When I started with the MOD in 1995, I started on £12K, my friends started with BAe Systems and Vickers on £16K and £17K respectively - the reason for my lower pay (as stated in my Job interview when I queried the starting salary) was that I had a better pension scheme. Of course what's happened since then, and not just in the defence industry, is that the Government has run out of money, so 1) it can't pay the parasitic Defence Contractors as much any more, so they can't pay their staff as much any more, 2) better health care means these damnable Civil Servants aren't dying off and actually want the pension they were promised all those years ago when they started on lower wages...
As far as I can tell every private pension scheme must show that it's sustainable, that money in from current members equals output to past members drawing a pension. The Government doesn't do that and never has, it collects contributions from the Public Servants and gives it to the Treasury where it becomes part of the normal income and it pays out pensions as part of the stuff it has to pay for. That's not the way to run a pension scheme - because the private sector isn't allowed to do this!
As I said earlier the NHS has been refused permission to go it alone - because their current scheme means more pay in than draw out (because sadly lots of Health Workers get icky stuff and die early on in their pensions) - and why has the NHS been refused permission to refuse to manage it's own pension? Because the Treasury/Government would lose revenue.
The slide towards Average Salary, guaranteed benefit pensions is inevitable and fair, but only if all other things are fair and not for those who accepted a lower salary 20/30/40 years ago because the carrot on the end of a very long stick was a (good) guaranteed pension.