If you find the "suns" in Oolite obtrusively large, place the Sensible Sun OXP into your "AddOns" folder. Oolite will now create suns 2.75 times further from the planet than it does in its default configuration. Sensible Sun is intended to replace the Farsun OXP, which MOVES suns three times further away after they are created. Farsun's method is not compatible which other OXPs which want to specify details for a particular star system. Sensible Sun only changes the configuration of default sytems which have not been modified by other OXPs. Using Farsun and Sensible Sun together will result in stars being 8.75 times further from planets than Oolite's default setting.
If you are doing a cargo contract and mistakenly sell the goods on the market screen, this will immediately pop up a reminder that you needed that cargo to deliver elsewhere.
This OXP de-nerdifies the "Ship and Station Interfaces" screen, for people who prefer English. (And fixes a spelling mistake in the ship registration screen, too. "Galactice" Co-operative, really?)
Tired of being bothered by door-to-door salesmen? Simply place the Untrumbled OXP into your "AddOns" folder. It removes a core game feature which some players find irritating, and prevents any possibility of vermin infestation, but does not cure existing infestations.
HUD Vanisher OXP will automatically switch off Oolite's HUD when you change to an external viewpoint of your ship by pressing the v key, and switch the HUD back on when changing back to one of the normal views. (You can still switch the HUD on or off normally, by pausing the game then pressing the o key while paused.) To use, place the OXP into your "AddOns" folder.
This OXP is only for versions 1.77 of Oolite or later. It provides an example of how to set distinctive titles on the long-range chart screens, instead of the usual numbered sequence, "Galactic Chart 1", "Galactic Chart 2", etc. The chart names in this demonstration reputedly originated in the Acorn Archimedes version of Elite.
The following OXPs have been removed; the first two were by-products of my Save and Jump OXP project, and removable lasers are now part of core Oolite:-
Check For Likely Witchspace Jump Failure OXP ver. 1.1
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Witchspace jump aborted (too close to Coriolis Station)."
We have all had this happen to us when we were too close to something while trying to jump to another system. Is it possible to detect a coming failure to witchspace? Of course it is. If you would like an immediate warning when you start a witchspace jump countdown, place the Check For Likely Witchspace Jump Failure OXP into your "AddOns" folder.
Priority Launch OXP ver. 0.1
Place the Priority Launch OXP into your "AddOns" folder. At the main stations of planets with technical level 4 or higher, the station master will - for a small fee - re-align the space station to allow you an unimpeded launch in a direction away from the planet, directly into deep space. Station re-alignment takes 15 minutes of game time, but happens immediately for the player (similar to instant docking, which takes 20 minutes of game time). (Thanks to Thargoid & cim for advice with this.)
Removable Lasers OXP ver. 1.0
This OXP tweaks the equipment purchasing system (F3 screen) in Oolite. Place the Removable Lasers OXP into your "AddOns" folder. Oolite will now allow you to sell a laser weapon and leave the weapon mounting point empty. You will receive a refund of the value of the removed weapon. N.B. If you attempt to remove the weapon from a mounting point which has never had a weapon installed, wackiness will ensue.
Last edited by Wildeblood on Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:48 am, edited 23 times in total.
"There are large, white swans, and there are small, black swans," he explained, "But there are no medium-sized swans, and there are no grey swans. The non-existence of grey swans mitigates against belief in Mr Darwin's theory."
Oolite will now create suns 2.75 times further from the planet than it does in its default configuration. Sensible Sun is intended to replace the Farsun OXP, which MOVES suns three times further away after they created. Farsun's method is not compatible which other OXPs which want to specify details for a particular star system.
Brillant oxp So simple and still superior to far sun. Far sun was one of the smallest oxp ever, but this one even beats it. But to be honest, you make use of an oolite feature that was not documented when farsun was written. That make clear how important it is to document these features.
This feature existed already quite long:
Revision log wrote:
Revision: 691
Date: 1 august 2006 23:26:51
Author: dajtxx
Added optional planetinfo.plist entry sun_distance_modifier to allow OXPs and player to change default distance to suns
Using Farsun and Sensible Sun together will result in stars being 8.75 times further from planets than Oolite's default setting.
Think I might do that even!
I meant that as a warning, not a suggestion.
Just change the value of the sun_distance_modifier in planetinfo.plist to the distance you prefer. This OXP is just meant as an example of how to do that, since it is not documented in the core game's planetinfo.plist, or anywhere else I've ever looked.
I've made a new entry for Sensible Sun in the Wiki, and linked it to the Ambience Category as well. I've also adjusted the Main OXP List to reflect the changes. Will do Lasers and Beacons soon.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
Great .oxp´s! Thanks for them, Wildeblood. Downloading.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams, 1952 - 2001)
You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible. (Emil Sinclair, 1877 - 1962)
[Wow, four people have downloaded Empty Cargopod Incinerator OXP. Does it actually work? If it does I might write a little readme file for it.
Yes, it does work. I did a reasonable amount of testing on it. A useful essential supplement when mining. In future, I won't leave home without one.
the product for sale is "Empty Cargopod Incinerator" which sounds like you pay to have it done, rather than something you buy. Just "Cargopod Incinerator" would be less confusing;
as a product, personally, I don't like the "incinerate cargopod" concept. I'd rather it were either a:
"Cargopod repacker" or
"Cargo bay optimiser" or
it could be an automated secure-storage-and-stowage facility called a "Valuables vault" or "Precious items safe" which, when activated, slowly goes through the cargo bay moving platinum and gold and gems into the newly-fitted safe in the cabin, and transfers the previous packaging / asteroid dust / cargopods to the normal ship's waste disposal system where it is atomised and fed out through the witchspace engine vents;
has it got its own thread on here? I can see it warranting one;
it sounds like a complex piece of machinery that can go through a 400 tonne cargo bay collecting gems by the gramme and gold by the Kg, overcoming an inherited Elite 'feature':
it sounds expensive (and fitting would be slow);
it sounds like it would be something that gets damaged;
it sounds like a hi-tech item, not just mechanical, that can spot and extract a one gramme semi-precious gem from a cargopod.
More trouble for you, but may add balance:
could/should it burn up some energy when used? (Like the Ore Processor or ECM do.) As it goes chug-chug-chug through the cargo bay, checking cargopods, transferring any valuables into the vault and any waste into the ship's waste disposal.
Should it need to be primed and activated, or work automatically when something is scooped? (If it is to use energy, then it should be activated.)
Flying a Cobra Mk I Cobbie 3 with nothing but Explorers Club.OXP and a beam laser 4 proper lasers for company Dropbox referral link 2GB of free space online + 500 Mb for the referral: good for securing work-in-progress.
It may also be better triggered by the this.shipScoopedOther worldscript event function rather than by a manual trigger? That way it's out of direct sight and just automagically looking after your bay(s).
But aside from that it's a nice little touch which is now built also into the Maelstrom and the Vortex.
Should it need to be primed and activated, or work automatically when something is scooped?
Thargoid wrote:
It may also be better triggered by the this.shipScoopedOther worldscript event function rather than by a manual trigger?
Well, yes.
1. Psychological - how will the user know it is actually doing anything if they never see the problem build up? I wouldn't want people to think this is a joke OXP like Beer Cooler*.
2. Technical - at the time shipScoopedOther fires is Oolite's messing about with cargo pods completely finished, or would there always be one empty pod left behind? The results Albee reports in the Vortex thread make me suspicious.
* Not a criticism. Beer Cooler OXP is very useful as an example of how to write equipment.plist entries.