For my amusement, here’s a pretty complete list of “weird” Unicode symbols for Mac keyboard keys, except the media keys. These are the symbols that are used for menu commands and generally match what’s on the key, except in US layouts where more of them tend to be written out. Exceptions: as far as I’m aware, the Escape and Control symbols have never been used on an Apple keyboard, and the arrow keys have never had solid arrows.Commander McLane wrote:No. Shift is an outlined arrow, while the arrow keys are printed just with filled arrow heads (you could also say triangles).
←→↑↓ Arrows
↖↘ Home/end
⇞⇟ Page up/down
⇥ Tab
⇧ Shift
⇪ Caps lock
↩ Return
⌤ Enter (keypad), although the actual keyboard symbol is ⌅
⎋ Escape
⌫ Backspace
⌦ Delete
⌧ Clear (keypad)
⏏ Eject
⌘ Command
⌥ Option
⌃ Control