Military fighter, has a custom AI that hunts bugs in WitchSpace then returns to a normal patrol if none are found.
You should only come across them in WS (unless they happen to revert to their route1patrol AI), therefore you'll need to make a misjump to find them. Be warned, they operate in bug-rich zones, so be prepared for company
You know, I haven't been to this forum in a long time (the last post I remember was some thread in Outworld regarding claims for Jesus ) but I just had to log in to say how great this looks. I'm glad you've ditched the 'winged' design, as it was one of the things that didn't sit well with me in my Ooniverse.
Right, I'm off to have a look at this beauty's stats now. Good job!
Did you every get Rendermonkey working on your graphics card KW, or are you testing shaders by viewing the ship in oolite? However you're doing it, that ship looks really great!
no, i gave up on RM! testing's a bit of a mess on cos i have a way different monitor profile for my art than the game, which needs to be far brighter. i twaek some of the screenshots further in PShop, but it's just brightening them up for the general population again, using my work monitor as a tet bed, cos i assume a good deal of people use standard Windows/monitor defaults rather than fiddling w/ settings like i do.
Thanks! Somehow I've got to contain a wize-cracking lizard, a gun toting contrabandista, a half crazed cyborg with questionable ethics, a gastro loving trader, a blue skinned scientist and a brain in a jar...
...and don't even mention Rebecca!
Last edited by drew on Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.