Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

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Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by NostalgicValue »

I downloaded Oolite a few days ago and have been reliving the past since then, it's good to see the original Elite updated.

I guess my fingers aren't what they used to be. The keyboard controls are quite hard, especially in a dogfight. Would anyone be able to recommend a good joystick that would be compatible with the Windows version? Would configuring it be difficult?

I hope a joystick will make gameplay much easier, I just died to an Asp MkII that kept ducking and diving as I struggled to keep it near my sights for what seemed a very long time before it got me.

One more question for now. Are the sheilds on NPC ships rechargable because the Asp seemed to take quite a few hits without a scratch (figuratively speaking)?

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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by maik »

NostalgicValue wrote:
I downloaded Oolite a few days ago and have been reliving the past since then, it's good to see the original Elite updated.
Hi NostalgicValue, and welcome to the board, the friendliest one this side of Riedquat.
NostalgicValue wrote:
I guess my fingers aren't what they used to be. The keyboard controls are quite hard, especially in a dogfight. Would anyone be able to recommend a good joystick that would be compatible with the Windows version? Would configuring it be difficult?
Many people around here seem to be using and are happy with the Logitech Attack 3. Configuration is done through Oolite's setup interface in-game.
NostalgicValue wrote:
One more question for now. Are the sheilds on NPC ships rechargable because the Asp seemed to take quite a few hits without a scratch (figuratively speaking)?
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by NostalgicValue »


Since I posted that I've also been looking on Youtube for Joysticks and quite like the look of the Saitek Cyborg X, does anyone you know have any experience with that one? (i.e. compatibility-wise)
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Commander McLane »

NostalgicValue wrote:

Since I posted that I've also been looking on Youtube for Joysticks and quite like the look of the Saitek Cyborg X, does anyone you know have any experience with that one? (i.e. compatibility-wise)
Hi and welcome! :D

The boards have a search function in the top right corner of your screen. If you use it and search for Saitek Cyborg you should come up with a couple of user opinions about it, usually in threads about joystick recommendations, so you may be able to get a couple of alternatives as well.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

You should be aware that the internal parts in Logitech joysticks seem to wear out fast. They're good sticks, until an axis pot or mechanical linkage commits sueside a month or two down the road.

Some here fly with gamepads.

If you've got some cash to splurge, then go for the ultimate. I fly with a Saitek X-52, at least one guy flies with a CH Flightstick system, and there's the Thrustmaster Cougar to consider. All those are expensive ($100 and up) but well worth it.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by jonboy »

Just thought i'd chime in as I was in exactly the same situation a few days ago. The CH sticks have a very good rep if you want to spend a hundred bucks or so, and the T16000 from thrustmaster seems to give the best feel of the cheaper sticks.

This is all from internet searches, my CH arrives in a few days and I haven't used a stick since my old sidewinder precision pro around 15 years ago!

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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by NostalgicValue »

Thanks everyone.

I like the look of the Saitek joystick Wyvern mentioned but its over my budget. I think I'll look for the Cyborg X in the computer centre tomorrow, failing that I'll order it online.

I'm already pretty well hooked on Oolite now and I really like being able to put add-ons into the game. I just wish the crosshairs weren't so faint that they disappear into the background of the planet, space-station or whatever you're looking at, I'll lok for a way to help with that.

Anyway, thanks again.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

NostalgicValue wrote:
I just wish the crosshairs weren't so faint that they disappear into the background of the planet, space-station or whatever you're looking at, I'll lok for a way to help with that.
Some huds have a disk on the central area that enhances the crosshair contrast - at the expense of visibility on your real targets. Personally, I dislike that disk, but it seems to be quite popular...
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by snork »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
Some here fly with gamepads.
I do, in "analogue mode". And I wonder do any joystick-joysticks offer as many buttons and axises as a gamepad ? There are 4 axises and 16 buttons on mine (plus some macro etc. ones where I have no idea what to use them for), but I better not use the analogue-stick-as-button ones, so still 14 :)

And would you believe it - :oops: it never occurred to me that in "analogue mode" the D-Pad buttons would be available as buttons. :lol:
The only other game I ever play/ed with gamepad would not allow this - D-pad was a replacement for the left analogue stick only.
So I always flew my ship missing buttons on the gamepad, the mixed gamepad-keyboard control to me being usable only for functions usually used in calm game moments.

So I am in big debt to Gimi, a picture of what functions go where on his gamepad made me aware I actually have "enough" buttons available.

What I like also about gamepads is that there are a lot of affordable ones to choose from, if you can live with them being on a cable. My speedlink one did cost me 10€ only, and even though the plastic around the left analogue stick is already "bleaching" from physical stress :D (not from playing Oolite), it still works fine after ~2 years of use. :)
Saitek has big choice of low-cost yet ok-quality gamepads, imo. .

So if it needs not be a joystick-joystick, and you want many buttons, gamepad is a good alternative I think.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Gimi »

snork wrote:
So I am in big debt to Gimi, a picture of what functions go where on his gamepad made me aware I actually have "enough" buttons available.
:D This one: Image
My setup has changed a bit since this, but it gives the general idea.
I play with both a gamepad and a joystick. With the pad, you use both hands, and thus more buttons on the pad are needed since, for some functions, it just takes to long to move your hand to the keyboard. With a joystick I only use one hand, and can keep my left hand on the keyboard. So I find using a joystick to be a better solution when playing Oolite. However, it's a bit big for putting in my suitcase when I travel, so the pad is used when away from home.

Main advantage of the pad for me is the number of buttons and the second stick allowing for yaw control. Main advantage of the joystick is, well, it just works better, ti's more precise and makes the game more fun to play in my view.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

snork wrote:
And I wonder do any joystick-joysticks offer as many buttons and axises as a gamepad ?
The controls I have on my X52:

On the throttle, there's...
Two rotary controls (analog)
One slider (Analog)
One hat switch (Digital, counts as four buttons)
One scroll wheel (Digital, counts as three buttons)
One mini thumb operated stick (Analog)
Four buttons

On the stick...
Two hat switches (Digital)
Four thumb operated buttons
Pinkie trigger
Index finger trigger (Dual-action digital, counts as two buttons)
Three two-way toggles (Digital, counts as two buttons each)
Three-way mode switch w/ indicator light

Consider that each hat, button and analog control can be programmed via Saitek's profile software, and their functions changed on the fly with the mode switch. The analog controls can be made to act as buttons, as well. I never have to touch the keyboard in flight.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by sdrubble »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
... on my X52: . . . Consider that each hat, button and analog control can be programmed via Saitek's profile software...
Mmmm... this is most interesting.

I play with a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X which, IIRC, also has a profiling software and/or a 'learning mode' for keyboard commands.

But after multiple failed attempts at customizing button functions off-game, I finally assumed that Oolite's in-game joystick setup would always end up overriding whatever other keystrokes which would have been previously 'learned' or 'profiled' into the joystick memory. :x

Maybe I missed something there ... :cry:

Would you tell me if you needed to use any sort of Oolite 'hack' in order to let the game accept your profiled commands ? :roll:

Thx and cheers :)
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by snork »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
snork wrote:
And I wonder do any joystick-joysticks offer as many buttons and axises as a gamepad ?
The controls I have on my X52:
Wow, that is an impressive piece - and by far not as expensive as it made me think it would be.
Also looks like a perfect present.

Is that small display useful in Oolite ?
sdrubble wrote:
I finally assumed that Oolite's in-game joystick setup would always end up overriding whatever other keystrokes which would have been previously 'learned' or 'profiled' into the joystick memory. :x
Have you tried first un-setting all functions in Oolites joystick configuration ?
Main advantage of the pad for me is the number of buttons and the second stick allowing for yaw control. Main advantage of the joystick is, well, it just works better, ti's more precise and makes the game more fun to play in my view.
Another "advantage" of the gameppad in my view is that joysticks and keyboards are "fixed" on the desk, whereas the gamepad is "floating freely" with my hands.
For example when things get exciting, and I try to steer hard to the left, I would typically find me tilting the gamepad to the left (also bending my body to the left, and raising the hands/ arms, etc. )- as if that would help. :lol:
So more body-action from my side, and as a result the feedback from all this waving about is feeling even more anxiety / excitement/ heart rate, all this-sort-of-things.
So, for me : more fun. 8)
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

sdrubble wrote:
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
... on my X52: . . . Consider that each hat, button and analog control can be programmed via Saitek's profile software...
Mmmm... this is most interesting.

I play with a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X which, IIRC, also has a profiling software and/or a 'learning mode' for keyboard commands.

But after multiple failed attempts at customizing button functions off-game, I finally assumed that Oolite's in-game joystick setup would always end up overriding whatever other keystrokes which would have been previously 'learned' or 'profiled' into the joystick memory. :x

Maybe I missed something there ... :cry:
Would you tell me if you needed to use any sort of Oolite 'hack' in order to let the game accept your profiled commands ? :roll:
In most cases I've seen, profiled keystrokes & macros are sent to the joystick driver by a virtual keyboard server running in the background, indicated by the profiler software's icon in the system tray. Most profiler software installs the virtual keyboard when it's installed.
In my experience, Oolite's built-in joystick setup doesn't override a command sent by the virtual keyboard: Oolite thinks it's a keystroke on the real keyboard. It should go without saying, but a profiled command should match the keys in keycontrol.plist (ie, "e" profiled in the joystick should do the same as pressing "e" on the keyboard and fire the ECM.)

Protip: Don't bother with the driver and software on the disc included with the joystick. It's usually an outdated, and/or buggy version. Instead, go to the maker's website and download the latest version of the driver and profiler from there.
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Re: Joystick recommendation for Windows Oolite

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

snork wrote:
Is that small display useful in Oolite ?
The display was made for flight sims, for displaying VFRs and that sort of thing, -if- the flight sim is coded to recognize the stick and send that info to the stick.
Oolite doesn't do any such magic, so the display shows you what mode the mode switch is on, and flashes up up the keystroke/macro when a button is pressed. While that's great for debugging a profile, it's not all that useful ingame. The display also shows the system clock, which is sorta useful.
snork wrote:
Another "advantage" of the gameppad in my view is that joysticks and keyboards are "fixed" on the desk, whereas the gamepad is "floating freely" with my hands.
For example when things get exciting, and I try to steer hard to the left, I would typically find me tilting the gamepad to the left (also bending my body to the left, and raising the hands/ arms, etc. )- as if that would help. :lol:
So more body-action from my side, and as a result the feedback from all this waving about is feeling even more anxiety / excitement/ heart rate, all this-sort-of-things.
So, for me : more fun. 8)
I bet you look a hoot, gyrating all over your seat while trying to dodge a hardhead ingame. :lol: On the other hand, if ever there's a Knect for the PC, you'd have it halfway mastered.
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