Cheers for the comments all
DH, hope your reply means you're back and well.
Common, the bit i'm tripping on is when i hit the function keys to go to the GUIs, ie F5 to F8. Kaks said he'd found an issue w/ the code (there's posts in the Scripting Requests thread in Suggestions) but i've not heard back since he set of to investigate. The prob w/ the Phantom is the long wide nose : it's obtrusive on the forward view so i decided to paint over it w/ a cockpit

that needs to go when you F5+ or you can't see anything, so i did a GUI image too, but it doesn't trigger.
And yeah, feel free to use owt you want.
edit @Fatleaf - yeah, NPC has two mil lasers at the front, the Player variant won't be able to

She does have a pirate option but it's only a 0.1 chance, as they're not supposed to be generally available yet. when i release the player variant, i'll probably up that ratio.