Eric Walch wrote:Is the version number an error? 0.1 -> 0.2 -> 3.0 or missed I some versions?
I just tested it with a seedy space bar. On reloading the saved game, I entered in a loop of docking and launching. After some time I got an arrival report were I 4 times was fined with 5000 credits for docking without clearance. And than a crash to desktop.
I think the seedy bars must be added on the banned list because save everywhere is not able to add a correct space bar. The main reason is that JS can only identify a ship by its role and not by its key. And the bars have a primaryRole that does not exist in shipdata.plist. Therefor spawning a ship with the old primaryRole fails and save_anywhere is not prepared for that.
For 1.73 and older it was needed for the market that the primaryRole of the station matched an entry in commodities.plist. And instead of adding 42 different entries in commodities.plist for every of the 42 possible space bars, it was easier to just add one entry and make that all space bars have just that single role after spawning. And there are more reasons for a script to change roles after adding to the system, so I might expect some more stations giving similar problems.
Could you send me the save file in question ?. or tell in what system/galaxy this happened ?..
I think what happend here was that you somehow got landing clearence set to on for all stations.. even custom oxp onces.. is this not one of thargoids oxps doing this.
this is the likely Scenario
1 you reloaded your game, got launched from the main station
2 you dock with the intermediate station, and somehow get launched again either by another OXP or manually, in which case saveAnywhere will forceful re-dock you with the intermediate station, and each time you where fined.. am i right ? because it sounds as if you got fined 4 times after docking at the space bar..
3 finally you docked with the space bar, which should be spawned by the random hits script, rather than being spawned by SaveAnywhere.oxp.. all that should allready have been taken care of at launch from main station... that was one of the main reasons that you had to wait in the intermediate station before being docked to the OXP station where initiated the save game.
as a side note, saveAnywhere does not spawn any of the surroundings when the station already exists meaning that it is being spawned by its own script. This is also true for mainstations.
i.e.. You can have a large battle going on outside the main station, make a save, reload the savegame and be launched out where now, no battle is taking place.
the save anywhere script is big & scary and can be misinterpreted easily, even by its author..
but the basic guideline is.
Anything that is not already spawned will be spawned: IF surroundings was saved in the save file, and the parent station i.e. rockhermit. is succesfully spawned...
the script actually makes 50 attempts at spawning the correct station by matching the AI.plist file to one saved in the save file, before moving the correctly spawned station to position where the game was saved..
Anyway, the landing clearence mess, can be avoided with setting the requiresLandingClearence to false while docking, this will be added with the next version.. I'll try to get it done this evening.. because it should be easy to make..
Cheers Frame...'
Edit Like this
Code: Select all
this.dockplayer = function()
this.stationfortimer.saveAnywhereLandingClearence = this.stationfortimer.requiresDockingClearance
this.stationfortimer.requiresDockingClearance = this.stationfortimer.saveAnywhereLandingClearence