L2
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L3
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L4
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_L5
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X1
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X2
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X3
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X4
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X5
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X6
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X7
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X8
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X9
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X10
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_X11
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M1
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M2
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M3
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M4
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M5
03:59:58.861 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M6
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_M7
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R1
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R2
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R3
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R4
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R5
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R6
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R7
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_R8
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O1
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O2
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O3
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_O4
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T1
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T2
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T3
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T4
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T5
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T6
03:59:58.877 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T7
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_T8
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF1
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF2
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF3
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF4
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IF5
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_FI1
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_FI2
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_OI1
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS1
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS2
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS3
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS4
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS5
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS6
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS7
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IS8
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN1
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN2
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN3
03:59:58.892 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN4
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN5
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN6
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTS_IN7
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registering CargoTypeExtension-Scavenger extension
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_F1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_T1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_O1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IS1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_L1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_X1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IN1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_C1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_M1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_A1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_IF1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_U1
03:59:58.908 [CargoTypeExtension]: Registered cargo type: CTE_CTA_R1
03:59:59.345 [Check]: Shield Cycler requirement not matched : OXPConfig min. version 2.0.7 not installed.
03:59:59.345 [Shield Cycler]: Shield Cycler - configuration disabled : -> OXPConfig is to old or not present
04:00:15.128 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.128 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:15.143 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.143 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:15.190 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.190 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:15.206 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:15.206 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:16.268 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.268 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:16.284 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.284 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:16.440 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.440 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
04:00:16.456 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program neolite-std.vs.
04:00:16.456 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader neolite-std.vs/neolite-std.fs.
04:00:32.957 [bigShips_populator]: 1 big trader(s) added to the Aronar system.
04:01:39.976 [gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2012-04-18 04:01:39 +0300.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Thargoid »

Smivs wrote:
Gimi is right :)
The Boa Pitbull and Rottweiller are from my ToughGuys 2 OXP and the 'Griff' version is intended for the Griff all-in-one package. These will not work without this OXP installed or if the individual Griff downloads are used.
So are your shipdata.plist entries perhaps missing is_external_dependency keys?
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Capt. Murphy
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Capt. Murphy »


I see you are using the replace version of Griff's along with Deepspace ships. Check what way you have installed Deepspace ships referring to this wiki page - ... xture_OXPs. If they are both 'replace' versions you will be getting conflicts. One needs to be a replace version and one needs to be an addition version. Once you have sorted that out let us know which pack is your replace version and which is the addition version and we can then run through the rest of the list to advise on what should and shouldn't be installed.

There are also more than one or two OXPs in there that have been updated - check the OXP list on the wiki. Between the OXPers and Maik the release dates on the list are generally updated if the OXP is updated (and the list is sortable by release date). This isn't 100% the case though so any you are not sure about any look on the appropriate release thread on the boards or the OXPs own wiki page.
[EliteWiki] Capt. Murphy's OXPs
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by ioannis »

I did not install the items in the "non override config" at all, because this would replace the original config folder in the Deepspaceship.oxp.
I am not sure if I should rename anything, as I didn't see a folder named "addition".
The Deepspaceship.oxp folder only contains three folders, "config" "models" and "textures".
Thargoid wrote:
Smivs wrote:
Gimi is right :)
The Boa Pitbull and Rottweiller are from my ToughGuys 2 OXP and the 'Griff' version is intended for the Griff all-in-one package. These will not work without this OXP installed or if the individual Griff downloads are used.
So are your shipdata.plist entries perhaps missing is_external_dependency keys?
Yes, I ran a search for that in the relevant folder C:\Oolite\\Resources\Config\shipdata.plist and there was no reference to this phrase.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Commander McLane »

ioannis wrote:
I did not install the items in the "non override config" at all, because this would replace the original config folder in the Deepspaceship.oxp.
I am not sure if I should rename anything, as I didn't see a folder named "addition".
The Deepspaceship.oxp folder only contains three folders, "config" "models" and "textures".
You misunderstood.

All complete ship sets (I think it's all of them) come in two completely different and mutually exclusive variants. These are distinct OXPs we're talking about. One variant (=one complete OXP) is meant to totally replace the original ship set, that's what we refer to as a replacement. The other variant (=one complete OXP) is meant to add its ships on top of other sets, that's what is referred to as an addition. Whether you have a replacement or an addition in front of you should be clear from the OXP name.

It makes no sense to install two different replacement sets. Both of them have the explicit purpose to completely replace all other Cobras, Boas, Anacondas, etc. They are meant for those players who want only ships of one single design theme in their game. Logically, replacement sets are mutually exclusive. You can only have one of them in your AddOns.

The addition sets, on the other hand, are designed to live side by side in your AddOns. If you have the Griff addition variant, you will see Griff ships alongside the original set. If you have the Griff and the Neolite addition variant, you will see all three sets in your game at the same time.

If you have one replacement and one addition, you will see ships from both OXPs, but none of the original ships, because they have been replaced by the replacement.

Thus, depending whether you want the original ships in your game or not, you need either one of your ship sets it its addition variant, or both of them. But two replacements make no sense.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by ioannis »

Thanks, I 've only got GriffShipsetReplace.oxp, and no addition oxps.
Scratchbuilding miniatures:
the picture in my avatar is a Dwarf Berserker.
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Commander McLane »

ioannis wrote:
Thanks, I 've only got GriffShipsetReplace.oxp, and no addition oxps.
You have DeepspaceShip.oxp, which is another set, independent of Griff's set. Therefore you have to make sure that it plays nicely along the Griff set.
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Capt. Murphy
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Re: Shaders and stuff oh my

Post by Capt. Murphy »

ioannis wrote:
I did not install the items in the "non override config" at all, because this would replace the original config folder in the Deepspaceship.oxp.
Hi Ioannis,

If you go back to the wiki page link I posted it says the following for Deepspace Ships....
Deepspace Ships includes both 'replacement' and 'addition' versions in the same download. If you install the OXP as normal you are installing the 'replacement' version. The 'addition' version files are included in an zip file embedded inside the main download called 'non override'. To install this version you will need to extract the Config folder from this zip file and use it to replace the standard 'replacement' Config folder that comes with the OXP.
So if you did not replace the Deepspace Ships Config folder with the version in the "non override config" file you have got two replacement shipsets installed, Deepspace Ships and Griff's replacement, which is a recipe for problems.

You have two choices:

1) Extract the files from the Deepspace Ships "non override config" zip and replace the Config folder with the one from the zip folder.


2) Remove Griff Replacement, and download and install Griff Addition.

Once you have made a choice we can advise on other compatibilities as your choice of ToughGuys versions etc depends on this basic start-up configuration.

You are probably thinking to yourself - 'whoa these guys don't make it easy, why aren't there two clearly named versions of Deepspace ships'?

Deepspace ships has been available in this format for a long while, was released with no license, and the original author has proved to be difficult to contact. In order for another OXPer to repackage the OXP to a more friendly format (and fix some of the texture bugs in the OXP, and/or improve some of the textures with new Oolite features available) that person would need explicit permission from the author. So far I don't think anyone has been successful in contacting the original author to get that permission. There is also the complication that the author set up a website for the OXP which points to the original download. We can't change that website.

See the Deepspace thread for more info
[EliteWiki] Capt. Murphy's OXPs
External JavaScript resources - W3Schools & Mozilla Developer Network
Win 7 64bit, Intel Core i5 with HD3000 (driver rev. - March 2012), Oolite 1.76.1
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