Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

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Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by davemar »

I've installed the Stealth OXP and reached the planet where the mission is offered and I accepted it. I've reached the planet where the action is supposed to occur several times now, but there's been no sign of anything. Yes, I know the Barracudas are supposed to be 'invisible', but I would have expected to see some action or evidence by now, and maybe a sign of the base. Is the base invisible too?

Is it a bug, or am I looking in the wrong place? Is there a way of drawing them out into action?
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by Thargoid »

You have to find the base, which is hidden in an asteroid field somewhere in that system.

And as a hint they're pirates and renegades, so they don't want to hang out too near the government on the main planet. But they do like to party and get a nice tan ;) So when you arrive at the system, take a different direction from the witchpoint...

The barracudas aren't invisible, they just don't show up on the scanner (hence the OXP name).
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by davemar »

Done it now! I'm sure I looked in that sort of area before. Must admit to taking the cowards way out with an energy bomb when I was down to my last pixel of energy.
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

Thargoid wrote:
You have to find the base, which is hidden in an asteroid field somewhere in that system.

And as a hint they're pirates and renegades, so they don't want to hang out too near the government on the main planet. But they do like to party and get a nice tan ;) So when you arrive at the system, take a different direction from the witchpoint...

The barracudas aren't invisible, they just don't show up on the scanner (hence the OXP name).
Wish I knew what you mean, because I have been around the planet, and the sun in that system so many times that my eyes are getting strained. I've blown away at least three Rock Hermits, and even took to blasting every asteroid I could see. Outside of fighting off dozens of OTHER pirates (which really wracked up my kill ratio), I see no sign of Barracudas, or whatever it is you are suppose to do to find them. I'll look again, though. I'll be hung if I'll go back to report a failure. :?
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

OK, now I'm getting frustrated. I have smoked out, and destroyed several dozen pirate ships out of Rock Hermits, and then destroyed the Rock Hermits......but none of the pirates are Barracudas, which means none of the Rock Hermits were the Barracudas Hideout Base. I have been at this mission for nearly a week, and I have yet to see a Barracuda, much less a pirate base in some Rock Hermit hole that fits the mission specs. Don't get me wrong, I've had a great time blasting pirates out of existence, but I'm not getting the mission objectives accomplished. I have gone straight into the sun looking for asteroid fields with pirate bases.....and found them at least five times. I have raced back out to the Witchspace Beacon, destroying several Rock Hermits, and pirate ships, none of which fit into the mission. Shoot, I even nailed a renegade frigate, and accompanying ships, at the far side of the sun from the planet, but no Barracudas. Is there something I'm missing here? The asteroid fields are there. There are plenty of pirate nests to destroy. Where the %$^%$&^ are Barracudas, and THE Pirate Base? Sorry, just had to blow off steam. :)

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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by Thargoid »

Can you confirm from latest.log that the OXP is installed correctly and that there are no errors appearing that will stop the script please. The script name is "stealth_missionScript" and the current version is 1.03.

Also just to confirm you are starting from Beenbeor main station and accepting the mission before flying to Lequena for the mission itself. There's more details in the PM I sent you earlier for more full details.

Lastly in your save game file, what is the value of the mission variable "stealth_mission"?
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

Thargoid wrote:
Can you confirm from latest.log that the OXP is installed correctly and that there are no errors appearing that will stop the script please. The script name is "stealth_missionScript" and the current version is 1.03.

Also just to confirm you are starting from Beenbeor main station and accepting the mission before flying to Lequena for the mission itself. There's more details in the PM I sent you earlier for more full details.

Lastly in your save game file, what is the value of the mission variable "stealth_mission"?
I have the latest version 1.03 installed.

I have tried uninstalling, and then reinstalling. I have started from Beebeor three times trying to trigger the events you describe. Those were the times I uninstalled, and then reinstalled. Otherwise, I've just been camping at Lequena Station, and running search patterns, and anti-pirate raids from there. It's like fighting my own private little war. :D
I WOULD like to find those elusive Barracudas, though. :)

The only thing the Latest.log shows is that it is one of the oxps installed. The only error warnings I'm getting are "No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'NSPOSIXErrorDomain 111' (outStream status: 7, inStream status: 7)." I've already been told not to worry about that, and it doesn't seem to affect game play.

This is what the Saved Game document says about the Stealth Mission:


<string>Head to the Lequena system and take out the pirate Barracuda and their base.</string>

That's all. The only other mention of anything in that mission is at the beginning of the Saved Game document, where it tells that I am presently in the Lequena System.

Any suggestions would be cool, but I'm not quitting till I find those Barracudas. :D
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Keep looking. Others have had trouble finding the Barracudas. Very realistic wouldn't you say? :)
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Keep looking. Others have had trouble finding the Barracudas. Very realistic wouldn't you say? :)
Oh YEAH! I may sound like I'm stuck, but really I'm just going back out of Lequena Station every time anticipating what thugs are going to insult, and then attack me, LOL!! :lol:

My favorite line is "You should never have left the main shipping lanes, trader". I don't know about you, but when I see a Merlin, I DON'T think "trader", but more like "killer". :D
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

mandoman wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Keep looking. Others have had trouble finding the Barracudas. Very realistic wouldn't you say? :)
Oh YEAH! I may sound like I'm stuck, but really I'm just going back out of Lequena Station every time anticipating what thugs are going to insult, and then attack me, LOL!! :lol:

My favorite line is "You should never have left the main shipping lanes, trader". I don't know about you, but when I see a Merlin, I DON'T think "trader", but more like "killer". :D
Yeah, your custom merlin's ship stats are pretty uber. If it is too easy you can always detune them back to the same as the original merlin. :wink:
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by Mauiby de Fug »

The stealth base is only spawned in the shipWillExitWitchspace handler. Which means that if you launch from the main station in that system, it will never appear. It will only appear in if you jump into the system. I thought I'd reported this when I did the mission, but I've searched and can't find any posts I've made about it. The closest I found was this, where I refer to this problem but don't state it explicitly. Sorry about that...
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

Mauiby de Fug wrote:
The stealth base is only spawned in the shipWillExitWitchspace handler. Which means that if you launch from the main station in that system, it will never appear. It will only appear in if you jump into the system. I thought I'd reported this when I did the mission, but I've searched and can't find any posts I've made about it. The closest I found was this, where I refer to this problem but don't state it explicitly. Sorry about that...
OK, then I need to jump out of the Lequena System, and then back in? There is a System fairly close by, but I can't remember the name. I'll start using that as my base. :D

I just finished off a bunch more pirates, and another pirate base in a Rock Hermit. It's not a painful experience. :D
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

I FOUND THE BARRACUDAS!!!! and I promptly lost all but two. Sheesh, it was eerie. Just as I found their base, all six hit me from every direction. I had just time to finish the blasting of their base before they could kill me, and then I put my mandomerlin into full speed and began my spinning, swooping, pirate confusing gyrations. I took out one, and then had to blow a few mines (I nearly ran into one) before I could continue with the Barracudas. I turned back onto the Barracudas, and began a fast pace jousting match with at least two of them. I managed to get one more, but the others just kind of disappeared. I didn't know they would do that. Is it better to get the ships first, and THEN the base? I didn't know what else to do but go and report my failure. It was kind of a bummer not to have destroyed all the Barracudas, after destroying so many other pirates before I even found the Barracudas. Oh well. Maybe I can take another shot at them sometime. Is that possible without starting a whole new game? :)
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by Thargoid »

It is, but you'll have to edit your save game a little.

Basically you need to reset the mission variables you quoted previously and then jump back into Lequena, and the mission will kick off again.

Code: Select all

Strictly the only one needed for the mission to kick off is the last one, but it will go weird if you don't set the other ones to zero as well.

For tactics - the Barracuda are mobile, the base isn't. But if you lose track of the base, it would be a bitch to find again... So what to do, what to do ;) But the pilots also aren't stupid, if they see they're getting their tails handed to them then they will cut and run. And the fun of a stealth ship is that not only can it sneakily attack, it can sneakily scarper too. There's a little more to this mission than just a dogfight ;)

As for the base only appearing on entry (saving at the main station and restarting game not causing spawning) - that's a good catch. I've updated the script to 1.04 and fix that one. [/color]
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Re: Stealth OXP, no sign of anything.

Post by mandoman »

Thargoid wrote:
It is, but you'll have to edit your save game a little.

Basically you need to reset the mission variables you quoted previously and then jump back into Lequena, and the mission will kick off again.

Code: Select all

Strictly the only one needed for the mission to kick off is the last one, but it will go weird if you don't set the other ones to zero as well.

For tactics - the Barracuda are mobile, the base isn't. But if you lose track of the base, it would be a bitch to find again... So what to do, what to do ;) But the pilots also aren't stupid, if they see they're getting their tails handed to them then they will cut and run. And the fun of a stealth ship is that not only can it sneakily attack, it can sneakily scarper too. There's a little more to this mission than just a dogfight ;)

As for the base only appearing on entry (saving at the main station and restarting game not causing spawning) - that's a good catch. I've updated the script to 1.04 and fix that one. [/color]
OK, that's great. It's a really fun mission, the best I've yet played. That is going to be awesome to be able to start from the Space Station. Good stuff, and I'm watching for more. :wink: :D
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