Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

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Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Okti »

I just downloaded nighty build of the trunk. And started to play assassins.OXP. You know there is a long series of mission screens in rebel outpost. Before I can finalize the mission screen trouble with trumbles begins, and when I say no series of the mission screens interrupts and I can not proceed to the next stage.

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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by JensAyton »

Mission scripts in legacy scripts (such as used by Assassins) are highly problematic. Merely ensuring that only one mission screen is shown at a time, instead of bits of different ones, was a problem. Eric solved this with his “mission offering protocol”, but I’m not sure whether that dealt with chained mission screens. Eric?

(For reference, this is fixed in the JavaScript mission screen system introduced in 1.74.)

That said, the particular case of the trumble mission should be fixable by deciding whether to offer trumbles once on docking, instead of every mission screen opportunity.
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Okti »

I think it might be an idea to make the offer only in main stations.

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Eric Walch
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Eric Walch »

Ahruman wrote:
Mission scripts in legacy scripts (such as used by Assassins) are highly problematic. Merely ensuring that only one mission screen is shown at a time, instead of bits of different ones, was a problem. Eric solved this with his “mission offering protocol”, but I’m not sure whether that dealt with chained mission screens. Eric?
The method should work for chained ones. I even had a private version of assassains.oxp were this was dealt with. But as fas as I remember did little bear only checks for existing missionscreens by other oxps at the main station in the assumption that no oxp would create mission screens at custom stations.
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by JensAyton »

Okti wrote:
I think it might be an idea to make the offer only in main stations.
The trumbles mission already only offers in main stations.
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Okti »

Code: Select all

this.missionScreenOpportunity = function ()
	/*	In the pre-JavaScript implementation, the mission variable was set to
		OFFER_MADE while the mission screen was shown. If the player lanched
		in that state, the offer would never be made again -- unless some
		other script used the mission choice keys "YES" or "NO". This
		implementation uses unique choice keys and doesn't change the mission
		variable, which should be more reliable in all cases.
	if (missionVariables.trumbles === "OFFER_MADE")
		missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
	if (player.ship.dockedStation.isMainStation &&
		!missionVariables.trumbles &&
		!missionVariables.novacount &&		// So the offers eventually stop for long-time players who keep refusing.
		player.credits > 6553.5)
		missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
[color=#80FF40]	if (missionVariables.trumbles === "BUY_ME" &&[/color]		player.trumbleCount === 0 &&
		Math.random() < 0.2) // 20% chance of trumble being offered.
		// Show the mission screen.
			titleKey: "oolite_trumble_title",
			messageKey: "oolite_trumble_offer",
			background: "trumblebox.png",
			choicesKey: "oolite_trumble_offer_yesno"
		function (choice)
			if (choice === "OOLITE_TRUMBLE_YES")
				missionVariables.trumbles = "TRUMBLE_BOUGHT";
				player.credits -= 30;
				missionVariables.trumbles = "NOT_NOW";

this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function ()
	// If player has rejected a trumble offer, reset trumble mission with 2% probability per jump.
	if (missionVariables.trumbles === "NOT_NOW" && Math.random() < 0.02)
		missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
Probably I launched from a station earlier than the offer is made and It does not check for the type of station if I am not wrong.

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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Eric Walch »

Ahruman wrote:
Okti wrote:
I think it might be an idea to make the offer only in main stations.
The trumbles mission already only offers in main stations.
Not quit so. It is only thevery first "BUY_ME" that is set at main stations when no mission_trumbles was defined. After that the variable is set exiting Witchspace and can trigger at any station. Re-looking at the code i see that

Code: Select all

!missionVariables.novacount &&		// So the offers eventually stop for long-time players who keep refusing.
Also has only effect on the first offer. This check should be there also at exiting witchspace. At least when we really want to stop the offer after galaxy 3.

EDIT ninja.
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by JensAyton »

Proposed new script. This one only offers once per station, and only in main stations (double-checked, even).

Code: Select all



Script for random offers of trumbles.

Copyright © 2004-2011 Giles C Williams and contributors

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.


/*jslint white: true, undef: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */
/*global guiScreen, mission, missionVariables, player*/

"use strict";			= "oolite-trumbles";			= "Jens Ayton";
this.copyright		= "© 2008-2011 the Oolite team.";
this.description	= "Random offers of trumbles.";
this.version		= "1.75";

(function () {
var pendingOffer = false;

this.startUp = function startUp()
	/*	In the pre-JavaScript implementation, the mission variable was set to
		OFFER_MADE while the mission screen was shown. If the player lanched
		in that state, the offer would never be made again -- unless some
		other script used the mission choice keys "YES" or "NO". This
		implementation uses unique choice keys and doesn't change the mission
		variable, which should be more reliable in all cases.
	if (missionVariables.trumbles === "OFFER_MADE")
		missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
	delete this.startUp;

this.shipDockedWithStation = function shipDockedWithStation(station)
	pendingOffer = false;
	if (station.isMainStation)
		if (!missionVariables.trumbles &&
			!missionVariables.novacount &&		// So the offers eventually stop for long-time players who keep refusing.
			player.credits > 6553.5)
			missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
		if (missionVariables.trumbles === "BUY_ME" &&
			player.trumbleCount === 0 &&
			Math.random() < 0.2) // 20% chance of trumble being offered.
			pendingOffer = true;

this.missionScreenOpportunity = function missionScreenOpportunity()
	if (pendingOffer && player.ship.dockedStation.isMainStation)
		pendingOffer = false;
		// Show the mission screen.
			titleKey: "oolite_trumble_title",
			messageKey: "oolite_trumble_offer",
			background: "trumblebox.png",
			choicesKey: "oolite_trumble_offer_yesno"
		function (choice)
			if (choice === "OOLITE_TRUMBLE_YES")
				missionVariables.trumbles = "TRUMBLE_BOUGHT";
				player.credits -= 30;
				missionVariables.trumbles = "NOT_NOW";

this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function shipWillExitWitchspace()
	// If player has rejected a trumble offer, reset trumble mission with 2% probability per jump.
	if (missionVariables.trumbles === "NOT_NOW" && Math.random() < 0.02)
		missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";

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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by Eric Walch »

Looks good. And while we are changing, I would add cleanup code to delete itself if (missionVariables.trumbles == "TRUMBLE_BOUGHT");. No need for further checks after this condition.

Also the part:

Code: Select all

this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function shipWillExitWitchspace()
   // If player has rejected a trumble offer, reset trumble mission with 2% probability per jump.
   if (missionVariables.trumbles === "NOT_NOW" && Math.random() < 0.02 && !missionVariables.novacount)
      missionVariables.trumbles = "BUY_ME";
Needs an additional !missionVariables.novacount check as above or the mission will still offer itself after G3

EDIT: after rereading I think we also need an additional check for player.credits > 30 before the actual missionscreen is shown as the player could already have spend his credits at this point.
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Re: Trouble with Trumbles in windows trunk 1.75.04324

Post by JensAyton »

Eric Walch wrote:
EDIT: after rereading I think we also need an additional check for player.credits > 30 before the actual missionscreen is shown as the player could already have spend his credits at this point.
On that basis, we may as well move the credits check into missionScreenOpportunity. There’s no real need to do it more than once.

The additional !missionVariables.novacount check isn’t really needed. As it stands, the trumble will be offered at most once after the nova counter starts; the goal of eventually stopping is still achieved, but in a less obviously deterministic way.
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