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Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

Fatleaf wrote:
If it helps anybody to know how I make them up it might inspire others to try it themselves.
I look at the original description, then the type of life form inhabiting the planet and also the government type and now and then the tech level. With that you can usually get a story emerging. Also looking at their location in the galaxy helps a little.

I will work on the next ten for the seventh octant. I like doing them as a wee distraction from a WIP I'm working on.
Thanks. That's the way I do it too. I look indeed at the original descriptions. But I also use the Wiki to see if the planets are on certain trade routes or in certain sectors. BTW you are allowed to change a description if it is a boring world. Those descriptions are great excuses to make your own story.

However. I feel that sometimes the original description is right (The Old Galactic Catalogue Entry). So sometimes I write: The original entry is right on this planets...ect...
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
Note: I did an advert for Qube - Coolgate, there's also an entry for it in snoopers:

Statistics to get your teeth into?: Coolgate, Qube's largest corporation, has published a report that indicates that users of its Forest Green Toothpaste are 28.3% less likely to die in the civil war than users of its nearest rival brand. Unsurprisingly, that rival, DynaSense has cried foul and has pointed out that it cannot afford to give away a free assault rifle with every ten packs of toothpaste sold.
Thanks for the heads up. I take a look if I can build this into the description.
For P.A. Groove's music check
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Cody »

"4 209" = Arzaquar (G5 #209):

The world Arzaquar is very famous for its hoopy night life, but scourged by frequent civil war. These wars are fought over the planet’s main cash-crop, Arzaquarian megaweed! The indigenous felines adore the weed, and off-planet it fetches a high price. The feudal barons have organised the trade well, and enjoy a high lifestyle on the proceeds, as do their human advisors. The peasant workers are extremely poor, but are too high to care!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

I really hate it when you make a mistake in a plist and then it's not loading. My descriptions .plist is broken and I don't know why.
I edit in Textwrangler on Mac. Does anyone know a good checker for plists?
I looked on the Wiki and you can check it via the terminal but is there a checker that can be integrated in text wrangler?

Code: Select all


	"0 0" ={description = "This planet is most notable for Tibediedian Arma brandy. This brandy sometimes contains a larva which is deadly to some species. The planet is mostly covered in dense jungle and is a magnet for nature lovers. The attraction is strengthened by it being the only green planet in the sector. Around the poles, there are flat areas with cities. The Royal House of Tebedied welcomes travellers and traders who make planetfall after visiting the tournaments at the Royal Hunting Lodge in orbit.";};
	"0 1" ={description = "Qube is reasonably well known for its great dense forests and deep blue oceans. It is dotted with islands and inland seas. The temperate climate provides the inhabitants with an abundance of food. Sadly the planet is scourged by a long lasting civil war between the large food corporations and the farmers who are robbed of their land for quick profit. Visitors are advised to check the tourist bulletins to see if there is any conflict around the landing spot.";};
	"0 2" ={description = "The world Leleer is very noted for its pink Leleerian Er plant plantations but beset by frequent civil war. Unless you are a biologist it is best to stay away from the surface. Many travellers don't make the trip back to the station. Also there are many known cases where traders have been kidnapped, and only released after their families paid a large ransom. This is mostly done to put pressure on the Dictators of Leleer.";};
	"0 3" ={description = "This world is very fabled for the Biargeian Edible Poet. The predominant race on Biarge are human colonials, who arrived in the early days of the 'Far Colonies', even before wormhole technology was discovered. The infamous colonial group, the Dead Poets' Society, were responsible for the genocidal consumption of the Biargeian Edible Poets, but this practice was eventually stamped out. Later, however, Biarge became known for the 'Biargeian Edible Poet to Soylent Green' conversion scandal, a food conflict that almost caused a civil war.";};
	"0 4" ={description = "The world Xequerin is fabled for its weird volcanoes and the Xequerinian mountain lobstoid. The best-known volcano is Mount Lexuqberen, named after the Coomonin lobstoid poet Lexuq. His poem about Mount Lexuqberen is widely known. Lexuq later died on Dienon in galaxy 4, a planet much like his birthplace, also notable for its great volcanoes and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry. It is rumoured that his death gave birth to the Coomunin.";};
	"0 5" ={description = "The leadership of Tiraor have committed themselves to demonstrating the superiority of Communism through sporting prowess and millions of citizens train each day under the watchful eyes of the Peoples Coaches.";};
	"0 6" ={description = "The Rabediran loathing of sit coms dates back to the systems founding, when it was settled by refugees from Laeden. Unfortunately, shortly after landing, the refugees split into two over whether romantic or slapstick comedies should be viewed instead. The dreadful civil war continues today between the two governments, and visitors to the planet are advised to remain in the safer polar regions away from the militarised border.";};
	"0 8" ={description = "Zaatxe is a rich corporate state in the Pulsar Worlds with an abundance of red sand. Zaatxerian sand is a so called ultraconductor and is used in computers. There are countless plants that convert the Zaatxerian sand into computer related products. Spacers seldom touch down on the surface due to the extreme sandstroms and the very dangerous fauna. The Zaatxeian deadly Ouenbeoid is a 30 meter long sandworm and the lethal spotted craboids, of which there are plenty, are known for their fast and often deadly attacks.";};
	"0 9" ={description = "This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists. The truth is that there is not a single good reason for a tourist to set foot on this planet. The feudal society is primitive and the simple industrial cities are filthy. The famous edible moth is very dangerous when driven into a corner but is almost everywhere. The insect is hunted by the Diusrezans for pest control and for food. Tasting a Mothburger is almost a mandatory evil at every party. The taste is reported as awfull.";};
	"0 10" ={description = "Teaatis is mildly well known for Teaatisian vicious brew. The thick gaslike cloud cover of the planet produces droplets which are rich in acid, which are captured by large screens under the cloudfactories. The concentrated acid is mixed in the Teaatisian vicious brew and sold on the juice market for consumption by some insect and frog species. Humans are advised to drink something else;};
	"0 11" ={description = "This planet is noted for its great canyons and the friendly desert grub";};
	"0 12" ={description = "Esbiza is famous for its legendary party-scene. Being a muligovernment world there are many cultural versions and styles. Clubs like Spacelight, Bananozia and Qwerty are famous for their 32/9 partyscene. ";};
	"0 13" ={description = "This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants exceptional love for food blenders. If you got a blender to sell, sell it here. High performance models are on high demand especially Ice Blenders. The surface of Ontimaxe is covered in ice but the people are warm and fun.";};
	"0 14" ={description = "This world is most notable for its fabulous Cebetelaian lethal brandy but scourged by killer mountain Esbionoids. The old register is right on this one. If you've got no reason to be here then stay away".;};
	"0 15" ={description = "The Fierce Lizards of Ceedra have been engaged in what appears to outsiders as a deadly civil war for many years. In fact, due to their extreme regenerative abilities, native fatalities are rare, and the conflict is seen as a combination of sport and religious ritual. Visitors who do not share the Ceedran's resilience are advised to wear full combat armour at all times.";};
	"0 16" ={description = "The planet Rizala is mildly notable for Rizalaian Lethal Brandy, the ideal remedy for people who spend a little bit too much time in the harsh outdoor conditions. Rizala is a young planet that looks more like a cratered moon with a large river network. The atmosphere has a very low oxygen content which makes it difficult to breathe. The planet has oceans at its poles,  and the sights are splendid as the planet surface bathes in mystical blue and purple light.";};
	"0 17" ={description = "Atriso is a fertile farming world, its green fields clearly visible from space, but even the wide variety of foods it produces cannot satisfy their gourmet tastebuds. The ruling chef-dictators of Atriso import hundreds of tons of exotic foods each day from across the eight charts, hoping to find the perfect combination of flavours.";};
	"0 18" ={description = "Travellers in a hurry often pass this planet by, missing out on Teanrebi's friendly bug-eyed frogs, her beautiful tropical beaches and her lush forests. Rumour has it that some old settlements found here are of an ancient, unknown alien origin.";};
	"0 19" ={description = "The pink oceans of Azaqu are covered in a thin layer of floating silt which gives them their distinctive colour. Beneath the waves, the lobstoid population grows corals for their cousins elsewhere. The planetary sport is Zero-G cricket, and the Az-es trophy is contested annually with nearby Leesti.";};
	"0 20" ={description = "Retila's harsh rocky surface was unpleasant at best, but its sun's activity made it worse. A particularly nasty solar flare destroyed most of the orbitals soon after colonisation, and drove the population deep underground to survive. They are now unable to patrol their space lanes, but are welcoming to the determined visitor who makes it to the surface.";};
	"0 21" ={description = "The planet Sotiqu is known for its exclusive clothing made by the best tailors of all the eight charts. Sadly the planet is an anarchy, and exporting these exquisite fabrics is sometimes very dangerous.";};
	"0 22" ={description = "";};
	"0 23" ={description = "The planet Onrira is famous for its Torus station. When the first Torus station was unveiled in orbit around Onrira in 3129, it was an event full of political promise. Both GASEC and GalCop had relied heavily on the services of Obnoxicorp in both the political lobbying and execution of the project. At the time Onrira was an unstable multi-government system, but the Torus station helped unify the planet's inhabitants. It was a technologial marvel at the time and Onrira became the first tech 14 planet in galaxy 1.";};
	"0 24" ={description = "";};
	"0 25" ={description = "";};
	"0 26" ={description = "";};
	"0 27" ={description = "";};
	"0 28" ={description = "Arexe is famous for its green oceans and millions of islands. The islands are covered with forests and swamps. The climate on Arexe is a force to be reckoned with as the steamy seas feed gigantic weather systems. The geography of Arexe fluctuates constantly as coastlines are eroded and new island chains silt up. The rodent population of Arexe build their cities on poles or even aboard large ships. The largest spaceport, Rexona, floats on 25 million air cushions and can travel unhindered across the vast river networks of the planet.";};
	"0 29" ={description = "The planet Atrabiin is covered with a vast network of islands. The atmosphere is very moist and dense and it is only barely habitable for its population of human colonials. The yellowish oceans are particularly interesting. The yellow colour comes from geothermal activity, and the water has a proven healing power for some races. The many cultural differences between the island communities makes this an interesting planet to visit.";};
	"0 35" ={description = "Everyone knows the saying: 'red as the Hells of Isence'. Everything is red on Isence, including the inhabitants: the virulent Isencian V bacteria turned these humanoids red and fat. After years of total planetary quarantine, an expensive medicine was recently developed to control the infection, finally allowing the famous Chexsin Cherzin to take part in the Four-Way Pellery championships on Isinor.";};
	"0 36" ={description = "Reesdice has a long tradition of industry, and paid the price with a heavily polluted atmosphere. Their scientists used this bitter fact to develop the famous Reesdician air filter. This unique device can clean the air of any waste product. Due to miniaturization, Reesdician air filters are widely used in modern space suits. Rumours are that ReesAir(tm) provides patented technology for the Q-Worlds terraforming company. Despite this technical achievement, to avoid further pollution Reesdice switched to producing advanced agricultural products.";};
	"0 39" ={description = "Because of deadly earthquakes the people of Reorte are forever at the mercy of titanic hidden forces hidden deep within their planet. As a result they are deeply religious. Although listed as a Dictatorship the planet is actually a theocracy, controlled by a fluctuating priesthood.";};
	"0 42" ={description = "Anarlaqu is moderately known for the unique xeno-coral plantations in the southern hemisphere's ocean. These unusual corals are occasionally exported for the exotic pet industry and as an avant garde food item for some lobsteroid races. The plantations can be seen as one approaches the planet from space. This system also hosts the Tri-Annual Tournament of Nobles, which is sponsored by the lesser House of Eigrpan.";};
	"0 50" ={description = "The planet Aesbion is a planet with difficult living conditions. The weather is humid and storms are an almost constant factor. Furthermore conflict between the green frogs of Aesbion has been raging for thousands of years now and the fact that the planet is a Corporate State doesn't make it any better: corporate wars are notoriously savage. Luckily for the visitor this war is confined to the surface, for the time being.";};
	"0 62" ={description = "Esusti is a very warm and dry planet. The world is famed for the giant Esusti cactus which can grow as high as 100 meters. The Esustiian Spotted Cat is a form of tiger, but is rarely seen. The people in the cities like to party, although Esusti is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos. The local dance is EsTeMambo.";};
	"0 66" ={government = 0; economy = 0; techlevel = 15; population = 105; productivity = 135000; radius = 3257; name = "Ascension"; inhabitants = "Transhuman Colonials"; description = "After five hundred years of enhancing the human condition with genetics, cybernetics and experimental memetic engineering, a small group of augmented humans founded their own colony, Ascension, on the farthest edge of Galactic Sector 1. Six hundred years later their descendants, now barely recognisable as humans, have populated the whole system and, it is rumoured, some adjacent systems beyond the 7 light- year limit of GalCop's witchdrives";};
	"0 73" ={description = "The jungle world of Aronar: the most dangerous passage on the Spaceway L1 to Lerelace. The landscape is dominated by a jungle-covered supercontinent, the forests haunted by the huge Aronar Deadly Goat. Gambling is a religion on Aronar, and every settlement on Aronar houses at least one local Hoopy Casino. Every citizen of Aronar gambles before dinner.";};
	"0 86" ={description = "Velete looks attractive when seen from space but to a humanoid visitor the surface stinks like rotten eggs. This smell is caused by the swamps on the planet and the algae in the seas that give off sulphurous gasses. Luckily the Velete Tourist Board is aware of this, and offers all visitors a free gas mask.";};
	"0 89" ={description = "A dull world, says the register. In 2513 a large freighter broke down in orbit around Beusrior, and the crew was forced to abandon ship. As the whole surface of the planet is covered with snow and ice, the reluctant colonials built an underground base and called it New London. Day temperature varies between -22C and -40C but at night the temperature can drop below -55C.";};
	"0 93" ={description = "The planet Xeeranre is quite famous for the multicoloured crystals found across the many mountain ranges of the planet. Xeeranre crystals are exported to jewelery factories all over the eight galaxies. The crystal-tinted dawns and sunsets are spectacular tourist attractions in their own right.";};
	"0 99" ={description = "Teraed became one of the largest hubs in the north-east quadrant of Galaxy 1. Travelers to Tianve often use it as a stop-over and trading point. Nowadays the planet is home of the largest aqua city in Galaxy 1, easily visible from space. The Galaxy Dome with 3.2 million seats (estimated) is one of the biggest Zero-G Cricket venues in the sector.";};
	"0 100" ={description = "The planet Vetitice is well-known for its luxury parking meters. Vetitice is also renowned as the home of GASEC, the manufacturer and supplier of Coriolis, Dodo and Ico space stations. Travellers visit Vetice from all over the eight galaxies to witness the construction of these massive structures.";};
	"0 101" ={description = "The planet Laenin was named after an ancient hero of Coomunism. Probably mythological, Laenin was supposedly a great leader on ancient Earth. Legend tells that Laenin and his three sons - the Man of Steel, the Iron-Hewer and Superman - invented coomunism. They made a sit-com called 'Red Dawn' to spread their philosophy. People loved it. Now the Red Revolution has spread all over the eight galaxies. Today Laenin is know as 'The Workers' Paradise'.";};
	"0 111" ={description = "Reinen: a farmers' planet and no mistake. Visitors can see the huge field systems from space. All natural resources have been exhausted and nowadays Reinen specializes in biotechnology. They sell all sorts of farming equipment and the planet now rates as an average agricultural. The capital city New Boorlin hosts the yearly Galaxy 1 Beerfesten which attracts drinkers from all over the universe.";};
	"0 124" ={description = "Tionisla is well known in the region. In the past it was the scene of some of the most massive battles the galaxy has ever seen. The result? The huge Tionisla Orbital Graveyard, now the final resting place of the super-rich and famous. Due to their ingrained shyness all Tionislans wear masks in public, their heads completely encased in baroque constructions. If you like good company, noise, fun, excitement - go elsewhere.";};
	"0 126" ={description = "Why would colonists want to live on Anerbe? Because it is the best place to grow crops. Volcanic ash makes a very mineral-rich soil and gives huge yields without the need for fertiliser. That's why Anerbe is an agricultural world but the not infrequent volcanic disasters that can wipe out whole harvests keep it from being as rich as it might be.";};
	"0 129" ={description = "The Galactic Register called Zaonce a tedious place. They didn't correct it in later issues. Zaonce is actually one of the best-guarded, fun-packed secrets of Galaxy 1. Tourists will find attractions like the monstrous Hurricane Kev, dominating a huge swathe of the northern hemisphere. The planet is also known for the Zaonce Aurodrome, Zanadoo Zoo, Chateau d'if, and the perpetual parties going on in virtually every hotel on the planet.";};
	"0 131" ={description = "Zadies is at the centre of Galaxy 1. The planet houses the main administrative headquarters of GalCop. The planet is a crosspoint of long-distance trade routes and is therefore an important hub for passengers and traders from across the galaxy. Many travel agencies have at least one office here. Zadia, the main capital, is a gigantic but pleasant metropolis situated around an inland sea, the ancient remains of a large meteor strike. Beyond the urban sprawl, the scenery is splendid.";};
	"0 132" ={description = "The planet Entizadi is famous for its inhabitants exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by dreadful solar activity. The Entizadi food blender is one of the most advanced models available anywhere. A rumour exists that, during the conflict on Biarge, the Entizadi companies provided the Dead Poets Society of Biarge with advanced models of their durable blenders. Entizadi is a member of the Iron Stars Trading Federation.";};
	"0 147" ={description = "This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Ouza tulip plantations but is ravaged by frequent earthquakes. The Diso Digital Corp has built a planet wide sensor-network, with the latest OO32000 super-risk processors. This is capable of predicting the earthquakes a full day before they happen. Houses on Diso are built on giant shock absorbers and are often mobile. Diso is also famous for its 10,000 km long Veers fault.";};
	"0 150" ={description = "The planet Xeer is completely covered with ice. Like Beusrior, surface tempreatures range between -20C and -60C. Every year Xeer hosts an ice-sports festival. This world is very well known for Xeerian Wolf meat and its fabulous cuisine.";};
	"0 153" ={description = "This world is very well known for Aonaian Lethal Brandy and its great volcanoes. Aona is also known for Aonatech, an entertainment corporation which creates fantastic ship- and home-entertainment systems. The A-Box is now the best-selling cockpit gaming system, pre-installed with the holographic game 'Evil Trumble V'. Aona itself is a member of the Iron Stars trading federation. This a club of industrial high-tech planets in the south of Galaxy 1.";};
	"0 172" ={description = "This planet lies on the main route between the Xexedi Cluster and the resort world of Rexebe. As Rexebe is famous for its hoopy night life, space-farers in the know stop off at Esveor to stock up on Peptoo Bismol. Peptoo Bismol is a remedy for upset stomachs distilled from the bismuth subsalicylate ('pink bismuth'), a natural antacid found in high concentrations in the planet's pink oceans ";};
	"0 177" ={description = "In the past, Larais was an industrial planet, churning out fusion energy products. After the discovery of Quirium, fusion power became quickly obsolete. The industrial complexes on Larais became deserted and polluted. Three centuries later an airborne plant species was developed and Larais switched to an agricultural economy, even though the planet is permanently shrouded in a thick, orange haze. No-one knows exactly what secrets are to be found at ground level as the industrial fog is simply too dense.";};
	"0 186" ={description = "Zarece consists of superdense gasses not yet fully understood, and was the first gas planet ever to be colonised. It was settled by felines from Reorte, who were fed up with the constant earthquakes on their home planet. Using a combination of zero-G technology and vacuum balloons, large orbital cities were created that float in the higher layers of the atmosphere.";};
	"0 188" ={description = "Tibionis is most noted for vast rainforests and the Tibionisian Deadly Goat, originally introduced by traders from Aronar. Tourists are advised not to travel deep into the splendid jungles. In addition Tibionis features beautiful tropical beaches. Tibionis is the home of Navy Sector Command 4.";};
	"0 198" ={description = "Xezaor is known for its tundra and swamp landscapes. Xezaians have found a way to refine the swamp mud into swamp oil. This swamp oil is an industrial lubricant used in ship maintainance. When not at work the Xezaians gamble their daily wages in the planet's numerous, if utilitarian, Hoopy casinos.";};
	"0 200" ={description = "The ice planet Edorte shines from a distance. A little way off the main spaceways, it's a place to come to rest. GalCop found it a perfect place to house a prison. The Edorte ice prison is the end station for some of the meanest criminals in the galaxy. Situated deep beneath the ice layers, no-one knows its exact location. For the law-abiding visitor, though, Edorte offers spectacular mountains and glaciers.";};
	"0 221" ={description = "Zasoceat is well known for a very long inland sea called the Split Ocean. This inland ocean is a rich source of seafood and its coasts are heavily populated. However under this ocean lies the most active geological fault on the planet. It divides the southern supercontinent into halves, and is the source of many disastrous mega-tsunamis.";};
	"0 222" ={description = "Rilace was once covered by acidic desert and scoured by thin carbon dioxide winds. The local government employed the Q-Worlds Corporation to make the planet into a green and fertile world. The Q-Worlds Quick Terraforming Grid rapidly boosted the atmosphere, and the equatorial regions were bombarded with ice meteorites harvested at the Wagar ice plateau at Beusrior using a high-pressure Terratools Orbit cannon, turning Rilace into the rich and fertile world we see today.";};
	"0 227" ={description = "Qutiri offers space travellers a sight to behold. Magnificent mountain ranges and enormous glaciers cover the planet. The climate is cold but drinking Lethal Brandy in the blue ice caves of the capital Qitroomax, or climbing Mount Tironos under a cold and dazzling night sky, are things that you will never forget. The heavily-furred yellow felines of Qutiri are perfectly adapted to their cold climate.";};
	"0 241" ={description = "Qurave is famous for its Aron Water. The lovely Quravian Aron is a close relative of the Trumble, with one important difference: they do not reproduce asexually. When an Aron is frightened, it produces Aron Water. This liquid, called Psaron on nearby planets, has many healing properties as it contains plasmids that can keep seriously injured humanoids, birds, felines and frogs alive. For an unknown reason the water can defy gravity by running uphill.";};
	"0 250" ={description = "The centre of the Xexedi Cluster and the western part of Galaxy 1, this planet houses a city that covers the entire globe. Xexedi's high tech level is demonstrated by its futuristic towers, domes, habitats and planetary transport systems. Oocruise, the Zorgon Petterson Group, and the famous beauty corporation L'Ooreaal have their HQ here. Xexedi is best known for the Xexedi Skyneedle, a skyscraper two miles high.";};

	"1 6"  ={description = "Esbete is on the list of the ten most beautiful planets of the eight charts, compiled by NSPO (National Space Nature Organization). The deep purple oceans and the colourful continents attract artists and tourists alike. The combination of this visual feast for the eye, along with the much praised Esbetian five star food blender cuisine, are the cause of permanently overbooked hotels in the planetary capital Esbtion. Tourists often book this planet in combination with a visit to the volcano world Orrionti which is just one jump away.";};
	"1 23" ={description = "The Galactic register is accurate in calling this planet 'tedious'. With only a few shelters and a harsh arctic climate, living here proves difficult. Consequently the rodents of Ridiusla live mainly in large underground cities, where they are sheltered form the relentless winds which torment the surface. It is believed that the planet was colonized by descendants of Generationship 'Ridicule'. Many treasure hunters search for the wreck of this ship.";};
	"1 24" ={description = "Maesaron is the last safe world for the traveller traversing the Tomoka Run in the direction to Galcenter G2 or the RedLine Stars. The world lies on the edge of the dangerous Kob's ladder region. The world itself has no oceans and consists primarily of mountains, sand and canyons. Huge sand hurricanes can be seen spinning the planet surface. Sometimes more than five of these huge storms are active at any given point. Life is confined to the cooler polar regions in high-tech glass dome cities. The Lave Academy also has a training station here.";};
	"1 42" ={corona_flare = 0.50; corona_hues = 0.5; corona_shimmer = 0.6; sun_color=blueColor; description = "Soorte is a green and beautiful world. The southern hemisphere has countless tropical green islands while the northern hemisphere has larger continents. The Soortian Oak grows so fast that the Rodent population can use their trees as a constant source of food. In fact it grows so fast that there is a rich export market in Soortian Oak-Wood products. Sadly this also means that slavery is common here, as the Soortian government actively encourages cartels and industrial scale 'sweat-shops' to maximise export income.";};
	"1 45" ={description = "The only thing that is interesting about the orangey-red world of Veerge is the beautiful aspect it presents from space. On the surface Veerge is a harsh desert world beaten by sandstorms. The oceans contain high amounts of metallic and sulfuric acid. The scattered outposts on Veerge depend for fresh water upon trade and drilling operations. Sometimes Veergians are maligned for being rude and unfriendly";};
	"1 53" ={description = "Ausar, originally designated as objectxVz-0092, is a planet with thick layers of sulphuric acid and gas clouds. Unlike a real gas planet it has a swamp like surface. The insects of Ausar have adapted themselves to the harsh conditions over millions of years and built hive cities out of a material that to the human eye looks like a mixture between frogspawn and a beehive, admittedly on a massive scale. Communication with these insect life forms takes place with the help of a psytech mind resonator. Psy-resonating is reportedly a strange experience but feels somehow pleasant and is reported to have therapeutic properties.";};
	"1 54" ={description = "The Raveian edible arts graduate is considered to be a food source by the smart Shrews of Rave. This form of cannibalism is infamous around the local sector but on Rave it is a tradition. The smart Sherws of Rave believe that by eating the arts graduate they can acquire a higher form of knowledge. The graduates provide themselves of their own free will after living for 20 years in royal conditions. The eating ceremony is an ancient ritual and remains off-limits for the visitor.";};
	"1 57" ={description = "Erlage is covered with tundra and very steep icy mountains. The fat birds and the famous mountain bisons are perfectly adapted for Erlage's inhospitable climate. The Erlagian slave market is an infamous aspect of the planet. At one time the slave traffic was so great that the trading routes from the neighboring planets became known as The Erlage Corridor. Local authorities have great difficulty in suppressing the slaving, because the mountains offer many opportunities for secret bases.";};
	"1 58" ={description = "Xeate is a planet sized moon. Xeate is famous for its Buxiulp mines. Buxiulp is a heavy isotope found in certain moonstones. This new found isotope (or nuclide) is used in several applications around the Ooniverse, notably in witchspace drives as a quirium conversion catalyst. It has allowed new ship designs to increase their maximum spacial velocity by up to 20% and, as such, is a highly prized commodity.";};
	"1 65" ={description = "Ceiner recently entered a state of cold war with the planets Zatebiso, Zaaxeve and Zaesre. Officials believe that Zatebiso is secretly backed by Zaaxeve and Zaesre even though no direct route between those planets exist. The only route is by traveling through Ceiner. However, recent discovery of Zaaxeve propaganda, and the increasing number of jumps in and out by ships using fuel tanks, raise suspicion. A recent propaganda scandal brought Ceiner into a cold war with Zaaxeve.";};
	"1 66" ={description = "Onatbeza is famous for its lush green oceans and the remarkable Onatbezian whale, which can grow to an astonishing kilometre in length due to the low gravity. On land Onatbeza is undergoing severe desertification caused by increasing radiation from the Onatbezian Sun Onat. Being a modern industrial planet the Onatbezian society has found ways to shield crops from damage thus preventing mass starvation, but it remains heavily dependant on imported goods. Onatbeza specializes in high tech agricultural solutions.";};
	"1 74" ={description = "The continents and islands of Cediza are almost entirely covered by a green blanket of forest and jungle. The rodent's'capital Chized consists of giant tree houses. The Cedizan super oak can reach a height of 200 meters. The Cedizan wolf is rare because it is hunted down for its exquisite Cedizan Wolf steak which is considered as a local specialty.";};
	"1 78" ={description = "Erlaenadian Mud Tennis is known throughout the sector and the friendly birds of this planet are extremely good at it. The yearly Royal mud tennis championship is a four week tournament held in the capital Fuut. The winning team can take the massive golden egg to their home planet for one year. Visitors are advised that shiny reflective objects of any type are banned on Erlaenaded, and invitations to 'feather the nest' should be politely declined at all costs.";};
	"1 82" ={description = "The high-tech planet of Vezaaes offers traders a rich range of trading opportunities. However, on the surface, a decade long conflict drags on between different corporations. A disagreement over the provision of 'shrew sticks' - the main source of food on the planet - escalated into a full-scale civil war when VezstickCorp, which believed that it had an exclusive deal to supply the sticks with the Vezaesian government, shot down transport boats from ZAstick enterprises";};
	"1 88" ={description = "The planet Gerebied is known for its rough climate. The infamous Gerebian jet blast, a four hundred kilometre an hour wind generated intermittantly by the planet's peculiar rotation and orbital properties, makes conditions on the surface very difficult. Landing on the planet without stabilizers is very dangerous and is not recommended for the inexperienced pilot. Geraint, the main capital, is under a plexiglass dome and partially underground.";};
	"1 109" ={corona_flare = 0.60; corona_hues = 1.0; corona_shimmer = 0.4; sun_color=greenColor; description = "The giant star Oberon tells the sad story of Edsodi, a planet burnt almost to a cinder. During the day people live underground as Oberon literally burns the surface. Nightlife is everything on this very hot planet and is as exotic as a fairytale. The fantastic light coming from the multicolored glowworms on the roofs of Mexpator the capital city is unforgettable. Access for landing ships is through a four hundred metre deep crater, ships are advised to approach the planet on the dark side and land during local night time. The mass and instability of the star Oberon is the main cause of the frequent earthquakes.";};
	"1 127" ={corona_flare = 0.20; corona_hues = 0.3; corona_shimmer = 0.1; sun_color=yellowColor; description = "Ceinerxe is an important trading hub and three other space lanes originate here. Ceinerxe is actually a mostly sea-bound planet with an enormous sea-city much like the one on Teraed in chart one. Despite being a dictatorship it is also a holiday planet with luxury resorts for those with cash to pay for the necessary permits and bribes. The people of Ceinrexe even have some form of freedom. Questioning the dictator Ceiner IV remains a crime punishable by immediate execution, but otherwise Ceinrexe can now be called a comfortable world with pleasant living conditions. Ceinerxe also plays host to a GalNavy base and officers are known to make planet-fall to enjoy the hoopy nightlife and the pleasant artificial beaches. Visitors are warned that the gravity on Ceinerxe is high by most common standards.";};
	"1 114" ={description = "Teonan is a tourism hub and the capital planet of the Teonan web region. 'Teonan Prime' is the enormous capital city built over the site of an ancient impact crater. The city itself is built from the light material 'Plumium' which is five times stronger than concrete, yet remarkably elastic. The city spans a radius of over three hundred kilometres, encompassing both land and sea like a spider web. In the center of the web is the 'Teonan Forum', an enormous building housing literally everything from the spaceport itself, local government offices and the hoopy nightclubs which Teonan is also famous for. The climate is pleasant and calm.";};
	"1 115" ={description = "The yellow fat insects of Anvere expertly hunt the Anverian Island Goat and make it into the tasteful Anverian goat soup. Furthermore, Anvere offers splendid islands. But the world is beset by frequent mega-hurricanes.";};
	"1 122" ={description = "The jump from Erlage to Riedin - or vice-versa - is just possible if the commander is sparing with his injectors. Vistiors to Riedin are treated to a calm and pleasant planet offering some fine locations for a vacation. The Riedin tropical forests are famous for their beauty and rich fauna and flora. Guided tours into the jungle are available from the capital Ridexe Prime.";};
	"1 136" ={description = "Orrionti is famous for its super volcanoes. The Lobster Volcano group with three active super volcanoes are certainly impressive, yet the 'Mother', a solitary super volcano, dwarfs all the others. The whole planet is constantly influenced by volcanic gases and catastrophic outpourings of magma. The lethal disease entry in the Old Galactic Calalogue refers to the condition that occurs if an unprotected humanoid stays too long on the surface, but for the Green Horned Lobsters living here is no problem. For other lifeforms the famous Orrionti-flameshuttle is an ideal way to view the awe-inspiring landscape in relative safety. There are only basic refuelling and repair facilities here. Ships are advised not to land on the surface.";};
	"1 140" ={description = "Zaaxeve is well known for a sitcom called The Lecture. This sitcom runs it's twenty-fith season and tells the story of a communist hero traveling all the way back to Laenin in galaxy 1 to attend a lecture of a Laenins dissident. The pilgrimage to Laenin is used to teach to the people of Zaaxeve the moral that coomunism is the best ideology. Zaaxeve is a member of the Redline Stars. A federation of the planets Zaaxeve, Zaesre and Resori.";};
	"1 144" ={description = "Diraza offers to its visitors lush forests, pleasant villages and dark blue oceans. The famous Dirazian 'Mare brew' is a substance milked from friendly black insects and tastes very sweet and rich. Mare brew is dangerous to some races. Hence a 'Mare Test' is provided free at the many tourist offices.";};
	"1 178" ={description = "Usoron is an old and rich world dotted with interesting cities. The famous Circle of Wisdom is an enormous temple complex believed to have been built by an advanced race that is long gone. Uszex Prime is the site of the Galactic Senate of Galaxy 2. (Usoron was chosen as it is an intersection for many routes across Galaxy 2.) The nightlife offers everything from old Usorian drama to red light district nightclubs. 'UstoK', which stands for 'Us to Kill', is the infamous Usoron lethal brandy brand, which is exported to many planets around Galaxy 2.";};
	"1 188" ={description = "The moon-like planet of Laatso is very rich in minerals. Laatso is famous for mining operations but life for the average worker living in one of the cities on the surface is depressing and featureless. Only the elite of society are permitted luxury items.";};
	"1 189" ={description = "Resori is famous for its beautiful red deserts and its fluffy clouds. Furthermore, Resori is the host of the Galaxy 2 Zero-G Commie Cup in which only communistic teams are allowed to participate. Resorians believe that only through sportsmanship can a citizen become the perfect comrade. Resori is a member of the Redline Stars federation - which is suspected of secretly supporting Zatebiso against the democracy of Ceiner.";};
	"1 193" ={description = "This planet is very well known for vicious Zast brew and its exotic goat soup. Zast brew is number seventy five on the list of the Ooniverse's top one hundred list of dangerous narcotics as compiled by the Tionisla Chronicle. By drinking it people think they can step into other parallel worlds. This mental state can last days and is considered highly dangerous. The goat soup, by comparison, is very innocent. When you make planetfall in one of the cities along the beautiful blue oceans you are recommended to try this before the main dinner.";};
	"1 202" ={description = "Isonza has three main continents: Cataxia, Monocat, and Redcat. These actually refer to the three main populations of furry felines living on the planet. Conditions are harsh. The climate is warm but tropical storms are common. On top of that heavy earthquakes shake the planet on a regular basis. Like many other unstable places in the galaxy shock-proof mobile homes sell well here. As a result Isonza has no fixed capital city, although most felines live around Inland Bay on Cataxia. This is the most northerly and also the largest continent.";};
	"1 204" ={description = "Establishing themselves as an independent planet has proved to be difficult for Zatebiso. The government there is thought to be attempting to manipulate the world of Ceiner in what has come to be known as the 'Redline Cold War'. This multiple planet spanning war of words has yet to erupt into actual violence, but has gripped the area in fear and tension, with a resultant catastrophic drop in free trade. Zatebiso propaganda was found on Ceiner. Ceiner in return accused Zatebiso of trying to discourage trade. Zatebsians are now prohibited to travel to the surface of Ceiner. Galcop has yet to intervene in any significant way, but the GalNavy maintains a watching brief on both planets.";};
	"1 207" ={description = "The eccentric shyness of the slimy rodents on Inxexeat goes to such an extent that it is forbidden for visitors to make contact with the local population. Ships may only make planet-fall on designated landing areas. So called 'Hybrids' are the only native Inxexeatians to interact with spacefarers. The Hybrids are rodents that have been especially selected, sent to the orbiting station and received a comprehensive hex-edit and orientation. The native population exists mostly in a pre-industrial state and believes the orbiting station to be an 'Archangel'. As a result Galcop rigorously enforces a special quarantine regulation for this planet and permits are hard, but not impossible, to come by. Naturewise this is a place of utter beauty and landing rights are in great demand.";};
	"1 221" ={description = "Abege is currently entering an ice age. The enormous icecaps are advancing to the equator. Scientists believe that the event was triggered by changes in the orbit of the planet itself several thousand years ago. The planet is covered by dense forests but these forests are crushed at the edge under the advancing glaciers. Abex Mono is the main base and is, so far, out of direct danger. The leading edge of the main glaciers are over four kilometres high and are a truely awesome spectacle from the ground. The jungle cats of Abege have adapted very quickly by growing thicker fur skin, but moves are afoot to evacuate them as the planet is expected to be completely ice bound by the year 3250.";};
	"1 236" ={description = "Zageuser is famous for its exciting canyon races and has countless canyons across its fractured surface. The deepest are almost nine kilometres deep. The canyon races are dangerous but very popular. The candidates fly at high speed though an obstacle course, though only small fighters and fast planetary jets are allowed to take part. Potential entrants are advised to watch a race before entering and to note well the typical 45% fatality rate before making a final decision. The event takes place alongside the Zagueser Space Cuisine festival. The jetstream clouds of Zageuser are a splendid sight from orbit.";};

	"4 25" ={description = "This world is fabled for its exciting Zaquessoian evil juice, a fiery liquor distilled from the purple xagave cactus. But the jewel of Zaquesso is Crater Lakes Wilderness Reserve. Boasting spectacular scenery and superb samlon fishing, it is renowned throughout the sector. As is The Final Eight, a dimly-lit bar in Spacetown frequented by veteran spacers. Quality music and fine liquor in abundance, but keep your blaster handy.";};
	"6 134" ={description = "Erbieder is most famous for its vast dense forests and its fabulous cuisine. Ultra BalkabagI is their trademark dish. Their festivals that are of galactic renown. The foremost of these are the beer and ale festivals that seem to take place with alarming regularity, which is usually followed by a good smoke of Yashli Kafatasi leaf. It would go to explain why the planet is still only a tech level 8 when the populations schools offer above average teaching.";};

	"7 0" ={description = "Dizaen is one of those planets that promises to be fun and yet ends up rather boring. Being near the galactic centre there should be a high level of traffic. But being a low tech level insectoid planet the aroma is said to be far from pleasant.";};
	"7 1" ={description = "The frogs on Anenen have for centuries been cursed by dreadful solar activity which has caused a large portion of the population to develop mental problems. This has given the planet to get the reputation of being silly and in some quarters downright weird. The government have been researching technology to counter the deadly rays.";};
	"7 2" ={description = "Being near a major trade route Ceor benefits from easy access for the millions of fans of its Zero-G Cricket, which the planet is noted for. But the unwary tourist is warned to watch their manners as the inhabitants are not noted for their sense of humour.";};
	"7 3" ={description = "Ededer has the reputation of being the backside of the high tech worlds. The communists there are of the strictest of them all resulting in making the planet rather tedious. The insects there can bore the most dedicated of individuals with their interest of industry.";};
	"7 4" ={description = "The human colonials on Artesore are not the cleanest of individuals with the main game of the planet being mud hockey. It really is a filthy sport being played on farmers fields once the livestock has been moved on. There are rumours of occasional earthquakes but they appear to be more of a nuisance than deadly. It has yet to be determined how the anarchic governmental system can have a fair education.";};
	"7 5" ={description = "The people here are poor farmers. They don’t seem to have any sort of imagination at all. It is still a mystery how they managed to organise themselves into a corporate state. But this world is so dull there isn’t much to say about it except that it's... well... dull.";};
	"7 6" ={description = "The fun to be had on this planet is never ending. For industrialists they certainly know how to relax. The main choice is the highly popular, Zero-G cricket, with the Ceorans their biggest rivals. The Lobsters are also known for their ability to drink Ultra Squeezings by the bucket load.";};
	"7 7" ={description = "The fierce frogs on Sorezaan will pick a fight with any passing life form. They just love to take out court action for the slightest of slights. The democratic governmental system doesn’t help the situation but since the politicians are pandering after a next term in office they actually make it worse and as a result this place is a mightily tedious place to visit as there are warning signs everywhere and health and safety rules that crush the enjoyment over even the tamest of activities.";};
	"7 8" ={description = "The human colonials on Aaored are another example of democracy at its worst. The two main political parties are parted by one issue only and they are on as opposite ends of the political spectrum as you can get. That is the deadly Aaoredian Monkey, with thousands of people getting killed every month. But they are also intensely cute. As such, one party wants to wipe them out the other wants to breed more of them. Caution is advised when visiting.";};
	"7 9" ={description = "The Bug-Eyed lizards on Lebedixe are of the most friendly life forms you will find anywhere in the eight. As such they have become reasonably noted for their eccentric love of tourists. If it wasn’t for their love also of industry this planet could become the jewel of the seventh, but with a technology level at a low six, it will always be the holiday destination of the working classes.";};	
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Cody »

Is there a word limit on these planet descriptions so they fit in the panel, PAG? I've been working with c450 characters (c70 words).
I can probably do a fair few more descriptions for G5, btw.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Fatleaf »

The wiki has the syntax for the descriptions as

Code: Select all

"description" = "Really, anything you want to say about the place!";
without any { so could that be the issue? I could not find anything about character limit.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

El Viejo wrote:
Is there a word limit on these planet descriptions so they fit in the panel, PAG? I've been working with c450 characters (c70 words).
I can probably do a fair few more descriptions for G5, btw.
The following was the longest description I ever did. But it is too long.

"1 207" ={description = "The eccentric shyness of the slimy rodents on Inxexeat goes to such an extent that it is forbidden for visitors to make contact with the local population. Ships may only make planet-fall on designated landing areas. So called 'Hybrids' are the only native Inxexeatians to interact with spacefarers. The Hybrids are rodents that have been especially selected, sent to the orbiting station and received a comprehensive hex-edit and orientation. The native population exists mostly in a pre-industrial state and believes the orbiting station to be an 'Archangel'. As a result Galcop rigorously enforces a special quarantine regulation for this planet and permits are hard, but not impossible, to come by. Naturewise this is a place of utter beauty and landing rights are in great demand.";};

Keep the descriptions coming. BTW I left salmon in (deliberately) instead of salmon.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

Fatleaf wrote:
The wiki has the syntax for the descriptions as

Code: Select all

"description" = "Really, anything you want to say about the place!";
without any { so could that be the issue? I could not find anything about character limit.
No it was working with the { to open the document and } to close the document.
The fault has to be in one of the newer descriptions. I really need a plist checker.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Cody »

pagroove wrote:
BTW I left salmon in (deliberately) instead of salmon.
Good... samlon is correct!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by pagroove »

EDIT:. It's working again. Probaly due to the reason that I pressen shift longer when starting up Oolite. I hope so :roll:
EDIT 2 : no it's not working. I had my old oxp also installed and the descriptions where coming from the old working .oxp.

So the question remains.
What's wrong in the above posted planet info.plist and where do I find a good .plist checker?
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Gimi »

Not sure, but the description for planet "0 14" ends with: away".;};
Is that right?
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Fatleaf »

With .plists I was under the impression the the character ' need to have a / before it?
so the line I don't like it looks like in code

Code: Select all

I don/'t like it 
I see a few ' scattered about without any /

Also all the ones with 7 as their galaxy number are in G7 so should be 6 in the code.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by Commander McLane »

The entry for 0 10 is missing the closing quotes (drink something else;}; must be drink something else.";}; also inserting a full stop).

On a Mac you could use Property List Editor. It ships with your computer. Personally I use PlistEdit Pro, because it's even more comfortable.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by cim »

pagroove wrote:
As you both have probably noticed is that describing planets is a tedious job. That is because after the 8 descriptions you run out of ideas. However considering this you both did a fab job at coming up with new and fun F7 screens.
Some of them are certainly easier than others. Ribiso pretty much writes itself from the fact that it's literally the only planet famous for vacuum cricket in the whole eight, for instance.

#0 115 Ribiso
"Ribiso invented vacuum cricket, and for many centuries was the undisputed galactic champion. Their recent decision to allow the rules to be translated and the kit exported has led to a few of the richer systems putting together their own teams, and for the first time Ribiso's lead is no longer a foregone conclusion."

Looking to see how common or rare particular bits of description are across the eight is a big help for me.
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Re: Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Post by DaddyHoggy »

Snoopers for Chart 1 and 2 (still working on 3 (ho hum :oops: )) mentions lots of system by name, so perhaps they might give you some ideas on planetary descriptions since I based those on originals, so if you change new ones too much Snoopers ones might not be quite as correct...

Of course its your OXP and you can do want you want - Oolite is already full of inconsistencies.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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