Galactic Navy: Mission help [solved]

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Galactic Navy: Mission help [solved]

Post by maik »

Does someone have a complete walkthrough for the mission that is offered after completing 10 reserve sorties? For my taste there are not enough hints about what is expected from the player...
Last edited by maik on Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Galactic Navy: Mission help

Post by Smivs »

maik wrote:
Does someone have a complete walkthrough for the mission that is offered after completing 10 reserve sorties? For my taste there are not enough hints about what is expected from the player...
Hi Maik,
Yeah, I'm sort of on that mission too. Sort of because at the moment I seem stuck in Limbo.
I accepted the mission and headed off for Ririso in search of my quarry. I got waylaid a couple of planets before I got there by 'Headhunters', who I managed to see off eventually, but no sign of Admiral K at Ririso when I got there. From enquiries I made at the time it seems that the Headhunters are associated with the mission, but seemed to be a Red Herring.
As I understand it you just have to keep looking...Admiral K could be anywhere in Galaxy 6, and will still be there even if you leave. You could go through all the Galaxies and when you get back to 6 he'll still be there.
Possible Spoiler Vs lbh svaq Aryyvr, V oryvrir lbh fubhyq qbpx jvgu ure. (V unq n farnxl ybbx ng gur zvffvba fpevcg va gur BKC gb gel gb trg fbzr pyhrf, ohg fgbccrq gurer). (rot13)
I'm currently just going about my normal business (trading/bounty hunting) and just hope that something will turn up.

Just a suggestion:- should you add a 'Possible Spoilers' warning to the Subject. As the poster you can edit this.
Happy hunting and good luck,

Edit:- Thanks for the reminder about rot13. Above post amended.
Last edited by Smivs on Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maik »

Hi Smivs,

thanks for that, I think I'm already somewhat further though.

To assemble a walkthrough, I recommend encoding the individual steps with rot13. That way people can take hints one step at a time.

Step 1:
V sbhaq Nqzveny Xhegm va gur flfgrz vaqvpngrq ol gur zvffvba oevrsvat: syl nebhaq gur cynarg gbjneqf vgf vagrefrpgvba jvgu gur fha, gura lbh'yy svaq Xhegm' syrrg, vapyhqvat gur Orurzbgu Aryyvr. jura lbh qbpx jvgu vg lbh rapbhagre Xhegm.

Step 2:
Nqzveny Xhegm nfxf lbh vs lbh jnag gb wbva uvz be yrnir ntnva. Vs lbh wbva uvz, lbh raq hc svaqvat bhg gung gur Anil jnf evtug nobhg uvz, yrnir uvf Orurzbgu naq orpbzr n shtvgvir evtug njnl. Guvf frrzf gb or gur raq bs gur fgbel, V qvqa'g lrg gel gb tb onpx gb uvf Orurzbgu. Vs lbh qrpyvar gb wbva uvz, lbh ner serr gb tb. Fb sne V bayl gevrq tbvat gb gur arnerfg FrpPbz fgngvba, ubcvat gung V jbhyq trg arj beqref gurer ohg ab fhpu yhpx. Arkg guvat V jvyy gel vf tbvat nyy gur jnl onpx gb jurer V erprvirq gur zvffvba oevrsvat.

Any pointers about how to go about from here are greatly appreciated. As I said, I'm a bit lost and I don't fancy searching the great big ol' ooniverse for a chance hint...
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Post by Smivs »

maik wrote:

Step 2:
Nqzveny Xhegm nfxf lbh vs lbh jnag gb wbva uvz be yrnir ntnva. Vs lbh wbva uvz, lbh raq hc svaqvat bhg gung gur Anil jnf evtug nobhg uvz, yrnir uvf Orurzbgu naq orpbzr n shtvgvir evtug njnl. Guvf frrzf gb or gur raq bs gur fgbel, V qvqa'g lrg gel gb tb onpx gb uvf Orurzbgu. Vs lbh qrpyvar gb wbva uvz, lbh ner serr gb tb. Fb sne V bayl gevrq tbvat gb gur arnerfg FrpPbz fgngvba, ubcvat gung V jbhyq trg arj beqref gurer ohg ab fhpu yhpx. Arkg guvat V jvyy gel vf tbvat nyy gur jnl onpx gb jurer V erprvirq gur zvffvba oevrsvat.
Hi Maik,
On reading the above I went back and found what I was looking for...thanks.

Onevat va zvaq jr unir gb trg Xhegm onpx gb gur Anil, V gubhtug nobhg ubj gb trg uvz bss gur Aryyvr. Orvat abar gbb fhogyr V qrpvqrq gb gel gb qrfgebl vg naq frr vs ur rwrpgrq va na rfpncr cbq. V qvq znantr gb xvyy gur Orurzbgu, ohg ur qvqa'g rwrpg
Qvfnccbvagvat, ohg vg jnf sha naq V yvirq gb gryy gur gnyr!

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Post by maik »

Smivs wrote:
Disappointing, but it was fun and I lived to tell the tale!

I just tried something else, also not successful:
V jrag onpx gb gur Aryyvr gb frr vs V jbhyq trg nabgure rapbhagre jvgu Xhegm. Ubjrire, gur Orurzbgu jnf tbar. V sbhaq vg zvqjnl orgjrra gur fgngvba naq gur jvgpucbvag, fvggvat gurer jvgu vgf syrrg, abg zbivat va rvgure qverpgvba. Fb V qbpxrq jvgu Aryyvr ntnva ohg abguvat unccrarq fgbel-jvfr. Jung jnf fgenatr jnf gung gurer jnf nabgure anzr ohg Aryyvr va gur qbpxvat onl juvyr zl fuvc pbzchgre fnvq vg jnf Aryyvr naq nyfb gur anzr ba gur fvqr bs gur Orurzbgu fnvq Aryyvr. Gur svefg gvzr V sbhaq vg vg nyfb fnvq Aryyvr va gur qbpxvat onl... fb, V'z bss gb Hfdhng abj, guvf vf jurer V tbg gur zvffvba va gur svefg cynpr. Vg'f n ybat wbhearl fb V jnagrq gb gel bgure bcgvbaf svefg...

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Post by Eric Walch »

maik wrote:
I just tried something else, also not successful:
I know there is a bug in neolite-megaships.oxp that cripples the behemots because it is overwriting behemoth files with different information than Galactic navy.oxp needs. I tested it in the pasts: the Nelie part is not working in combination with neolite-megaships.oxp.
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Post by maik »

Thanks, I quickly checked but I'm not using neolite-megaships. What I am using is

Code: Select all

Anarchies2.3.oxp              The Feudal States v1.7.oxp
Assassins.oxp                 Trident Down v1.5.oxp
BGS-A1.0.oxp                  UPS-courier v1.7.2.oxp
BehemothSpacewar 1.2.3.oxp    Vector1.3.2.oxp
BlOomberg Markets v2.1.oxp    adcks_behemoths_v1.2.oxp
Cataclysm.oxp                 aegidian-special.oxp
Commies.oxp                   captKev_dodo.oxp
Config                        genericHUD.oxp
Deposed1.3.4.oxp              griff_krait_v1.1.oxp
Dredgers 2.4.2.oxp            griff_prototype_boa.oxp
Executive Spaceways v2.3.oxp  griff_shipset_dizzy's_all_in_1.oxp
Famous_Planets_v2.0.oxp       hOopyCasino1.2.oxp
Galactic_Navy 5.2.2.oxp       impcourier2.oxp
Generation Ships 1.1.oxp      interstellar_help.oxp
Hawksound.oxp                 lovecats 1.2.1.oxp
Oo-Haul.oxp                   marett_vol1_b.oxp
PlanetFall 1.30.oxp           military Fiasco 2.5.oxp
RandomHits1.4.3.oxp	        murgh_Xships.oxp
Saleza v2.oxp                 nuvipers.oxp
SecondWave 1.30.oxp           sell_equipment.oxp
Shady_blackmonks.oxp          thargoid_wars 4.5.oxp
Snoopers2.0.3.oxp             thargoidcarrier.oxp
TCAT 1.03.oxp                 transports.oxp
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Post by maik »

Alright, we can strike another option off the list:

V jrag onpx gb gur FrpPbz fgngvba jurer V erprvirq gur zvffvba gb cvpx hc Xhegm va ubcrf gung gurl jbhyq tvir zr n arj uvag. Ghearq bhg gurl qvqa'g.

So, what does that leave us with? Nothing for the moment. Except quite a bit of frustration from wasting time and no hint as to what to do next :?

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Post by Smivs »

Hi Maik,
Almost there. I'll do this in stages in case you don't want to know it all.
Spoiler Alert Galactic Navy special ops mission possible solution.

1) Nffhzvat lbh'ir qbpxrq jvgu Aryyvr naq yrsg ntnva, zbir n fnsr qvfgnapr sebz gur syrrg, naq nggnpx gur Aryyvr. Qba'g qrfgebl vg ohg jnvg gvyy lbh trg 'fcnexf'.
Zbir va n ovg pybfre naq fgnl nyreg.

2) Lbh jvyy urne n zrffntr sebz n Aniny Fuhggyr. Guvf jvyy fubj ba gur fpnaare fb lbh pna ybpngr gur fuhggyr. Nccebnpu vg.

3) Pnershyyl bcra sver ba gur fuhggyr. Na rfpncr cbq jvyy wrggvfba. V'z fher guvf cbq pbagnvaf Nqzveny Xhegm.
Gung'f nf sne nf V tbg. Gur fuhggyr zbirq fb snfg V pbhyqa'g pngpu vg. Vg urnqrq sbe gur cynarg naq V syrj gbb ybj. Onat!
Arkg gvzr V'yy znxr fher V'z orgjrra gur cynarg naq gur onggyrtebhc orsber V fgneg zl nggnpx, naq gel gb teno gur cbq orsber vg fcrrqf hc gbb zhpu.

Couldn't do any more...adrenaline had done my reflexes in. :)
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Post by maik »

Hey Smivs,

great, thanks!

V tbg nyzbfg nf sne nf lbh tbg. V nggnpxrq gur Aryyvr, qrnyg jvgu nyy gur nggnpx pensg, tbg gur Fuhggyr gb yrnir gur Aryyvr, sbyybjrq gur Fuhggyr, tnir vg n srj ebhaqf, ohg qrfgeblrq vg orsber na rfpncr pncfhyr pnzr bhg :? V gubhtug V jnf orvat pnershy... Nsgrejneqf V naavuvyngrq gur jubyr syrrg gb purre zr hc ntnva :twisted:

So, will try again 8)
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Post by maik »

Mmmmh, tried twice again, both times with the same result as above :? Arkg gvzr V'yy gel ercynpvat bar bs zl zvyvgnel ynfref jvgu n ornz ynfre.

How did you manage?
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Post by Smivs »

V'z fgvyy ng gur cynarg. Ner lbh fgvyy zrrgvat gur Syrrg orgjrra gur cynarg naq gur jvgpucbvag? V qba'g xabj vs guvf znxrf n qvssrerapr.
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Post by maik »

Nope, V jrag onpx gb na byqre fnir fgngr juvpu fgnegf bar flfgrz orsber V rapbhagre Xhegm, fb uvf syrrg jnf nyjnlf orgjrra gur cynarg naq gur fha.

Nsgre svggvat gur ornz ynfre gb cbeg V jrag bhg sbe gur sbhegu gvzr gb svanyyl pncgher uvz--naq guvf gvzr vg jbexrq! Nccneragyl gur fuhggyr zber rnfvyl jvgufgnaqf uvgf sebz n ornz ynfre guna sebz n zvyvgnel. Xhegm rwrpgrq sebz gur fuhggyr va uvf rfpncr pncfhyr naq V cvpxrq vg hc :Q Lbhe fgnghf punatrf onpx gb pyrna gura ogj, V jnf nyernql pbaprearq gung V'q unir gb pbiregyl tb sebz flfgrz gb flfgrz.

V gbbx Xhegm gb gur arnerfg FrpPbz fgngvba, jnf pbashfrq ng svefg orpnhfr gurer jnf ab jnez jrypbzr, ohg jura V pubfr gb tb nobhg zl bja ohfvarff V erprvirq n grefr zrffntr fnlvat gunax lbh naq urer ner lbhe 25x perqvgf. Gurer jrer ab shegure vapvqragf nybat gur jnl.

I'll create a wiki page about this solution, that will be easier to find when this thread here gets old.
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Post by Smivs »

Well done. :D
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Post by maik »

Smivs wrote:
Well done. :D
Thanks! Especially for your help when I was stuck :)

I just created the wiki page with the walkthrough.

Feel free to edit it with your own advice, e.g. alternate tactics!
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