Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

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Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:00 pm

Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

Post by whitingjr »

I have been seeing strange behaviour in oolite. The pirates normally in space lanes when they appear on the scanner start moving to attack.
Now the pirates remain static/frozen in space when they appear.

I have been advised to dump ship state and attach the latest.log file.

I do have expansions installed and they are detailed in the logs. There are errors for the file 'pirateAI.plist'.


System details.
Oolite: 1.73.4 May 4 2010
Ubuntu v10.04 LTS, Linux mejulie 2.6.32-26-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 26 16:46:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.73.4 (x86-32 test release) under Linux at 2010-11-28 20:46:02 +0000.
1 processor detected.
Oolite Options: [Procedural Planets] [Docking Clearance] [Wormhole Scanner] [Target Incoming Missiles]

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

[joystickHandler.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
[display.mode.list.native]: X11 native resolution detected: 2560 x 1024
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.2 ("2.1.2 NVIDIA 195.36.24")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (138):
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
("/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/", AddOns, "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/globestation2.0.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/externalviews.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/outrider.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/Aquatics 2.11.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/Superhubv1.2.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/Drones 1.11.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/MilHUD-v3.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/behemoth 2.5.4.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/tori.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/supercobra 1.4.1.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/gwxstations.oxp", "/home/whitingjr/.Oolite/AddOns/Dictators-v1.4.oxp")
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-font.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-font.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture dialglas.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.012887 seconds for texture dialglas.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 0.
[textureCache.fill]: Adding 128 elements to texture names cache.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture ryphoriglas.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000376 seconds for texture ryphoriglas.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 127.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture rypvertglas.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000612 seconds for texture rypvertglas.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 126.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture compassglas.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000614 seconds for texture compassglas.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 125.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture radarglas.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.017913 seconds for texture radarglas.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 124.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture contraster.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000601 seconds for texture contraster.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 123.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture opencross.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000578 seconds for texture opencross.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 122.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture box.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000430 seconds for texture box.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 121.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture dot.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000408 seconds for texture dot.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 120.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture trumblekit.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script /usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/ -- could not run script
[]: Loaded 11 world scripts: "aquatics_equipment" 1.1, "aquatics_populator" 1.0, "behemoth" 2.5.4, "dictators.js" 1.0, "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.74.2, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.74.2, "oolite-nova" 1.74.2, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.74.2, "oolite-trumbles" 1.74.2, "PAGroove_superhubPopulator" 1.1, "Pi-Forty-Two Con stores" 4.1.2
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra3_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture missile.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-star-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-3.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-4.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 119.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 118.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture back_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture bottom_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture dark_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture arcdetail.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture blur256.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra1_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 109 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sidewinder_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 109 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture outridertexture2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture ferdelance_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asteroid.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_shark.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_conger.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Mamba 130 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Mamba 130 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_congerPod1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_congerPod2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_congerPod3.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_congerPod4.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture mamba_redux.png
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 117.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture target_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture Guard_tex.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture trumblekit.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra3_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 116.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_mantaRay.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_turret.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture missile.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-star-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-3.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-4.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture back_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture bottom_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture dark_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture arcdetail.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture blur256.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra1_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sidewinder_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture outridertexture2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture ferdelance_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asteroid.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_shark.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_conger.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_congerPod1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_congerPod2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_congerPod3.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_congerPod4.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture mamba_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture target_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture Guard_tex.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_mantaRay.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 115.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.000091 seconds for texture aquatics_turret.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 114.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture qbomb.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 113.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 112.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture moray_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture outridertexture.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture anaconda_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_box.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_boxRing.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_barracuda.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Gecko 178 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Gecko 178 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture gecko_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Outrider 180 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Outrider 180 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Gecko 183 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Gecko 183 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asp_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 186 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 186 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Outrider 187 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Outrider 187 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 190 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 190 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture krait_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Krait 194 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Krait 194 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 197 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 197 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa2_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 213 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 213 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_hammerHead.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aquatics_cargoSled.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 111.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 110.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 109.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 108.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 107.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture qbomb.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture moray_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture outridertexture.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture anaconda_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_box.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_boxRing.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_barracuda.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture gecko_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asp_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture krait_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa2_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aquatics_hammerHead.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 106.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 105.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 104.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 103.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 102.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 101.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 100.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture shuttle_redux.png
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 185 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 186 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 197 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 190 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 213 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 178 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Gecko 183 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Manta Ray 179 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 180 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 188 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Outrider 187 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 181 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 195 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Sidewinder Scout Ship 201 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 200 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Krait 194 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 204 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 189 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 193 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Moray Star Boat 202 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark III 196 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 182 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Cobra Mark I 203 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 99.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 98.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 257 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 257 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture viper_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[script.addShips.failed]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in <anonymous actions>, addShipsAt: could not add 1 ships with role "constore"
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture transporter_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 97.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 96.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 95.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 94.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "flare256.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 93.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 92.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 91.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state TRAVEL_TO_LURK_AREA: Fer-de-Lance 260 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[display.currentMode.notFound]: ----- WARNING: couldn't find current fullscreen setting, switching to default.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Python 257 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name
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Post by another_commander »

How did you install Oolite? Can you remember if the problems started appearing at around the time you updated to Ubuntu 10.04? I think that what you are seeing can be explained by the discussion in this topic:
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Re: Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

Post by Commander McLane »

whitingjr wrote:
System details.
Oolite: 1.73.4 May 4 2010
Ubuntu v10.04 LTS, Linux mejulie 2.6.32-26-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 26 16:46:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
whitingjr wrote:
[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.73.4 (x86-32 test release) under Linux at 2010-11-28 20:46:02 +0000.
whitingjr wrote:
[script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script /usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/ -- could not run script
[]: Loaded 11 world scripts: "aquatics_equipment" 1.1, "aquatics_populator" 1.0, "behemoth" 2.5.4, "dictators.js" 1.0, "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.74.2, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.74.2, "oolite-nova" 1.74.2, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.74.2, "oolite-trumbles" 1.74.2, "PAGroove_superhubPopulator" 1.1, "Pi-Forty-Two Con stores" 4.1.2
(boldface added by me)

To my layman's eyes this looks like a messed-up install of 1.74.2 over an undeleted 1.73.4. For what other reason should the code version number be 1.73.4, while the internal scripts are of version 1.74.2?

If the code base is still 1.73.4, scripts using methods that were only introduced in 1.74 may and will produce errors. This can also apply to AIs.

I have no idea, though, how this kind of messed-up install could have come about.
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Post by Micha »

He has both installed, ran 1.74.2 which filled the cache, then 1.73.4 which is trying to use the cache?
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
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Commander McLane
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Post by Commander McLane »

Hm, the usual line about re-using or re-building the cache isn't even in the log. Strange...

@ whitingjr: can you confirm whether you have two versions of Oolite installed (1.73.4 and 1.74.2) and have been alternating between them? If so, you need to press SHIFT while starting Oolite, until you see the spinning Cobra. This way the cache is cleared.
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Eric Walch
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Post by Eric Walch »

Commander McLane wrote:
@ whitingjr: can you confirm whether you have two versions of Oolite installed (1.73.4 and 1.74.2) and have been alternating between them? If so, you need to press SHIFT while starting Oolite, until you see the spinning Cobra. This way the cache is cleared.
Normally should Oolite recognise the version has changed and clear the cache by itself. I often jump between versions and there is never a problem. It looks more like a wrong install?

Most errors like:

Code: Select all

[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state GLOBAL: Python 213 does not respond to setCoordinatesFromPosition 
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR: in AI pirateAI.plist in state LURK: Asp Mark II 184 does not respond to scanForRandomMerchantman
are because they did not exist in 1.73.

scanForRandomMerchantman is tricky but it used to be scanForRandomMerchantmen. Name was changed because it is not searching for a plural, making the old name a bit confusing. (The plural version will stay valid until at least the NMSR.)
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Re: Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

Post by Getafix »

It seems to me that you have installed 1.73.4 from oolite repository and then
you installed 1.74.2 from autopackage package.

If that's true, I suggest you backup the
~/.Oolite folder as well as the
and then go to synaptics and remove (complete removal)
a. the oolite 1.73.4 as well as
b. the oolite-data packages.
After that you restore the two backed up folders.
Then, start oolite by holding down the SHIFT key, and post the Latest.log.

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Re: Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

Post by whitingjr »

Thank you for the suggested fixes.

In the end I followed the recommendations to remove the multiple installations and start over again with 1.73.4. Also re-installed the extension pack that loads pirateAI.plist and everything is working.

Many thanks for your advice.

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Re: Frozen ships after ~1400 kills

Post by Smivs »

Hi whitingjr,
I'm glad you sorted your problems out, but things have moved on. The latest release of Oolite is 1.75.2 and there have been huge leaps forward since the old version you are using.
Installation has got a lot easier as well. The current version can be downloaded from
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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