Code: Select all
1139775273 AI (92bb490)
1139775273 NSLock (922d120)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed7a5010)
1139775273 AI (95da060)
1139775273 NSLock (922c1f8)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed775010)
1139775273 AI (9648250)
1139775273 NSLock (9d04a18)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed745010)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed715010)
1139775273 AI (96479b0)
1139775273 NSLock (9ba5bf0)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed6e5010)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed6b5010)
1139775273 AI (9c86b70)
1139775273 NSLock (9222c10)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed685010)
1139775273 AI (93be298)
1139775273 NSLock (9d008d0)
1139775273 AI (93bf400)
1139775273 NSLock (9155cc0)
1139775273 AI (93c05a0)
1139775273 NSLock (916af00)
1139775273 AI (93c0188)
1139775273 NSLock (9165b80)
1139775273 AI (91dc4b8)
1139775273 NSLock (9c8af40)
1139775273 AI (91dd578)
1139775273 NSLock (919a038)
1139775273 AI (91de6b8)
1139775273 NSLock (9c939d0)
1139775273 AI (91a37b0)
1139775273 NSLock (9e716c0)
1139775273 AI (9401fd0)
1139775273 NSLock (9228e18)
1139775273 AI (9402e60)
1139775273 NSLock (8eeb6a0)
1139775273 AI (95d3088)
1139775273 NSLock (9d03f50)
1139775273 AI (95d3728)
1139775273 NSLock (9168240)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed655010)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed625010)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed5f5010)
1139775273 ParticleEntity (ed5c5010)
1139775289 SDLImage (92d6508)
1139775300 SDLImage (9e716f8)
1139775305 SDLImage (99b9058)
1139775306 AI (946ecd0)
1139775306 NSLock (9ba4e70)
1139775306 AI (95f5610)
1139775306 NSLock (9236e30)
1139775306 AI (9493c08)
1139775306 NSLock (9ba9438)
1139775320 SDLImage (9ba05b8)
1139775321 SDLImage (9816320)
1139775321 SDLImage (97e75f8)
1139775332 SDLImage (97b2e08)
1139775332 SDLImage (9726668)
1139775374 SDLImage (97640b0)
1139775397 AI (911e498)
1139775397 NSLock (9c99130)
1139775397 AI (95d36e0)
1139775397 NSLock (9c925b0)
Code: Select all
1139787334 AI (9465440)
1139787334 NSLock (9e71f70)
1139787334 ParticleEntity (efc99010)
1139787334 AI (979f138)
1139787334 NSLock (9228950)
1139787334 ParticleEntity (efb34010)
1139787334 AI (9465490)
1139787334 NSLock (9122f50)
1139787334 ParticleEntity (efb04010)
1139787418 WormholeEntity (98504f8)
1139787418 AI (9792260)
1139787418 NSLock (9e72058)
1139787418 ParticleEntity (987f630)
1139787481 WormholeEntity (eef95010)
1139787481 AI (960d780)
1139787481 NSLock (9785318)
1139787481 ParticleEntity (ee7f6010)
1139787481 ParticleEntity (ee7c6010)
1139787530 WormholeEntity (ee766010)
1139787530 AI (97a24a0)
1139787530 NSLock (9c16120)
1139787530 ParticleEntity (ee736010)
1139787530 ParticleEntity (ee706010)
1139787569 SDLImage (984be60)
1139787578 WormholeEntity (ee3e3010)
1139787578 AI (9797f60)
1139787578 NSLock (9d037c8)
1139787578 ParticleEntity (ee3b3010)
1139787692 WormholeEntity (ee353010)
1139787692 AI (97d5a20)
1139787692 NSLock (9c1a870)
1139787692 ParticleEntity (ee323010)
1139787787 AI (954a950)
1139787787 NSLock (910a498)
1139787787 ParticleEntity (ee2c3010)
1139787787 ParticleEntity (ee293010)
1139787787 ParticleEntity (ee263010)
1139787787 ParticleEntity (ee233010)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (91d41e0)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9987ca8)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (97ccd80)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9787060)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (917afe8)
1139788343 NSScanner (978f2d0)
1139788343 NSScanner (984e540)
1139788343 NSScanner (9824150)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9c1e788)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (93520b8)
1139788343 NSScanner (9748680)
1139788343 NSScanner (97a29f0)
1139788343 NSScanner (9765dc0)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (979c6f0)
1139788343 NSScanner (9790fb8)
1139788343 NSScanner (97e37a0)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9a3f1e8)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (97021f8)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (97d32f8)
1139788343 NSScanner (97f1020)
1139788343 NSScanner (9844460)
1139788343 NSScanner (9736d58)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (96fba68)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (97ad9e8)
1139788343 NSScanner (981eac8)
1139788343 NSScanner (972e5c0)
1139788343 NSScanner (9793718)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (96f7820)
1139788343 NSScanner (97ab2c8)
1139788343 NSScanner (97f6640)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9821fa8)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (9778798)
1139788343 GSDictionaryKeyEnumerator (96fcb50)
Also note that many of the AI objects are actually quite long lived (as this is a snapshot of what's in memory right now, not a log) - several hundred seconds old.
The next step is to set an object ceiling and have the debugger hit a breakpoint at that point so I can have a look at the backtrace. Ahruman has also written a much more comprehensive memory stats system than mine; I'll be adding this to the svn tree (and probably putting it into development builds).