It seems that stations don't get a TARGET_LOST when they're in defense mode and their target is leaving scanner range. Or at any point afterwards. Therefore a OXP station of mine never again leaves its defense mode if the attacker is running away. The shipTargetLost handler also doesn't fire.
The message gets sent and the handler fires if the target cloaks, even if it's already at the other end of the system.
This is different from their defense ships (or other attacking ships), who get a TARGET_LOST immediately if their target leaves their scanner range.
I think this is a bug. Or is there a reasoning behind it? In that case I'd have to work around it by the station's script (start a timer as soon as the target is acquired and check for its distance periodically).
I'd concur that it sounds like it's a bug; although it seems to me that a normal stations' scanner-range should be Aegis range. After all the main station will defend someone if they are attacked within Aegis.
Smaller stations (Rock Hermits etc) should probably only have normal scanner range.
It seems that stations don't get a TARGET_LOST when they're in defense mode and their target is leaving scanner range. Or at any point afterwards. Therefore a OXP station of mine never again leaves its defense mode if the attacker is running away. The shipTargetLost handler also doesn't fire.
I think that is correct behaviour for the default stationAI. Stations start in 'performIdle' and within the AI there is no command that changes its behaviour. So, even in high alert status, the behaviour is still 'behaviour_idle' and this behaviour does not track targets, or reacts on losing a target.
You could try to have an custom AI for your station were you change the behaviour from idle with "performHold". That will change behaviour to "behaviour_track_target" and than it will send lost messages on losing target. I have no idea how this behaviour will affect rotating stations but I don't see a reason why it should fail. This behaviour has just more overhead in calculations than the idle behaviour. For carriers its effective to tracking targets.
I think changing the first AI lines of the default station AI to
Interesting. I had no idea that this was a byproduct of idling. Thanks for the info!
Eric Walch wrote:
You could try to have an custom AI for your station were you change the behaviour from idle with "performHold". That will change behaviour to "behaviour_track_target" and than it will send lost messages on losing target. I have no idea how this behaviour will affect rotating stations but I don't see a reason why it should fail.
Unfortunately there are unwanted side effects: the station faces me and stops rotating.
Unfortunately there are unwanted side effects: the station faces me and stops rotating.
Got a magnet in your pocket?
Sorry, just thought that was funny.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.