Script Fix:
In Script.js, replace this (line 75-87):
Code: Select all
this.setUpArrays = function() {
log ( + ": Setting Up Arrays.");
this.planetList = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // galaxies 0-7
this.planetList[0] = [7, 129, 39, 124, 246, 99, 55, 154, 147, 141, 73, 50, 89, 35, 227, 250, 188, 111, 186, 101, 222, 29, 23, 177, 93, 131, 42, 21, 100, 28, 16, 221, 36, 198, 150, 62, 172, 241, 200, 18, 86, 126, 3, 153, 132, 90, 44, 228, 13]; // Lave, Zaonce, Reorte, Tionisla, Tianve, Teraed, Leesti, Isinor, Diso, Lerelace, Aronar, Aesbion, Beusrior, Isence, Qutiri, Xexedi, Tibionis, Reinen, Zarece, Laenin, Rilace, Atrabiin, Onrira, Larais, Xeeranre, Zadies, Anarlaqu, Sotiqu, Vetitice, Arexe, Rizala, Zasoceat, Reesdice, Xezaor, Xeer, Esusti, Esveor, Qurave, Edorte, Teanrebi, Velete, Anerbe, Biarge, Aona, Entizadi, Ontiat, Esesla, Biramabi, Ontimaxe,
this.planetList[1] = [202, 114, 42, 109, 127, 207, 136, 6, 24, 48, 53, 78, 204, 193, 221, 236, 66, 58, 88, 140, 189, 65, 144, 178, 45, 113, 115, 57, 94, 29, 33, 74, 122, 54, 23, 188, 82 ]; // Isonza, Teonan, Soorte, Edsodi, Ceinerxe, Inxexeat, Orrionti, Esbete, Maesaron, Atzaxe, Ausar, Erlaened, Zatebiso, Orarra, Abege, Zageuser, Onatbeza, Xeate, Gerebied, Zaaxeve, Resori, Ceiner, Diraza, Usoron, Veerge, Ustile, Anvere, Erlage, Laceteed, Esrece, Diti, Cediza, Riedin, Rave, Ridiusla, Laatso, Vezaaes
this.planetList[2] = [58, 165, 106, 198, 164]; // Radiqu, Edxeri, Ceedleon, Atius,Rerebi
this.planetList[3] = [13, 47, 130, 18, 122]; // Mavelege, Bemate, Cebitiza, Mausra, Ensoor
this.planetList[4] = [16, 193, 231, 92, 9]; // Zaaner, Vebi, Inenares, Azaenbi, Dioris
this.planetList[5] = [151, 6, 85, 146, 240]; // Teesso, Oresmaa, Celaan, Ariqu, Inesbe
this.planetList[6] = [189, 146, 130, 118, 37]; // Isdilaon, Aenbi, Ataer, Orreedon, Qutegequ
this.planetList[7] = [177, 31, 211, 157, 20]; // Ceenza, Aarzari, Biatzate, Inbein, Oredrier
this.restoreList = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // galaxies 0-7
With this:
Code: Select all
this.setUpArrays = function() {
log ( + ": Setting Up Arrays.");
this.planetList = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // galaxies 0-7
this.planetList[0] = [7, 129, 39, 124, 246, 99, 55, 154, 147, 141, 73, 50, 89, 35, 227, 250, 188, 111, 186, 101, 222, 29, 23, 177, 93, 131, 42, 21, 100, 28, 16, 221, 36, 198, 150, 62, 172, 241, 200, 18, 86, 126, 3, 153, 132, 90, 44, 228, 13]; // Lave, Zaonce, Reorte, Tionisla, Tianve, Teraed, Leesti, Isinor, Diso, Lerelace, Aronar, Aesbion, Beusrior, Isence, Qutiri, Xexedi, Tibionis, Reinen, Zarece, Laenin, Rilace, Atrabiin, Onrira, Larais, Xeeranre, Zadies, Anarlaqu, Sotiqu, Vetitice, Arexe, Rizala, Zasoceat, Reesdice, Xezaor, Xeer, Esusti, Esveor, Qurave, Edorte, Teanrebi, Velete, Anerbe, Biarge, Aona, Entizadi, Ontiat, Esesla, Biramabi, Ontimaxe,
this.planetList[1] = [202, 114, 42, 109, 127, 207, 136, 6, 24, 48, 53, 78, 204, 193, 221, 236, 66, 58, 88, 140, 189, 65, 144, 178, 45, 113, 115, 57, 94, 29, 33, 74, 122, 54, 23, 188, 82 ]; // Isonza, Teonan, Soorte, Edsodi, Ceinerxe, Inxexeat, Orrionti, Esbete, Maesaron, Atzaxe, Ausar, Erlaened, Zatebiso, Orarra, Abege, Zageuser, Onatbeza, Xeate, Gerebied, Zaaxeve, Resori, Ceiner, Diraza, Usoron, Veerge, Ustile, Anvere, Erlage, Laceteed, Esrece, Diti, Cediza, Riedin, Rave, Ridiusla, Laatso, Vezaaes
this.planetList[2] = [];
this.planetList[3] = [];
this.planetList[4] = [];
this.planetList[5] = [];
this.planetList[6] = [];
this.planetList[7] = [];
this.restoreList = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // galaxies 0-7
This is a very quick and dirty fix, but it should work. No, I have not tested it yet.