Trumbles now with Free Theme music! Special offer!

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Trumbles now with Free Theme music! Special offer!

Post by Rxke »

:? :lol:

Ok, so this is a (little) bug, but at least it made me laugh!

After a battle-heavy flight, I enter the station, and up pops the well-known advert.
But this time it came with music, at the first split second I thought it was new, but it was the theme-music, starting somewhere mid-song.
I then remembered I had started up Oolite, and did some oother stuff, so the intro-tune was playing when I hit 'Y' to get my commander. The music started where I had interrupted it.

Maybe it was a little fanfare, to ease the pain of expensive repairs that awaited me when I entered the shipyard, heehee.

OSX 10.3.9, Oolite 1.62, nothing in console

(EDIT:) Heh, funny typo: oother stuff... bad case of the side-effects, I guess...
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I had a similar experience two days back when the DVDplayer was playing in the background of normal TV...I kept looking for the trapped cat.

Anyone could script a (ogg) tune to start when...
[exiting witchspace]...[launching]...etc
why hasn't anybody done so?

I know why I haven't: I aint got no ogg-muzik.
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Post by JensAyton »

That’s funny. Music is supposed to ”rewind” when it’s stopped I’ll make a note to look into it.
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Post by Rxke »

It wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, at least, the many occasions I was offered one, there never was any music...
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Post by JensAyton »

I remembered to look into it. Music now rewinds. (Adding one line of code: two seconds. Knowing where to add it: years of experience.)

As for why it started, that’s not my problem. ;-)
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Post by xaotik »

Well, there's this which I saw after taking a peak to see what in all is hardcoded in oolite. Didn't see anything calling missionMusic in there but there is a scripting method called setMissionMusic so maybe it's some oxp doing it to you or perhaps it's just the default missionMusic if the oxp doesn't have one defined with setMissionMusic...?

Code: Select all

missionMusic =	[[ResourceManager ooMusicNamed:@"OoliteTheme.ogg" inFolder:@"Music"] retain];
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Post by JensAyton »

After digging through some OXPs, it’s normal for misson screen set-up to start with setMissionMusic:none. I guess if one doesn’t, it will get the previous mission music, which will be OoliteTheme.ogg if no previous misson has used music.

For a while – in fact, since the transition from NSSound to FMOD – mission music was broken, so this wouldn’t be noticed.

At least in future it will be the theme played from the beginning. :-)
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