Trunk Revision: 3241 Log Errors

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Trunk Revision: 3241 Log Errors

Post by NorthenderPNE »

Was just checking my logs as i do on a regular basis and came across this in my log file.

Code: Select all

[ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x96332f0>{"Fer-de-Lance"} from <no AI>:(nil) to "zonkedAI.plist" - could not load file.
And then on a separate occasion, about 30 min's later.

Code: Select all

[ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0xa2232b8>{"Asp Mark II"} from <no AI>:(nil) to "zonkedAI.plist" - could not load file.
I removed all my oxps and even when adding them all i was unable to replicate the errors, and even when the oxps were removed. Anyway, I just thought i'd point it out. Guess it didn't load properly.

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Post by Kaks »

Looks like there's an OXP somewhere that's trying to use zonkedAI, and the zonkedAI file is missing... If you search for the text 'zonkedAI' inside all the files inside the AddOns folder (I recommend you use notepad++ to search for that text - sometimes the windows search doesn't seem that accurate to me, but I might be doing it wrong) we should be able to track down where that problem is coming from... :)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by JensAyton »

This is an OXP error. Not seeing it again just means the game hasn’t tried to spawn that particular ship again.

Any OXPers feel they might have lost a “zonkedAI.plist” somewhere?
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Post by NorthenderPNE »

Thanks guys, i found the offending oxp with your help of course. It was the ferdepai.oxp. I used windows grep to search my addons for zonkedAI and it came up in the shipdata.plist.

So i replaced the entry to pirateAI.plist. So hopefully that will resolve the issue. Or failing that i'll delete it.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. With love and affection always.

:D :wink:
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