The Labour/Tory Propaganda War - loving it!

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Cmdr James
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Post by Cmdr James »

Its not that wrong, just take out the excess www ... +Headlines
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Post by Disembodied »

Chrisfs wrote:
One thing that caught me off guard as an American outsider to British politics is that the Prime Minister that supported the Iraq War was from Labor.
Specifically, though, he was from New Labour. Throughout the 1980s the Labour Party spent a lot of time fighting off an attempted takeover from the far left; unfortunately they were so busy doing that they didn't notice that in the 1990s they'd been taken over by the centre-right. New Labour is a strange beast: it's funded by the unions (and a scattering of tax-dodging multimillionaires), and it has many straightforwardly socialist members and even some MPs. But the central party has almost completely converted itself into something along the European Christian Democrat model, with a really unpleasant authoritarian streak.
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Post by BlackKnight »

Disembodied wrote:
[url=[/url]... and the most sensible response I've heard to the prospect of a hung parliament is "Hanging's too good for them". ;)
As a life-long inhabitant of this sceptic isle (apart from occasional forays outside our borders), I love both of these! And that's got nothing to do with how I vote, either. I'm a firm beliver in the old adage that you can tell a Politician (of any party or denomination) is lying if his, her or it's lips move...
Disembodied wrote:
Oh yes, and our head of state is hereditary, we have no written constitution and our entire upper chamber of parliament is unelected. Until 1999 people could inherit the right to sit there (and we still have 92 members who get to sit in there because of who their great-great-great-etc. grandparents were, or at least who they slept with). And Bishops of the Church of England get to sit in there too, and fiddle about with the laws as if they knew what they were doing. And all decisions are communicated to the House of Commons in bad medieval French. Welcome to Britain!
That's not quite true now. Since Tony Bliar brought in the Parliament Act a few years ago, the sitting Government can over-ride anything the House of Lords says, regardless of how the Peers vote (and that was quite interesting as well, since Bliar was the one who promised to get rid of the Lords if/when he got in, then started putting his own friends in there instead... I know a few Labourites who were a bit, um, surprised by that little gem...

The funniest thing about Gordon Brown's speech was how he seeks a mandate to continue with his good works with respect to democracy in England - like increasingly harsh controls on who, what and where the average member of the public can see/do or go., and trying to fiddle the boundaries on the electoral areas to benefit a certain political party at the expense of the others...

And you reall, really don't want to get me started on his claims to support the UK's Armed Forces... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Oh yeah, one final thing - I know it's nit-picky and pendantic, but it's the LABOUR party - there's a "U" in there!! If only you gorram Colonials could learn to speak and spell properly! :oops:

(Please note, the coloUred bit is supposed to be a joke, so I hope I haven't really offended anyone!)
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Post by Chrisfs »

Diziet Sma wrote:
That is one seriously borked URL.. :shock: wanna try again? ... _20100405/

That works. sorry about that.
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Post by Diziet Sma »

Cmdr James wrote:
Its not that wrong, just take out the excess www ... +Headlines
I tried that.. still didn't work.. it had a hissy-fit about the feedburner bit.. though your link works fine.. thanks!
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