Scrapping with a group of pirates as usual, I have one of them in my sights. I'm on his tail and while he's doing a good job with the evasives I have him well and truly beaten. He knows it and hits the injectors. Stubbornly refusing to let the kill go, I do likewise and head off after him. He's got a small headstart on me and after a couple of seconds, it becomes apparent he also has a faster ship. I calculate there's no real possibility of me getting the kill before my lasers overheat so I grudgingly break off and let him go. 20k out and wait, he's turning and heading back this way. Good! 15k... 10k... 5k... still going flat out...
he's not stopping is he? As I frantically try to decide on whether to dive, climb, roll, fire a missile, I eventually decide on a plan of "panic and do none of the above". BANG! I sink back in my chair muttering expletives and cursing the kamikaze AI.
It takes me a few seconds to realise I'm still seeing stars moving... I'm... I'm ALIVE!
Hearing laser fire, too.
... and nowhere near the keyboard
Once again - "Press Space Commander"