v1.62rc3 (Final Release Candidate) Patch Available

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v1.62rc3 (Final Release Candidate) Patch Available

Post by aegidian »

Note that this is a patch to a pre-release test version of Oolite. This is the version that will (if no showstopping bugs are found) be released publicly as v1.62.

One bug remains in this version. Very rarely the Core Audio sound system will fail, causing Oolite to freeze. If this occurs in full-screen mode hold down command-alt-escape to exit.

It should be more stable than v1.61. If you are worried about using it, please keep a copy of Oolite.app v1.55 as a back-up.

This is not the Universal Binary build of v1.62pr. You can find that in a separate post with a separate download. It does however include the Universal version of the metadata importer for Spotlight (Mac OS X 10.4 only).

This version has many changes designed to reduce the possibility of crashes. If Oolite crashes please remember to send a crash report by email to [email protected]

:arrow: http://www.digitalnervouswreck.com/ooli ... 162rc3.zip

:arrow: Download the file above and expand it.

:arrow: Drag Oolite.app (v1.55+) onto DropUpgradeOoliteTo162

:!: A small file called OolitePatch.log will be written to your desktop. If you have any problems upgrading you should mail me this file along with any crash reports and console.log entries.

:!: Oolite should immediately launch and give an 'Update successful' message.

The menu option About Oolite should also now show the version number as 1.62

Note that this will not update Oolite's version number in the Finder 'Get Info' box until the Finder is relaunched.

Main Changes for Version 1.62rc3 (Final)

• Much improved detection of offences by stations and police.
• Abandoned vessels no longer mass-lock other craft.
• Cargo bay expansion size can now be customised (<key>extra_cargo</key><integer>value</integer> in shipdata.plist entry).

Main Changes for Version 1.62rc2

• Fixed bug in Nova mission aftermath.
• Revised collision physics fixing a bug.
• Fixed bug in docking procedures.
• Fixed bug in equipment damage.
• Other minor bug fixes and corrections to build process.

Main Changes for Version 1.62pr

• Blocked cargo-ejection at too-high speeds.
• Improved cargo-rotation now sorts cargo as it goes.
• More scripting routines and new expansions (commander_name, commander_shipname, commander_rank, and commander_legal_status) in descriptions.
• Add a 'conditions' element to shipdata.plist entries to script distribution of ships.
• Trumbles mission improved (thanks Murgh).
• Speech volume lowered to more closely match effects volume.
• AI improved for shuttles and pirates.
• Crashing sound bug fixed (thanks Ahruman).
• Many other minor bugs and gameplay glitches fixed.
• Universal Binary build created (as yet untested).

Main Changes for Version 1.61

• Many bugfixes, tweaks and glitches smoothed over - should be more stable (at least on OSX 10.4.3).
• Overhauled collision and explosion physics.
• Audio cue when fuel-scooping.
• Improved compatibility between OXPs (planetinfo.plist entries are merged rather than overwriting each other).
• Sound system switched to core-audio (thanks Ahruman).
• Less cop-on-cop violence and greedy-cop scooping of cargo.
• Better control for zooming the scanner (holding down 'z' now zooms all the way in, but must be released before it then zooms out again).
• Ships have more representative roll and pitch variation.
• Can use 'R' (key_rotate_cargo) to rotate cargo to select what to eject.
• Added more commands for scripting.
• Mission variables can be used within square brackets for expansion in text messages.
• New 'else' option in 'conditions'+'do' in scripts.
• Fewer hangs with poorly written OXPs.
• Better build compatibility with oolite-linux, and fewer warning (thanks to Ahruman and James Quick).
• Load/Save uses the Mac GUI when not in windowed mode.

Main changes for Version 1.60

• (Mac only) Oolite now uses its own internal load/save file browser, eliminating the need to change screen resolution to load or save a game.
• New graphic effects when laser bursts hit ships' shields.
• Many small tweaks and fixes to code, gameplay and missions.
• Introduces <key>like_ship</key><string>ship_desc</string> to set up ships that are very like other ships in shipdata.plist.
• Introduces code to allow encounters with ships to affect mission scripts.

Main changes for Version 1.59

• (Mac OS X 10.4 only) Oolite saved games and expansion packs show more information in Finder and can be indexed for searching by Spotlight (thanks Ahruman).
• Player no longer launches into the aft of other launching ships.
• AIs refigured to use Witch space wormholes more effectively.
• Scanner changed with more representative markings and better zooming.
• Fuel injectors now work during witch-space countdown.
• More variety to damage received and to malfunctions as a result of low maintenance.
• You can now use ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns or ~/.Oolite/Addons to store expansion packs for a specific user in addition to those in the folder alongside the Oolite application. ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite and ~/.Oolite can also be used for other user specific modifications.
• Numerous small bugs fixed, graphics glitches removed, stability improved.

Main changes for Version 1.58

• Changed build configuration once again allow building for 10.3 on xcode 2.1 and gcc4.0.
• More aggresive caching of models to cut down delay when entering a new system.
• Scriptable addPlanet (with atmosphere) and addMoon (with no atmosphere) routines.
• Some gameplay and graphics glitches fixed.
• First implementation of wormholes. These are left behind by ships entering witch drive to a new system. You can enter wormholes to follow them at zero fuel cost.

Main changes for Version 1.57a

• Rebuilt using xcode 2.0 and gcc 3.3 to restore compatibility with Mac OS 10.3.9.

Main changes for Version 1.57

• Bugs introduced into v1.56 squished.
• Windowed mode screenshots now work okay.
• Further improvements to exception handling.
• Nova script adjusted to take account of new witch drive proximity limits.

Main changes for Version 1.56

• Built with xcode2.1 and gcc 4.
• Pirate escorts now have bounties, pirates now drop cargo.
• ECM hardened missile available.
• New option to set rarity of ship roles in shipdata.plist
• Improved background graphics (nebulae and stars).
• Witchjump now blocked by nearby masses.
• Witchjump can be cancelled by pressing 'h' or 'g' again.
• Can press 'i' ('key_map_info') to show info on local star chart screen.
• starchart now shows system sizes correctly.
• Maregeis is no longer a no go zone.
• Vastly improved exception handling and many, many bugfixes.
• Growl messages displayed as desired.
• 'Blank' crosshairs added to weapon facings without a weapon.

Note this patch can only upgrade Mac OS X Oolite v1.55 or later to the current development beta version.

To upgrade to v1.62 from any other version of Oolite you will have to download the complete disk image for v1.55 from one of the main download links at http://oolite.aegidian.org/download.shtml
Last edited by aegidian on Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by winston »

What was causing the memory exhaustion in 1.60 in the end?
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Post by aegidian »

winston wrote:
What was causing the memory exhaustion in 1.60 in the end?
I'm not entirely sure, since we didn't see much of that problem on the Mac.

I suspect it was changes to the AI. The current version has no check to avoid infinite recursion in AI stacking - I should probably change that just to be sure.
"The planet Rear is scourged by well-intentioned OXZs."

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