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The Behemoths

PAGrooves Behemoth

Military Station Type 1, Escape Pod, Asp.
Viper, lander.

More ships,
sorry about the darkness,
will get better pics.

Military Station Type 2
More pics later!
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Incompatible with the original behemoths.oxp. It will not work properly if you have both installed as the original ones may overwrite the new ones. You can use both, but it's not recomended.
Currently incompatible with neolites-megaships.oxp, will be fixed at a later date.
To get the full effect of this oxp, it's strongly recomended you download Nemoricus' Galactic Navy.
ADCK's Behemoths V1.2 OXP
Version 1.2 Download Link
Based on the original behemoths.oxp by Aegidian, Galctic_Navy.oxp by Nemoricus, and thargoidcarrier.oxp by Selezen.
*Concept and Idea: ADCK,
*New textures and models (those not listed below): ADCK
*Type 1 & 2 models based on models by: Aegidian
*Frigate models based on models by: Nemoricus
*"DamagedThargoid", "DamagedThargon", "medship", "shuttle", "transport", "transporter", "escape-pod", Viper & Asp models: from neolites by Simon B
*Military Station Type 1, Minesweeper, Radar Models: Nemoricus
*Thargoid Carrier model by SELEZEN.
*Asp (Not the neolites.oxp one), Cobra1, Cobra3, Krait, Mamba and Python models based on original models by David Braben and Ian Bells "Elite"
*Shader files: from neolites by Simon B
*Type 1 hi-res retextures: PAGroove
(Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Find this and more OXP's at: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/OXP#Table_of_all_OXPs
Wiki Page
Adds Navy Behemoths and their support to the game, including:
*Two versions of Aegidian's "Type 1" Behemoth, remodelled slightly.
*Two versions of Aegidian's "Type 2" Behemoth, remodelled slightly.
*Two versions of ADCK's "Type 3" Behemoth.
*Two versions of ADCK's "Type 4" Behemoth.
*Two versions of Aegidian's "Type 1" Behemoth, retextured by PAGroove.
*Two versions of Nemoricus's Galactic Navy's Frigate, remodelled slightly.
*New Asp, Cobra1, Cobra3, Krait, Mamba, and Python models and textures, made by ADCK.
*New "Rock Hermit" model and textures, for use in Gal Navy missions and rarely as a base.
*Eight versions of ADCK's Thargoid.
*A new retexture of Selezen's Thargoid Carrier.
*A new thargoid carrier by ADCK.
*A new Military Station by ADCK.
*A new class of ship "Destroyer" with a massive cannon on the front. by ADCK.
*New viper and asp defense ships, "medship", "shuttle", "transport", "transporter" using Simon B's models from neolites.
*All of the above are retextured with shaders.
*Over 100 "named" behemoths, all with their own nameplates.
*Retextured versions of Nemoricus' Military Station Type 1, Minesweeper, Radar. With Shaders.
*Retextured versions of Simon B's Thargoid and Thargon.
Future Plans:
(To be updated)
Before installation, be sure to delete any previous versions of behemoths.oxp or adcks_behemoths.oxp.
Extract the adcks_behemoths.oxp into your Addons directory of Oolite. Just to be sure startup Oolite with the SHIFT-key pressed until you see the spinning CobraMKIII.
Law Stuffs:
Please read the 2 readme's in the "Original Readmes" folder for legal information regarding the Type 1 & 2 behemoths, turrets, AI's, plists, and scripts.
Thargoid Carrier model remains property of SELEZEN, refer to thargoid-carrier.oxp documentation for more info.
Military Station Type 1, Minesweeper, Radar models remains property of Nemoricus, refer to galactic-navy.oxp documentation for more info.
The following models: (Original name in brackets)
*Damaged-Thargoid (Thargoid)
*Damaged-Thargon (Thargon)
*Medship (Moray)
*Shuttle (Worm)
*Transport (Anaconda)
*Lander (Transporter)
-and Shader files, remain property of Simon B, refer to neolites.oxp documentation for more info.
The following models:
*Destroyer (and its ammo)
*Military Station Type 2
*Type 3 & 4 behemoths
*Asp (Not the neolites.oxp one)
*Rock Hermit
*All Thargoids (excluding 2 from neolites by Simon B, and The original Thargoid Carrier by SELEZEN)
-and all textures in the textures folder (excluding 2 Type 1 retextures by PAGroove)
are works of ADCK and are Public Domain and are yours to do with as you please.
If I have missed crediting anyone, please contact ADCK at "https://bb.oolite.space/index.php" so this list can be updated.
List of all involved directly or inderectly:
*Aegidian. (Behemoths)
*Simon B. (Neolites)
*Selezen. (Thargoid Carrier)
*Nemoricus. (Galactic Navy)
*David Braben and Ian Bell. (Elite)
Old Versions: See above for latest version.
Version 1.1:
Version 1.1 Download Link
Version 1.0:
Version 1.0 Download Link
V1.0 Updated texture