Can I be a bit of a rebel and give you some descriptions for galaxy seven
I spend all of my time there and have a particular affinity to it
#000 Dizaen.
Dizaen is one of those planets that promises to be fun and yet ends up rather boring. Being near the galactic centre there should be a high level of traffic. But being a low tech level insectoid planet the aroma is said to be far from pleasant.
#001 Anenen
The frogs on Anenen have for centuries been cursed by dreadful solar activity which has caused a large portion of the population to develop mental problems. This has given the planet to get the reputation of being silly and in some quarters downright weird. The government have been researching technology to counter the deadly rays.
#002 Ceor
Being near a major trade route Ceor benefits from easy access for the millions of fans of its Zero-G Cricket, which the planet is noted for. But the unwary tourist is warned to watch their manners as the inhabitants are not noted for their sense of humour.
#003 Ededer
Ededer has the reputation of being the backside of the high tech worlds. The communists there are of the strictest of them all resulting in making the planet rather tedious. The insects there can bore the most dedicated of individuals with their interest of industry.
#004 Artesore
The human colonials on Artesore are not the cleanest of individuals with the main game of the planet being mud hockey. It really is a filthy sport being played on farmers fields once the livestock has been moved on. There are rumours of occasional earthquakes but they appear to be more of a nuisance than deadly. It has yet to be determined how the anarchic governmental system can have a fair education
#005 Enususge
The people here are poor farmers. They don’t seem to have any sort of imagination at all. It is still a mystery how they managed to organise themselves into a corporate state. But this world is so dull there isn’t much to say about it except that it's... well... dull!
#006 Raedre
The fun to be had on this planet is never ending. For industrialists they certainly know how to relax. The main choice is the highly popular, Zero-G cricket, with the Ceorans their biggest rivals. The Lobsters are also known for their ability to drink Ultra Squeezings by the bucket load.
#007 Sorezaan
The fierce frogs on Sorezaan will pick a fight with any passing life form. They just love to take out court action for the slightest of slights. The democratic governmental system doesn’t help the situation but since the politicians are pandering after a next term in office they actually make it worse and as a result this place is a mightily tedious place to visit as there are warning signs everywhere and health and safety rules that crush the enjoyment over even the tamest of activities.
#008 Aaored
The human colonials on Aaored are another example of democracy at its worst. The two main political parties are parted by one issue only and they are on as opposite ends of the political spectrum as you can get. That is the deadly Aaoredian Monkey, with thousands of people getting killed every month. But they are also intensely cute. As such, one party wants to wipe them out the other wants to breed more of them. Caution is advised when visiting.
#009 Lebedixe
The Bug-Eyed lizards on Lebedixe are of the most friendly life forms you will find anywhere in the eight. As such they have become reasonably noted for their eccentric love of tourists. If it wasn’t for their love also of industry this planet could become the jewel of the seventh, but with a technology level at a low six, it will always be the holiday destination of the working classes.
That's the first ten done.