(NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.3.oxp

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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Shield Equalizer and Capacitor OXP

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Hey LW, any questions about my code just ask. Jus for info I have a few bells and whistles to add later so after you release your next version I'll make da mods and perhaps we could both put in equipment incompatibility with each others "equalizers" but leave the capacitors alone. Mine will be just different enough to justify having both.

By the way, you were interested in some kind of readout for your shield's mode? It's doable.Lots of work(understatement) but can do. Will have to wait though. Currently making compatibility mods to adapt a HUD equipment oxp I made to work with no dependancies to the 200meg custom shipdata/shipyard (WONT be posting it)I made(ships all have been refined for ALL views/positions/stats etc.)ie.lots to gut. When I have most of it done I'll look at SOME of the requests I've seen posted around but no promises. Perhaps somebody would like a readout for ammunition of thier ancient magnetic projectile launcher or maybe a reminder sight showing where the round would hit based on current pitch/roll/yaw...can't imagine who though. :) If the code supports it I would attempt it. Besides, isn't oolite1.75.2 due soon? gotta test with that before I post anything new...been playing catch up since december and the reason only posted now...too many changes to code of stuff I've already done, now what would be nice is programmable HUD tools/gadgets...YEAH BABY, YEAH!!! :D

oh and lw My custom shipdata gives me mostly those kind of npc's normally. Don't forget the future will have npc's on your side to(oops, shouldn't have said that). We wouldn't want the game to easy but instead just up the excitement and adrenalin dealing with incredible odds and still win. Yahoo!!! :wink:
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Shield Equalizer and Capacitor OXP

Post by Capt. Murphy »


Your 1.75.1a release includes a little bit of code that's commented with // test information remove before release oxp.

It kicks in and gives a screen full of console messages even without the equipment installed if the player's shields are being battered and the player is targeting a station. Freaked me out in the middle of a firefight with a pirate cove (which is a station) and it's defenders.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Shield Equalizer and Capacitor OXP

Post by CommonSenseOTB »


Just trying to keep you awake my friend.


Sorry 'bout that. Leftover testing script. Removed now.

Also changed the equipment file so now both shield equalizer + capacitor.oxp and shield cycler.oxp work well together. Shield Capacitors work well with either. You may now use both oxp's together no problem!

Added message when capacitors fully charged.

That's it. BUGFIX available below and previous 2 links

http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Shield ... citors_OXP

Should be good for the next week or so until I post the official version on the oxp list and here.
Last edited by CommonSenseOTB on Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(BUGFIXED) Shield Equalizer and Capacitor O

Post by mcarans »

Hi CommonSenseOTB,

Can you apply for a wiki account from Ahruman and add your OXP(s) to the wiki?

EDIT: DOH! I didn't read your last post

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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(BUGFIXED) Shield Equalizer and Capacitor O

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Thanyou for reminding me mcarans. I have sent Ahruman a message about that to start the ball rolling. Just so busy lately! :wink:
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.0.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Drumroll please.... :wink:

Announcing the release of the wiki version ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorsv1.0.oxp

Download here:
http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Shield ... citors_OXP

What's new...

--- option to sell equipment(at a good rate, it's quality after all)
--- nice sound effects(appropriate for this type of equipment)
--- over-engineered design now results in partial shield system damage resistance(hey, you paid for it!)
--- small chance of capacitor feedback(very minor damage) when capacitor equipment damaged/destroyed
--- compatibility with Shield Cycler 0.14(BETA) minimum(equipment.plist already compatible with the next version)

Will do a wiki page when I have the time. Have fun with this one! :D

(now back to the huds...) :D
Last edited by CommonSenseOTB on Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.0.oxp

Post by mcarans »

Hi CommonSenseOTB,

Congratulations on the release of your OXP and thanks for adding it to the OXP List.

I have taken the liberty of shortening your description on the OXP List page as if all OXPs had descriptions as long as yours, the list would need to be split into multiple pages which would make it less useful; for the sake of fairness, we limit the description lengths for all authors.

I have changed it from:
Shield Equalizer and Capacitors adds a shield equalizer that transfers energy from high to low shield and shield capacitors that store unused shield energy and release it when shields drop, all automatically

Shield Equalizer transfers energy from high to low shield. Capacitors release unused energy when shields drop

I hope I've not lost the the important information in this pruning.

Both "Shield Equalizer" and "Capacitors" are links to your download, but perhaps it would be better to link to a longer explanation elsewhere like on a separate wiki page, web page or link to a post on this forum (eg. https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.ph ... 80#p138380), any of which could also have a link to the download.

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Re: (NEW RELEASE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.0.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Thanx Mike, my stuff is all on the oxp list now and I'll try to keep up on it. I will make appropriate wiki pages when I find the time.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(ENHANCED)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.0.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Was unaware that soundsources would keep going even when the game was reset. Changed loop to a repeat count. Now fixed! Other script tweaks also.

Update: Shield Equalizer + Capacitorsv1.1.oxp

http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Shield ... citors_OXP

If you find any other bugs or have any other feedback or recommendations drop me a line here. Thanx.
Last edited by CommonSenseOTB on Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

COMPATIBILITY UPDATE: Shield Equalizer + Capacitorsv1.2.oxp

Modified equipment.plist for compatibility with new equipment.plist in Shield Cycler 0.20BETA

Download here. :)

http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Shield ... citors_OXP
Last edited by CommonSenseOTB on Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by Lone_Wolf »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
COMPATIBILITY UPDATE: Shield Equalizer + Capacitorsv1.2.oxp

Modified equipment.plist for compatibility with new equipment.plist in Shield Cycler 0.20BETA
If you want you can shorten the code a bit.

The devices that are buyable in my oxp are removed upon purchase immediately , and replaced by a combination of 2 hidden internal devices and mission variables.
A combination of equipment.plist and the this.playerBoughtEquipment handler in ShieldCycler.js is used to achieve this.

a ship with any Shield Cycler or in-flight configurator will ALWAYS have a device "EQ_SC_SHIELD_CYCLER_INTERNAL" installed after this.playerBoughtEquipment handler has been processed.
I expect the other devices are present as installed only a few milliseconds.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Thanks Lone Wolf, wasn't quite sure so I made all the equipment incompatible. Well it's out there and it doesn't hurt so I'll leave it until you release your final version or my next update/version. Both oxps work together well so I'm happy! :D
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Ok I finally have a wiki page. Thanks to maik for his advice. Anyone using this oxp please feel free to post any comment or feedback here! :D
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by Switeck »

Now that you have a wiki page, you might want to mention that in your post signature. 8)
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Re: (NEW RELEASE)(UPDATE)ShieldEqualizer+Capacitorv1.2.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

This what you mean? :)
(I feel like I'm pawning car stereos and baked goods!)
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