a real expansion pack

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a real expansion pack

Post by commanderxairon »

after an extensive testing of the game and his mods (a real extensive one ) i can tell that one of the best ones are Ramirez mission Resistance Commander (wich didnt worked on my own pc ((toshiba nb 105 running ubuntu natty narwhal)) and that gave me light on an idea


i mean, something that can change the name of Oolite to OOlite : INSERT EXPANSION PACK NAME HERE using the capability that already have the game engine and taking some of the user developed mods released under GNU ... here is my list of wishes for that

Player Interaction

im not talking of multiplayer (yet) just giving more taste to the game giving the player a native suport to interact with other npc commanders hire'em or simply winning his friendship saving them from a bunch of rudecrap pirates (that would also create your own enemys on the game) even giving you the chance to form a fleet and encounter other fleets or pirate fleets or simply a fleet who dedicates to trade and chill over the galaxy you know with tanker ships with fuel and a limitated ammo refill and the already existing cruiser, freighter and fighter class ships the npc's would be encountered in random ships that could be oxp ones that would be random as the fact of encounter ships in planet's shipyards


joining the Galcolp or annother factions would join you in their ranks starting to patrol and then commanding a entire search party for SOSed ships in danger would give the game a little more sence and like that any other thing


or a excuse to it at least "someone is bad and hsomeone is good" a objetive to the game would be nice coe on we are not in the 88's and this game engine is not the same of the first release so come on!


dont fall in bethesda hole of exctremately good games without this simple feature and in this game isnt much to ask because you dont have to share a lot of data between clients it just need an oxp scanner that seeks that the hoster and the player or players has the same mods


i will not say that i am not a weapon speciallist cause i am... bullets can be filled with chemicals or some kind of gaseose that can explode without oxigen and in much cases they are more powerfull than normal powder it is the case in much of the .50AE cartridges

Engine modifications

things that would give you more pich or trust or a extra bit of trust and speed would add more customization to the ship and it is not hard to code for an expert


i know this is a free game but you can ask permission to the neolite creator and add them in the game release for gods sake a few extre polygons would not kill anyone if this crappy pc can run them even with shaders any pc can crappyer as they can be come on!


you can play games like ACE online or Ace combat (specially the 3rd installment) and take some elements of their hud's also an interesting element from a totally different game wich is armored core could be taken and it is force cooling it consist in a energy taking feature that accelerates the cooling of a certain part (lasers) you can add different kinds of cooling devices to ad more customization to the game

ill not say stoopid requests like adding decals and things like that to the game cause it would mean lag but ill say that you can add different kinds of huds accesable as items i mean you can buy a certain hud from the shop or youu can call it operative system


by looking on the mods database you can tell that im sure the modders would be very happy that the technology they developed would be included in the game as a release

and to end with this and to gain some respect of you my fellow hard ass commanders i know of what im talking im a informatics student and im learning how to program and things like that also im trying to make a graphic design degree and my goal is to become a game developer also i have a Emagazine in blog format zandatsu.blogspot.com it has almost 30k views and we only added adds a month ago or so i have reviewed and play a lot of games, if you include this to oolite it would kick maaaneeey assessess in the gaming world im sure ill give advertising to this wonderfull game if this occurs
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Fatleaf »

Hi commanderxairon, and Welcome the the Friendliest Board this side of Riedquattm

Thank you for your thoughts and we hope you continue to contribute and all the best with your hope to become a games developer.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Killer Wolf »

i will not say that i am not a weapon speciallist cause i am... bullets can be filled with chemicals or some kind of gaseose that can explode without oxigen and in much cases they are more powerfull than normal powder it is the case in much of the .50AE cartridges"

they don't need to be able to explode w/out oxygen.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Smivs »

Hi Commanderxairon,
firstly welcome to this great game, and he Board. Some of what you suggest already exists, and some, I'm afraid isn't likely to happen.
commanderxairon wrote:
Player Interaction
im not talking of multiplayer (yet) just giving more taste to the game giving the player a native suport to interact with other npc commanders hire'em or simply winning his friendship saving them from a bunch of rudecrap pirates (that would also create your own enemys on the game) even giving you the chance to form a fleet and encounter other fleets or pirate fleets or simply a fleet who dedicates to trade and chill over the galaxy you know with tanker ships with fuel and a limitated ammo refill and the already existing cruiser, freighter and fighter class ships the npc's would be encountered in random ships that could be oxp ones that would be random as the fact of encounter ships in planet's shipyards
Interaction with NPCs is improving all the time, and hiring escorts, or offering yourself for hire are both possible via OXP. Also, using your imagination in 'immersion mode' can fill in any 'gaps' well enough. I do interact with the NPCs - I'll often find myself talking to them :wink: and of course much interaction is done via laser :twisted:
commanderxairon wrote:
joining the Galcolp or annother factions would join you in their ranks starting to patrol and then commanding a entire search party for SOSed ships in danger would give the game a little more sence and like that any other thing
Again go to the OXPs. You can join Galactic Navy and the new 'Wing Commander' OXP allows you to command a fleet of NPCs.
commanderxairon wrote:
or a excuse to it at least "someone is bad and hsomeone is good" a objetive to the game would be nice coe on we are not in the 88's and this game engine is not the same of the first release so come on!
I think you're missing the point here...the beauty of Oolite is it's flexibility and open-endedness. The objective is to do whatever you want to do. There is no plot because that would be too limiting. The objective is to make loads of money, aim for Elite ranking, be a trader, mercenary, pirate contrabandista - whatever YOU want, not what a game-maker says you have to do or be.
commanderxairon wrote:
dont fall in bethesda hole of exctremately good games without this simple feature and in this game isnt much to ask because you dont have to share a lot of data between clients it just need an oxp scanner that seeks that the hoster and the player or players has the same mods
The first point here is that there cannot/never will be any sort of multiplayer Oolite. There are so many good reasons for this, most of which are covered in this thread. There are dozens of reasons an Oolite MMO wouldn't work, but to give you just one, there are over 2000 systems around the Eight. Therefore if 2000 players were online simultaneously there wouldn't even be one other 'real' player in every system. Considering that in most systems there are up to 100 NPCs, the chances of actually meeting another 'real' player are close to zero. And that's without even considering that (because of individual OXP choices) everybody's Ooniverse is different. A 'scanner' would be useless...if another player doesn't have your ship OXP how can you appear in their Ooniverse? :wink:
commanderxairon wrote:
i will not say that i am not a weapon speciallist cause i am... bullets can be filled with chemicals or some kind of gaseose that can explode without oxigen and in much cases they are more powerfull than normal powder it is the case in much of the .50AE cartridges
You can have bullets...take a look at McLanes excellent Railgun OXP. Lasers are better though :wink:
commanderxairon wrote:
Engine modifications
things that would give you more pich or trust or a extra bit of trust and speed would add more customization to the ship and it is not hard to code for an expert
easy to code even if you're not an expert, but why? The core ships are designed to give a wide range of ship types and abilities, and there are literally hundreds of OXP ships to choose from.
commanderxairon wrote:
i know this is a free game but you can ask permission to the neolite creator and add them in the game release for gods sake a few extre polygons would not kill anyone if this crappy pc can run them even with shaders any pc can crappyer as they can be come on!
The default ship set is dull! Yes we all know that, but they are the original Elite ships and that's what Oolite is - a modern re-imagining of Elite. There are so many OXP shipsets now there is surely something for everybody. For those with good computers, Griff's are unbeatable. If you want to keep to the original models but improve the look of them with a re-texture set, there is Smivs'Shipset (available with non-shader lighting effects, in three editions for computers with poor, average and good graphics abilities). Deepspace and Sungs shipsets also use the default models I believe, and of course there's also the quirky Neolite set you mention. Again this is where the game as it stands wins. You get the basics you need, but can then upgrade in any direction you want.
commanderxairon wrote:
you can play games like ACE online or Ace combat (specially the 3rd installment) and take some elements of their hud's also an interesting element from a totally different game wich is armored core could be taken and it is force cooling it consist in a energy taking feature that accelerates the cooling of a certain part (lasers) you can add different kinds of cooling devices to ad more customization to the game
ill not say stoopid requests like adding decals and things like that to the game cause it would mean lag but ill say that you can add different kinds of huds accesable as items i mean you can buy a certain hud from the shop or youu can call it operative system
There are a wide range of HUDs available, some of the newer ones by CSOTB being quite impressive. As for coolers/boosters, the ones that make sense in game are already available, those (like laser coolers) that would break game-balance are not and will not ever be available.
commanderxairon wrote:
by looking on the mods database you can tell that im sure the modders would be very happy that the technology they developed would be included in the game as a release
But again, I fear you're missing the point a bit. Oolite is a fairly basic game but one that can be enhanced by the player to suit themselves. Every player would have a 'perfect' Oolite, but it would be their own. Attempts have been made in the past to incorporate OXPs into a 'release' (the Oolite Extended project), but they failed because they are based on a fundamental flaw. Oolite is an expandable game, but as soon as you start making the expansions part of the main game things break down. You deny people choice and force on them things they may not want.
commanderxairon wrote:
and to end with this and to gain some respect of you my fellow hard ass commanders i know of what im talking im a informatics student and im learning how to program and things like that also im trying to make a graphic design degree and my goal is to become a game developer also i have a Emagazine in blog format zandatsu.blogspot.com it has almost 30k views and we only added adds a month ago or so i have reviewed and play a lot of games, if you include this to oolite it would kick maaaneeey assessess in the gaming world im sure ill give advertising to this wonderfull game if this occurs
Best of luck with your chosen career. Certainly if you want to help add to Oolite, you will find plenty of help and advice here.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by commanderxairon »

you misunderstanded me commander, i say that all of this should be implemented natively in game
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Smivs »

commanderxairon wrote:
you misunderstanded me commander, i say that all of this should be implemented natively in game
I understood you, which is why I went to a great deal of trouble to explain why most of what you ask can't or won't be included in the game natively. :wink:
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by commanderxairon »

also what do you say of multiplayer isnt applyed on what i ask what i ask is LAN multiplayer play not mmo multiplayer play is different and also there is something called chat on the mmo-s that would help the players to communicate and encounter knowing the mmo's behavior of the players id say they would take a hotspot to meet and gradually that point would become the center of each galaxy it would be definited by how easy is to reach it... it might be lave (but thats only in the case of a mmorpg)
Pirate Commander: I would taken over Anleis and maked the first pirate system on this Ooniverse and become the monarch of all that empire if This stupid boy and his ship would'nt interfeer

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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by another_commander »

commanderxairon wrote:
also what do you say of multiplayer isnt applyed on what i ask what i ask is LAN multiplayer play not mmo multiplayer play is different and also there is something called chat on the mmo-s that would help the players to communicate and encounter knowing the mmo's behavior of the players id say they would take a hotspot to meet and gradually that point would become the center of each galaxy it would be definited by how easy is to reach it... it might be lave (but thats only in the case of a mmorpg)
Unless a new dev team takes charge of the project, the chances of this happening are extremely thin. As thin as you can possibly imagine. Sorry.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Smivs »

But we do do chat! :)
Come and meet us at DS's, have a lethal Brandy or two and shoot he breeze (not that there is a breeze in space...).
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Fatleaf »

Smivs wrote:
(not that there is a breeze in space...).
Ever heard of the [wp]Solar_wind[/wp]? :P
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Selezen »

Commanderxarion: your ideas all all nice ones, but they likely won't (and in my opinion shouldn't) be added to the base game for one very simple reason.

Oolite is a faithful recreation of Elite with the addition of a system to allow expansion of the base game.

Thus any additional functionality over and above what was in Elite is provided by OXPs at the player's discretion.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Rese249er »

Such an expansion pack would be interesting to play. If one were to make such a thing, I would suggest placing it all under a single oxp or at least similar names so as to facilitate the easy removal of those features. I wouldn't want that all the time.

On another note, xarion, you seemed to be taking quite a belligerent tone. Insisting that your preferences be written into a complete version would require an entire rewrite of the base program. Oolite is based around having a simple starting point. You seem, to me, to completely misunderstand the very spirit of Oolite.
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Commander McLane »

Rese249er wrote:
On another note, xarion, you seemed to be taking quite a belligerent tone. Insisting that your preferences be written into a complete version would require an entire rewrite of the base program. Oolite is based around having a simple starting point. You seem, to me, to completely misunderstand the very spirit of Oolite.
This may be the reason why the commander has left the boards and not returned since last November, thus you're sort of attacking a ghost.

(Sometimes it may be useful to look at how old a discussion is before reviving it. :wink: This one took place in August last year, as you can see from the date and time stamp at the top right of each post.)
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Re: a real expansion pack

Post by Rese249er »

D'oh! My bad. Noob mistake.
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