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[WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by snork »

El Viejo wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
Every time you get a "thank you" message from a police for helping him, your bounty is reduced by 20%
The trouble is that after thanking you, the Viper will then attack you!
Thanks. Also Eric and SandJ.
Ah, ok, so there is an effect, and it is strong enough that it might be worth the risk, Good! :)

Wildeblood wrote:
snork wrote:
Oh - would it be possible for them scripts to (optionally!) take notice of the hyperjumps, but only execute the bounty-reducing effect on docking with the main station ?
... but if the bounty was recalculated (upward) at docking or reaching aegis, players might notice their status suddenly change from offender to fugitive for no apparent reason... "dude your OXP is broken"... "Blame snork, it was his idea"... It would have to be an option for the curious to discover in the script.
:lol: I did of course not think of that. Would be even funnier if the player notices this only when suddenly everyone attacks them.
I once had a roughly similar effect, and as surprise it worked wonders. :lol:

Wildeblood wrote:
Where I'd like to get to eventually, by the time 0.1 becomes 2.0 is a completely detailed record of where the player's bounties (yes, plural) originate. So you'd know which planets you had to return to if you wanted to face the music, or avoid forever, if you didn't. Something like this (which is just a mock-up, I don't have script to make it work (yet)):-
Ahh, wonderful. nice mock-up.
So You would provide the basic mechanics, and other oxp-ers could use it with this or that mission oxp ?
I can so see a mission where any outcome would have the player be most hated enemy either with the CFA-associated feline worlds, or with the TICA-associated feline worlds, or all of them. :twisted:

Or some other oxp-er provides a script, that if you ever flatten a frog ....

And so on. Ah, wonderful possibilities.
Wildeblood wrote:
Well, I'm about ready to give up on this for the time being. I had it working the other day, but I was using a giant array to hold bounty information for all 2048 planets, and it was bloating my save-game file by 10k or more. So, I thought, I'd better do this properly with some kind of object thingamy, but it's just re-confirmed my enduring hate/hate relationship with javascript. I've been fumbling about all day and I'm still none the wiser about when to use dots and when to use brackets, or why.

Oh no. :cry:
Don't panic ? Have a beer, or so ?

ps - is it possible for oxps to not use the main savegame, but to store their stuff in some other (oxp-only) file ?
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by Wildeblood »

snork wrote:
Is it possible for oxps to not use the main savegame, but to store their stuff in some other (oxp-only) file ?
No, that's an absolute no-no. Adding 10kb to the save-file is no particular drama, if it were useful data. But seeing 3 actual numbers followed by 6139 repetitions of "null" made me cringe and start over.
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by snork »


I thought things could maybe be easier to handle if an oxp-er could break things down to more but "smaller" files - like one per galactic sector, or some such.

Anyway, good luck!
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by Commander McLane »

snork wrote:
ps - is it possible for oxps to not use the main savegame, but to store their stuff in some other (oxp-only) file ?
Allowing JS-scripts to read or write something to files is an invitation for scripters to do all sorts of bad things to your computer. It's like deliberately lifting the firewall. Therefore the development team have stated in no uncertain terms that JS-scripts for Oolite will never ever be allowed read/write access to anything, except for the automated way provided for save-games.
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by Wildeblood »

I'm certain now that this idea is feasible.

A system where Commander GalCrim Test has never put a foot wrong:-


A system where he is a dangerous fugitive:-


And a system where he was an offender, but paid off his fines:-


And, too, I'll take this opportunity to recommend submersible's excellent planet textures.
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by SandJ »

Wildeblood's Screenshot wrote:
Economy: Agricultural
Government: Communist
"You are wanted for no crimes in this system"
Ouch, that's harsh! "Wanted for no crimes" - what is this - a soviet pogrom?

"You claim you innocent trader, da? Nyet! You are capitalistic lackey dog! You, enemy of people! You steal machinery from people's collective for handful of credits! You line own pocket with gold! You guilty of capitalist crime! You sentenced to Astrogulag Penal Colony! You work for the people from now on. Ha!"
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by Wildeblood »

My grammar offends thee, SandJ? You could also read the second one as a job offer.

I'm learning things I ddn't know before. For example, did you know that attacking a navaid earns you a bounty of 15 credits, or that it takes exactly seven hits with a military laser to destroy a viper? Count 'em:-
23:38:09.174 [screenshot]: Saved screen shot "Explorers_Club_snapshot_of_Ortema.png" (1366 x 768 pixels).
23:39:38.284 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.320 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.350 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.437 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.524 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.615 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.704 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of attacking police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 20, local 0.
23:39:38.808 [Sniper Sight]: killed other ship [Ship "GalCop Viper" position: (12932, -48538, 386613) scanClass: CLASS_POLICE status: STATUS_DEAD].
23:39:38.813 [screenshot.filenameExists]: Snapshot "Sniper-Sight.png.png" already exists - adding numerical sequence.
23:39:38.814 [screenshot]: Saved screen shot "Sniper-Sight-002.png" (1366 x 768 pixels).
23:39:39.234 [GalCrim]: In galaxy 4, system 109 (Ortema), player committed crime of murdering police. Bounties applied: universal 0, chartwide 70, local 0.
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP version 0.0001, please test

Post by SandJ »

Wildeblood wrote:
My grammar offends thee, SandJ?
Not at all. I am currently reading "A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" where most of the dialogue is in "Ha! You meanie flippy-floppy no-good man! Was happier under communism." style. I automatically read the screen dump in a poor Russian accent.
Wildeblood wrote:
You could also read the second one as a job offer.
I did that too... :lol:
Flying a Cobra Mk I Cobbie 3 with nothing but Explorers Club.OXP and a beam laser 4 proper lasers for company :D
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by maik »

added to the WIP section of the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by Yodeebe »

Your wiki link goes to the 'colonisation.oxp' not 'criminal record.oxp.'
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by maik »

Oops, thanks. Copy/paste bug. Fixing..
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by onno256 »

This sounds very interesting! Everything that adds more immersion is a good thing in my book....

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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by Wildeblood »

Why would I bump this topic after all these years?
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by Anonymissimus »

Wildeblood wrote:
Why would I bump this topic after all these years?
You worked hard so that you now have a completely up-to-date and perfectly bug-free version of this OXP to share ?
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Re: [WIP] Criminal Record OXP

Post by Wildeblood »

Anonymissimus wrote:
You worked hard so that you now have a completely up-to-date and perfectly bug-free version of this OXP to share ?
I wish it were so, but no. This OXP had two main scripts: one that kept a complete database of the player's crimes, and customized the way the bounty on their head decayed, that I finished; and one to catch when they committed a crime and poke the data into the database, that I barely started. Unfortunately, all trace of it is now gone. :(


It was a longshot, but I was hoping the image links above still worked so phkb, and anyone else interested, could at least see what it looked like. This is my response to his topic:-
I still think the way I implemented player bounties was right. But reading back over this topic I was fairly coy and didn't share much information anyway. :( There's a moral lesson here somewhere.

I divided the player bounty into three components: a universal bounty that was unshakeable, a chartwide bounty that was reset with a galactic jump & a local bounty that was specific to each system. The idea was that when you committed an offence and Oolite increased your bounty, the increase would be allocated either to your chartwide bounty or your local bounty depending on whom you attacked.

So if you attacked the beacon, main station or a galcop viper your chartwide bounty would increase and you'd be a fugitive everywhere. But, if you attacked a local shuttle only your local bounty would increase and as soon as you jumped to the next system you'd be safe. But, because it kept a detailed record, if you returned to a system where you had previously committed an offence you'd still be wanted until you paid the fine.
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