Tempted to the Dark side

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Tempted to the Dark side

Post by Duggan »

With head hung in shame. I discovered the OoCheat OXP which has taken some of the point out of the game , or has it? Well its fine for making a few bucks quick n easy so that you can get that 800 g falcon

Which is a bit zippier to say the least... One needs the Falcon OXP to get one of those beauties. So i figured thats it, I killed the game and the fun...but not at all... It just gets me better able to get into fight with pirates and stand a slightly better chance of not getting totally owned.

So it's all good still, for me anyway. :) I was doing some sums in my head and attempted to work out how many hours of game play it might actually take me to be able to afford a falcon and gave up after my calculations started running into months.

Anyway onwards and upwards, or sideways, or backwards, for that matter, i have subscribed to the expansion pack thread, because methinks genius be at work in them thar threads and would like to know..How many expansion packs is too many. ( I have had no bugs or conflicts in programming yet and am always sure to read to see if I need to get rid of an older version of an OXP before adding a new one. However, I do have some excellent OXPs now texturally speaking and think it would be a shame , because of my OXP game to end up unpacking the game and starting from day 1 again, all because I went one OXP too far..though logically speaking, I could delete out the latest OXP if that particular OXP was the straw that broke the camels back.. Anyway happy trucking , hunting folks :)
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Re: Tempted to the Dark side

Post by another_commander »

The game supports as many OXPs as your system's memory can handle. We have members in this forum who run more than a hundred of expansions, all at the same time.
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Re: Tempted to the Dark side

Post by Switeck »

I've removed a few OXPs from my Oolite game play simply because they were too powerful ...sometimes not in favor of the player. Ones that add ridiculously overpowered multi-forward laser NPC ships that appear with regularity as ~30-60 credit bounty pirates come to mind.

Others I removed were over-powerful player-only ship equipment, such as hypercargo (immensely improve carrying capacity of a ship) or various antimissile systems (renders almost all NPC missiles useless against the player and/or has serious code bugs and/or just didn't feel fitting to have extra weapons launchers on an already packed ship).

I don't have much in the way of extra player ship types. The original ones are too underused as it is.

I do have some very ridiculous OXPs that I use in testing. They probably get me killed more often than I do in regular playing. For instance, a q-bomb crossed with a missile is just a weapon to kill yourself with...when it explodes immediately in front of you after launch. Being able to go superfast...means you run into things more often, since increasing speed alone won't do anything for your turnrate.
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Re: Tempted to the Dark side

Post by Smivs »

I also am running with very few OXPs these days.
It's far too easy to upset the game balance, and indeed the game itself by over-doing OXPs. My current Commander flies a Cobra 3, so all I'm using are eye-candy - re-textures for the ships, stations etc and planets, and one or two others for basic equipment and the HUD.
I actually have 'swappable' AddOns folders, so I can easily switch from the 'pure' game to an Ooniverse which has more OXP ships and equipment. This allows me to play different games depending on what mood I'm in.
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Re: Tempted to the Dark side

Post by OneoftheLost »

I find I've been much the same as the OP until about six months ago. I just couldn't get a handle, I thought I NEEDED all of these OXP's, and I was finding the game severely unbalanced in one way or another. Then I decided to try strict mode with wire-frame mode on, and didn't turn back for a good month or so.

Now I only install ship OXP's that are in-line with the game. I change the frequency of appearences (no higher then .3) and I generally avoid uberships. I have found myself installing the ship oxp's that add things from the Oolite series (drew's works.) just for continuity, and of course my precious random hits...

..but beyond this I havn't added anything compared to what I used to run. Its alot more fun, I'm not sure why.
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