What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

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What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Dragonfire »

Okay, while I'm working on making the Wyvern ship series (with help) and the corresponding Dark Sky Enterprises Mission (I hope), is there anything other simple things I should put into this?

I'm currently thinking about making a couple new types of missiles designed by DSE to also include.

Anyone have any ideas? I just need it to be simple. And if you have something YOU want to add into the OXP (and attribute its creation in the Ooniverse to Dark Sky Industries...yes your name would still be in the credits), feel free to throw it out there.

That's me in a nutshell. I never go small with my ideas.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Thargoid »

You could add a base station for the company to work from.

You can even chose a home system, and perhaps replace the main station with a custom company HQ one. For an example of that, look at my Aquatics OXP which introduces the company HQ in the (renamed) Ribiara system in G3.

Aside from that, your thinking about equipment and missiles is a good place to start. You could also have some special equipment as the reward for completing the mission.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Dragonfire »

I like that idea. I know DSE is based in Zaonce (my favorite planet). The benefit to that, of course, is that the mission can easily be taken on by a new commander.

Actually, I do have the design for the DSE headquarters in mind. I just have to figure out how to put the stupid docking port in on Wings. I prefer SketchUp, personally, but it only exports in Collada format. And Wings will not import Collada...only export. Gah.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Thargoid »

Simplest cheat is to re-use the existing dock from trunk. In Wings all you need to do is to use the "hole" material to punch a hole in the station wall of the correct size (192x64) and then put the dock as a sub-entity behind it so that the dock entrance (which is modelled on the z=0 plane) matches up to the hole.

There is also the cheat I used in Aquatics (and also Lave Academy) to make a huge dock without having to worry about a physical sub-entity. But that's a little more complicated.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Dragonfire »

You've just rocketed right past me there, Thargoid. :P Perhaps if I passed the starting model off to someone, they could put the finishing touches in. Like I said before, 3D is NOT my forte. I prefer code.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Thargoid »

The trunk stations are all modelled this way. The station itself is the main model, and it has a 2D hole in it where the docking bay is. The bay itself is actually a sub-entity (a separate model) which is positioned within the main model in the shipdata.plist (in the subentities key). The origin of the bay model is in the centre of the bay opening (the front of the model aligns with the z=0 plane), so in practice the subentity position is simply the centre of the 2D hole in the main model.

Again have a look in the shipdata.plist of trunk at the stations entries (the Coriolis etc). And to make it even clearer, use the dat2obj python script to convert the trunk dat files back into obj files, and then import them back into Wings3D to look at them.

But if all else fails I or someone else here can sew things together for you. But by doing it this way you can just re-use the bay subentity model already in existence in the game to save some work.
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Re: What else to put in the Wyvern OXP...any ideas?

Post by Dragonfire »

Thanks for the tips, but yeah...it would probably be better if I just passed off the model and stuck to what I know - coding and writing. I'm no artist (as evidenced by that sad little submission for the Wyvern model I made)
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