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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Well I went to see it on opening day and enjoyed it very much.

Visually stunning, audibly spectacular (Go Daft Punk!), there is no plot twist because it's so obvious and the ending is a bit odd (and I ignored the fact that it shouldn't have ended the way it did) - but nevertheless, if you think you might enjoy it, you almost certainly will.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Selezen »

Agree with almost all of that. The ending did seem a bit abrupt, almost like they had a deadline for the script and rushed the ending.

CLU and young Flynn's face were very very good CGI - looks like we have reached the stage where photorealistic people are just about manageable!!!

Some parts of it were absolutely mind-blowing! The rest of it was just awesome. :-)

It was definitely worth waiting 28 years for.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

these are the only positive reviews i've seen!
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Which is why I caveated my statement - with "if you think you'll enjoy it, you probably will" - because I saw the reviews and thought "sod it, I'm going to see it anyway!"
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Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Pangloss »

I wasn't expecting Casablanca, so I walked in with the expectation that I would be entertained.

I was thoroughly entertained. I wonder how Quorra will


this text is in case you didn't see the word spoiler, I wonder how Quorra will fit into the outside world. And seeing as Sam now has the Grid on a memory card on his necklace, AND he was able to leak Encom Version 12 online ...will the third film be The Grid online? Spoiler ends.
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Post by Griff »

What's the bit in the trailer where there's a guy who looks a bit like futuristic Peter Stringfellow playing a clear plastic cane like a guitar all about!?! He's not in it much is he?
edit: oo it's Michael Sheen, one of the Port Talbot four!
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Michael Sheen - aka Zeus - oddly cast to be honest!
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Post by Selezen »

An interesting line was about how Zuse had to "reinvent himself" after the events of the original Tron (which he remembers). Given that Tron himself was ported from the old Encom system (where Tron took place) does that mean that Zuse was ported over too? If so, who was he??

There are quite a few little stories that are still to be told...


...including what happens to Tron after falling into the simulation sea...
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Post by Pangloss »

Selezen wrote:
An interesting line was about how Zuse had to "reinvent himself" after the events of the original Tron (which he remembers). Given that Tron himself was ported from the old Encom system (where Tron took place) does that mean that Zuse was ported over too? If so, who was he??
There were a lot of programs still doing the rounds when the MCP fell and the I/O towers went from red to blue in TRON. Seeing as he has a penchant for entertainment and has skill as a warrior... my guess is he was one of the more fun-to-play tactical game programs the MCP stole for Sark from the Pentagon on the original closed system.

Which means there might be hundreds of these programs in The Grid.
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Post by Chrisfs »

I saw it on Friday and I liked it quite a bit.
It's a sequel to Tron showcasing how much special effects have imporved since 1982. If you go expecting that and not Dr. Zhivago or Gone with the Wind, you will have a great time. The reviewers I have read that didn't like it, really missed that point completely.

I watched the original Tron the night before. While I think Tron Legacy can stand on it's own, I recommend watching the original shortly before, since there are scenes and props that are lifted from the original and reproduced in Tron Legacy to impressive effect.
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Re: Tron:Legacy

Post by drew »

My review here.

My review comes across negative but I did enjoy it. The music was awesome (just bought the album - unusual for me).


Drew is an author of SF and Fantasy Novels
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Re: Tron:Legacy

Post by Griff »

I've just got around to watching this on DVD, must admit i found it a bit disapointing, probably have to see it one or two more times because i didn't quite understand the plot! :lol:
If they make another one i hope they have the tanks back in, they were such an awesome design in the first film, they could drop the CGI face replacement though, it just looked like the guy had been botox'd 10 times more than the safe legal limit, then frozen and only thawed 10 mins before shooting his scenes

There's a tribute soundtrack and a fan-made re-cut of the first film here, i haven't watched the re-cut but the soundtrack is great!
“End of Line is an original re-score of the movie Tron (1981), created by Ann Arbor native French / Disco House antihero Mogi Grumbles. End of Line is a 100% independent composition that lives wholly outside the original film score by Wendy Carlos and Annemarie Franklin."
The result of a live collaboration between Alex Taam and video editor Christian Silbereis, a re-cut of the film featuring the Mogi Grumbles re-score has been released as a companion piece for your viewing pleasure
If flynn's data disk was so important why didn't he just wear it under his coat? If he'd put it on his vest then put his coat over the top it would have saved a whole heap of bother!
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Re: Tron:Legacy

Post by DaddyHoggy »

If flynn's data disk was so important why didn't he just wear it under his coat? If he'd put it on his vest then put his coat over the top it would have saved a whole heap of bother!
For this reason, amongst many, don't watch it subsequent times looking for the plot - there isn't one - it's only identified at best by the holes in it...

I've just bought it on DVD/Blu-Ray even though I don't yet own a Blu-ray player (but did buy a HD TV at Christmas when my old 32" CRT went phutt)
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Re: Tron:Legacy

Post by ramon »

I've just got myself a shiny new Blu-Ray player and this'll be one of the first films i get for it. I loved the look of it and the music was brilliant. Story was good - they could have so easily done a re-boot like everyone else, but instead they were brave to do a proper sequel which I really liked.
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