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A Nooby question

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A Nooby question

Post by Snaphaan »

Last night I finally got the hang of this docking thing. Seems easy enough when you figure it out. :)

Now I have a another problem... or maybe not a problem. Maybe I'm just need to learn some patience.

After I jumped to a new system I usually travel hyperspeed as far as I can untill it gets locked. Then I sit back and cruise, and wait and wait... untill I finally reach the station. Sometimes I get another passing at hyperspeed but not always.

Is this right? Or is there some other approach, thats a bit less time consuming.

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Post by Thargoid »

You're being mass-locked by other ships. Other ships are mainly to be found on the direct route between the witchpoint and the main station/planet.

So the simplest way to avoid the other ships and not get mass locked would be...?
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Post by Killer Wolf »

"So the simplest way to avoid the other ships and not get mass locked would be...?"

kill em!
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Post by Yodeebe »

ha ha :lol:
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Post by drew »

You want to get yourself some witchspace fuel injectors.


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Post by Kaks »

Before getting injectors, you can just try and avoid traffic jams: as Thargoid has hinted above, the quickest route between two points is not always a straight line! :D
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by JazHaz »

Best thing to do when you enter a system is to fly at 90° to the planet at "hyperspeed" as you call it (actually its a jumpdrive) for a few seconds, and then point back at the planet. That way you will avoid the main spacelane.

However if you have installed the Deep Space Pirates OXP, then you will still get attacked away from the spacelane.

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Post by Newt_Othis »

It's great how the game evolves the longer you play it...

First, it's a case of patience and strategic decisions as you find your own way to play. Slowly building cash while you try to stay out of trouble.

Then, it's 'Pimp my ride' with any spare cash. Before you know it, your priorities have changed completely.

Then, well, the Ooniverse is your oyster as you never know what OXP will appear next.

Love it!
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Post by Commander McLane »

Hi, Snaphaan, and welcome to the Ooniverse! :D

By the way, you can also find the answer to your question and many more questions in the Oolite FAQ over at the Elite Wiki. :wink:
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Post by Darkbee »

The deep space pirates OXP is interesting. I've been wondering lately if there was a way to up the chance of encountering pirates. I'm currently deadly, flying a Wolf MkII and have just about all the equipment you can possibly have, I'm just itching to get me some kills but most systems just leave me wanting. Sounds like this OXP might be just the ticket.

Too often it seems, I catch a glimpse of battles way off in the distance but when I arrive I find nothing but debris and the chance of a kill gone. I think in general the balance of ships is just about right, and the fact that other ships are always interacting (which you may or may not see) definitely gives the game the feel that it's not just all revolving around you (even though it literally is). I'll have to try out this OXP though and see if it adds that "straying off the beaten path" factor that I would feel realistically would exist. I seem to remember that there would also be a good chance of pirates lurking near the sun to catch sun skimmers. I haven't encountered too much of that thus far (although it has happened).
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Post by Switeck »

Deep Space Pirates are most common in a zone around the normal space lane running from witchpoint beacon to planet. The catch have to be at least 100 km from the spacelane but less than 300 km away from it.

Use the framerate indicator (Shift+F) to determine this. If the 1st or 2nd numbers are over 100000 but less than 300000, you should be in the most likely to trigger deep space pirates zone. Being at hyperspeed (using the torus) may be required also to trigger an encounter.
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Post by Smivs »

Darkbee wrote:
The deep space pirates OXP is interesting. I've been wondering lately if there was a way to up the chance of encountering pirates. I'm currently deadly, flying a Wolf MkII and have just about all the equipment you can possibly have, I'm just itching to get me some kills but most systems just leave me wanting. Sounds like this OXP might be just the ticket.
Hi Darkbee,
If you looking for a fight, another good OXP is Galactic Navy. You can sign up as a reservist and then you'll be offered missions with the Navy. These are mostly against Thargoids (with Battleships and Cruisers far tougher than the regular Thargoids you'll encounter) but there are also several sorties against big Pirate groups, and these will often have stolen (rogue) naval Frigates as well as the usual mix of smaller ships. Enormous fun.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

JazHaz wrote:
(actually its a jumpdrive)...
Actually, its a plot-device... :wink:
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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