New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

Thanks for all the help. I think I've fixed the frangibility problem now (I think it owed to a line of space, or to a missing semicolon). Also, I've compressed the textures and I've implemented a few other changes-cum-fixes.

Same link as before, namely,
EDIT (March 20th): A much improved version is now available.
Last edited by UK_Eliter on Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by fronclynne »

Just minor error, but ferdelance_3g.png & ferdelance_3g+.png should be ferdelance_3G.png & ferdelance_3G+.png respectively (or vice versa in the Models/), as linux is a touch particular about case.

Though the solid hot-pink with no markings ships are kinda cute, too.
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Fer-de-Lance 3G - UPDATED again

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

I've uploaded ( and available via the wiki) a new version of this OXP. The old one had many problems with its non-player character ships. The new version still has problems - some of them seemingly owing to a problem with one of Oolite's in-built routines (namely, 'performAttack') - but hopefully the worst problems that were besetting the OXP are now fixed. Please see the readme file within the OXP for more information. Cheers!
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by mcarans »

Hi UK_Eliter,

Thanks for your new OXPs.

Please keep the length of your descriptions for OXPs to be that of the existing entries in the list or shorter. The idea is that it works for as many people as possible and that descriptions fit on one line even at modest resolutions. Sorry to be anal about it, but the list will swiftly become a mess (like previous incarnations) if people start competing to write the longest description.

I have edited your entries to an appropriate length. If you change them, please do not make them any longer.

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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear Mike

Right you are!

PS for anyone who has downloaded the latest version of my OXP: I forgot to turn off some debugging switches. Hence you'll be seeing a lot of the 3Gs! To fix this problem, please change the two variables mentioned in the README file (the 'alwaysSpawnInInterstellar' and 'alwaysSpawnInNormal' variables within the 'populator script') to 'false'. Sorry about that. I'm about to upload a fixed version.
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by mcarans »

Hi UK_Eliter,


If you wish to have longer descriptions, then from the OXP List you could either link to another wiki page or your own web site, but perhaps easier is to link to a post on this forum that describes your OXP(s).

If you want to link to a particular message, there is a symbol next to the word "Posted" for each message that if you right click it, allows you to copy the url of that particular message eg. this is a link to an older post of yours about the Fer-De-Lance Third Generation OXP: ... 96#p135396

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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by Optimus »

Another cosmetic capital letter bug. At line 27 shipdata.plist you use "ferdelance_3G.png" (small "f") but texture name are "Ferdelance_3G.png" (Capital "F"). Its matter under Linux, be careful plz :)
Installed: E2F(dosbox), JJFFE_hell_mod(wine), Vegastrike(native), Oolite(native), Pioneer(native)
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »


I've fixed that just now. (Excuse: it was my first OXP!) I fixed another bug, too. And, to celebrate, I've made a few other changes too. New version available from the wiki. All this said: I'm having trouble spawning the new ships - and indeed various classes of ships - for testing purposes. .

EDIT: right - all is working (and uploaded) now!
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G - NEW VERSION (31st De

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

I've uploaded a new version of this OXP (and indeed new versions of all my OXPs).

Download location (which is the same as previously):

'Share and enjoy'.
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »


Version 4.5 is now out. Changes since the last published version (= 4.43):

- slight tweaks and a few fixes;
- better fleeing from Q-mines for some NPCs.

Download from here:
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

New version (4.6) available from same address as before. New and (slightly) improved!
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

4.7 - which fixes some problems - is now available in the usual place (= or via the OXP wiki).
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

There's an important update to this OXPnow available. From the readme to this version:


Code: Select all



CHANGELOG of recent changes

Changes since 4.71:
- Thoroughly optimised, simplified, with improvements to AIs, and altogether better-ised;
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G [Update for Oolite 1.8

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all

A new version of my Fer-de-lance 3G OXP is available for download This version is compatible with Oolite 1.8 and not compatible with earlier versions of Oolite. Bugs have been fixed and code optimised but there are not really any substantial changes.

The previous version of the expansion pack - a version that is compatible with Oolite <1.8 - is available via the old OXP list and my usual address.
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Re: New version of my Fer-de-Lance 3G

Post by UK_Eliter »

Update the expansion pack to version 6.03. This version makes some of the 3G ships less common within systems. However, the ships are still too common - but I put that down to two few expansion packs using the new Oolite ship roles; once those packs make greater use of those roles, the problem - of too many 3G ships - should be fixed.
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