Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

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The Mekon
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Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by The Mekon »


Long long time since I posted, Aeos actually :D . Playing late early version of Oolite. Have long Range Scanner but also have the Thargoid Witchspace OXP in my AddOn folder.

Ability is Elite BUT I'm playing from scratch, score is 98, to get said TWSD.

How many "$^&%£"** Thargoids do I have to kill in Interstallar Space to get the drive ???. Yeah I know the %'s of getting one but I've hundreds of Thargoids, loading up on 35 Alien Items at a time BUT NO DRIVE from exploding Thargoids.

Are the Long Range Scanner and Witchdrive compatible as I'm just playing the game to get the drive, its only thing I've not achieved in previous games.

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Re: Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by Switeck »

Long Range Scanner is compatible, and what's more it's a better jump tool if you're going short distances between regular systems.
It's designed mostly as a cheating tool for add-on testers and developers.

The chance of a Thargoid core dropping from a Thargoid kill is extremely low if you have a low kill score.

Code: Select all

chance = player.score/25600
I just so happen to have a BIG announcement concerning Thargoid Witchspace Drive!
I made a slightly-improved mod for it due to a bug I encountered when using it.

See details here:
https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.ph ... 58#p293258
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Thargoid Witchspace Drive

Post by The Mekon »

Furthert nto previous :_

I*'m living in Witchspace, I've taken over 300 ''alien items', Thargoid fighters back to normal space to sell.

By my reckoning thats at least 60 minimum Warships killed, AND still no Thargoid Witchspace DRive has has appeared ?.

Switek, thanks for comment my score is in the high 500's, near Elite reqired score, allegedley the higher your score the greater the chance of said TWSD.

Not into progrmming so have no idea how to 'tweak' the programme'

Point is been playing since 2oo2, been Elite at least twice and the only thing not achieved is the Thargoid Drive.

OK, lots of adventures etc I've not tried BUT WANT the drive, please advise.
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Re: Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by Switeck »

I had over 3000 kills before I saw the Thargoid cores dropped sometimes.

I'm also still working on more Thargoid Witchspace Drive changes, as its code is complex possibly due to workaround methods of doing things when it was made back in 2012.
The changes will be overwhelmingly cosmetic, as I don't want to change much.

You can also edit the code used for drop chance if you are comfortable working with (strangely-named) zip files and editing the main script in wordpad or notepad.

Is there any chance the reason you don't see Thargoid core drops because you're already carrying one that needs to be fitted?
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Re: Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by hiran »

If you cannot easily tweak the code there is something else you can do. It also involves changes on the matrix or the behind:
Open a savegame in a text editor. Find the key ship_kills and append a few nines to that value. Save the file and load the savegame in Oolite.

Your chances of seeing the TWSD should have increased.
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Re: Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by The Mekon »

many thanks, Ill ghive it a shot regards
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Re: Long Range Acanner/Thargoid Witchspace Drive compatibility

Post by Switeck »

New update for Thargoid Witchspace Drive here:
https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.ph ... 66#p293866

...but it won't be any easier to get one for your ship in-game, as that logic is still untouched!
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