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Re: Marauder

Post by mandoman »

Smivs wrote:
Fast is great. In the right place. But my Ooniverse is not the right place. Oolite is a space trading and combat game, not 'Spacelanes Racer' :wink:
And whatever you say, introducing elements (ships) which don't make sense and 'break' the essence of the game is not something I will ever understand. And trying to 'fix' the break by adding even more silliness is not the answer either. That's just pouring more fuel on the fire!
But that's the whole point, isn't it? It's YOUR Ooniverse, when played on your computer. You can have it the way you want it. The way I play may be silliness to you, but it works great for me. I'm not forcing anyone to download, or even agree with, my ships. Most of my ships are only in MY Ooniverse, and may never see a release, but I bet every ship oxp builder out in this group can say the same. I release ships I think MIGHT work in the Oolite community, and I do take suggestions seriously, even if it doesn't appear to be the case. CommonSenseOTB convinced me to shift my way of thinking concerning the SunBat. No, I didn't use his suggestions to the letter, and some I didn't use at all, but the SunBat I released is toned down quite a bit from what I had in mind. If you look at the Marauder release, you will see that I took this forums suggestions quite seriously. The Marauder is still a formidable ship, but it is a lot closer to what most would consider fitting according to the Core guidelines. Silliness in your Ooniverse is just more exciting encounters in mine. :)
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Re: Marauder

Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Looking for game balance can be a demanding task.

I was happily flying a [wiki]Terrapin[/wiki] until I got a little under-the-table weapon OXP. It was great fun blowing small-to-average sized enemies in a single shot, but it felt somewhat absurd. My solution was to look for a ship on which I felt the weapon actually fitted.

It took a [wiki]Kirin[/wiki] XM! 8)

But the Kirin had been designed to be easily made out of parts accessible on the civilian market, and as a armed troop lander/supply ship; its slow speed and small (if powerful) energy plant posed as limits to the ship's utility.
On the other hand, what if the Kirin were to undergo a revamping at the hands of a real military R&D department, with access to state-of-the-art equipment...

My Kirin Light Frigate has 8 energy banks (as many as the much, much smaller Anaconda), a speed of 3.2LM (x2 with the Q-charger, which I reset from 95% to 99%), a Military Laser Array (the secret weapon) with a 30 seconds delay between shots, 12 missile slots (one is occupied by a missile machine, another is a fuel pod the third has a Q-bomb and two are penetrating missiles; six are MM hardheads and the last a cargo shepherd), a 0.1 improvement on its manoeuvrability, plus every bit of equipment available. All this to the cost of a greatly reduced cargo hold - only 50t left (+50 extended).

Currently I feel this ship is well balanced in relation to the core ships. Compared to a fully-kitted iron-assed Cobra MkIII or Asp MkII, the Kirin Light Frigate is perfectly proportioned...

The problem is that Oolite isn't (as of yet) quite prepared to give the player this kind of defences or fire power, so the only things that still offer any challenge (short of installing [wiki]ToughGuys[/wiki]) are diving head-on into top random hits' marks' packs or joining the navy! :roll:
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Re: Marauder

Post by snork »

Since this topic has already totally derailed - from the other (release) topic :
Cmdr Maegil wrote:
Frogs on Ice... BTW, did you know that photobucket, for instance, is also free but

does not force occasional viewers to sign in onto* obvious data mining schemes?
What are you talking about ? For me the pictures are displayed directly here, reading that forum topic.
And nothing with "force to signing in blabla".
Unless imageshack uses different technique for differnet countries/ IPs -
I suggest you could try some other browser / configure your browser properly/ scan your pc for whatever malware you have there.

And btw. photobucket is NOT unanimously hailed by all.
(First they say that they'll never re-use old links, but of course then they'll do it, so any old link in some old forum topic may suddenly display private, indecent, or otherwise unsuitable pictures.
Or they get the idea that their service is intended for US or Commonwealth mainly and stop displaying directly linked pictures to the rest of the world. (stopped after massive protests.) (for now)
And all the bling-bling buttons that leave me with a zoomed-down picture in the middle, because all the bloody buttons won't leave space for a 100%-display of the picture.

The latter is just as with imageshack, if you do not use the direct links, as mandoman has kindly done! :) )
And please do not tell me that you think photobucket is an non-commercial public-welfare kind of thing.
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Re: Marauder

Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

snork wrote:
Unless imageshack uses different technique for differnet countries/ IPs -
I suggest you could try some other browser / configure your browser properly/ scan your pc for whatever malware you have there.
I use Firefox nearly "out of the box" and I'm currently in Dakar, and whenever someone links pics from imageshack all I get are golden frogs on ice, and a message saying that to see the images I must register... if that's not data mining, I don't know what the expression means.
snork wrote:
<Lots of gripes on photobucket>And please do not tell me that you think photobucket is an non-commercial public-welfare kind of thing.
I never did, only used it as an example... Although I do admit to using it, even fairly recently, and nobody complained.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Re: Marauder

Post by mandoman »

snork wrote:

What are you talking about ? For me the pictures are displayed directly here, reading that forum topic.
And nothing with "force to signing in blabla".
Unless imageshack uses different technique for differnet countries/ IPs -
I suggest you could try some other browser / configure your browser properly/ scan your pc for whatever malware you have there.

And btw. photobucket is NOT unanimously hailed by all.
(First they say that they'll never re-use old links, but of course then they'll do it, so any old link in some old forum topic may suddenly display private, indecent, or otherwise unsuitable pictures.
Or they get the idea that their service is intended for US or Commonwealth mainly and stop displaying directly linked pictures to the rest of the world. (stopped after massive protests.) (for now)
And all the bling-bling buttons that leave me with a zoomed-down picture in the middle, because all the bloody buttons won't leave space for a 100%-display of the picture.

The latter is just as with imageshack, if you do not use the direct links, as mandoman has kindly done! :) )
And please do not tell me that you think photobucket is an non-commercial public-welfare kind of thing.
Thank you. I hated Photobucket, for what my opinion is worth, but there are copies of the SunBat MkII pics now available through Photobucket link. :)
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Re: Marauder

Post by DaddyHoggy »

I only use photobucket - every one of my YAH ads - over 50 of them - are held on photobucket.

I've been registered with them since 2005 and have never had any issues.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: Marauder

Post by snork »

Ah, OK, so it is (Senegal+imageshack) = Nono. :evil:

Using a Senegal proxy ( ), I see them Frogs in Ice, too. :|


Cmdr. Maegil, should you experience other, more annoying problems with other domains, too, you'll need to use a (public) proxy outside of Senegal. googling for public proxy countryname gives good results for proxy lists where you can pick one. (lest you are in Oman or some other such censoring country. For fun I used an Oman proxy and imageshack worked fine with it, but then again I did not try to watch indecent pictures. :lol: )

It's easy to set/ configure, many of them proxy listing sites have instructions for various browsers.

The ( really fast!) Senegal proxy I picked it from here, they have listed many more. :

mandoman wrote:
:lol: Put it [firefly] in your game engine, get into a dog fight with it, and see what happens. That ship, and a couple other tiny speeders like to hit you with a quarium bomb in their death throws. The first couple of times I didn't know what had hit me, as I thought I had just destroyed that pesky little ship. Then I noticed the deep blue flash just as my shields dropped, and my hull integrity caved in. I didn't say I didn't like it. It adds a risk factor to the game that is quite exciting, causing me to develop new ways to handle myself in dogfights. :twisted:
hehe, interesting. In a different topic I mentioned the Purple Haze doing this, and Thargoid wrote how (back in the days, when the PH still was fresh and shiny, I assume) players hated this so much.
Me I liked it, once I finally found out why sometimes I suddenly was dead without any idea why.
It became a special challenge to still kill them (without dying myself). Before I understood, I only fought them when they started it ! :twisted:
Goes to show once more how different players' likings and Ooniverses are. :)
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Re: Marauder

Post by Smivs »

Any Uber-baddie worth his salt will dump a Q-bomb or three when he dies. :D
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Marauder

Post by mandoman »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
I only use photobucket - every one of my YAH ads - over 50 of them - are held on photobucket.

I've been registered with them since 2005 and have never had any issues.
It works all right, but I had to resize my image on there site before it was right to open on this site. Don't have to do that with Image Shack.
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Re: Marauder

Post by mandoman »

I just updated the link to this oxp. The ship has not changed, I just fixed an incorrect reference to the fuel scoop. Should be able to access the scoops now.
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