on an even more unrelated note, do all the OXP's on Oosat work with V1.55? obviously excluding the ones that say something like "upgraded for V1.53 haha!
They should. All of them. Of course, there's never a 200% guarantee, sometimes new code in newer Oolite versions causes older OXP to 'stumble'...
I like the idea of having it as standard, too - it adds a lot to the game universe for me, ranking right up there with the rock hermits. I'm sure the original Elite guys would have wanted a Behemoth, if it had been possible back then!
I did my first mis-jump and encountered the Behemoth launching ships and fighting Thargoid warships. This was absolutely brilliant, and is a beautiful thing to see for any long-time Elite fan.
Yes, great spacebattles happening then... You can dock with them too, when all the baddies are gone (before that too, but not so wise a tactical move, heehee) ... It saves you fuel, when it hyperspaces out, taking you with it...